Palestine - Diplomacy

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Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 05, 2011
Interestingly, there are some old threads which look at the Palestinian diplomatic moves to gaining formal recognition of statehood.

There's this long thread from Nov 2009:

Monday, 16 November 2009
Palestinian leaders from President Mahmoud Abbas down have alarmed Israeli ministers by swinging their weight behind a planned effort to secure UN backing for a unilaterally declared independent state in the West Bank and Gaza.

It shows they are on target with the timescales, and their objectives seem to be working as planned too. Interesting to read back what was said then.

A nice spin off from that discussion was a set of facts about the conflict:

1. Israel has made no concessions in the peace negotiations - it has been all the Palestinians
2. Israel broke the truce and lied about why it was bombing Gaza and killing civilians (by saying Hamas broke the truce)
3. Israel have 78% of the land and Palestinians are settling for 22% - but Israel is reluctant to settle for this and seems to want more - specfically building more illegal colonies in the 22% that is not Israel.
4. Israel is unequivocably breaking international law in East Jerusalem by annexing it.
5. B'tselem say Israel in East Jerusalem is discriminating against the non-Israeli residents.

These are facts that aren't disputed. (Rather excuses are always given for why Israel should be allowed to break international law etc - it's the 'mooslims who hate us' is a recurring theme)


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 05, 2011
I thought it was their mantra.
Bora Bora
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Re: Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 05, 2011
Bora - that was almost FDesque in crypticness, but you've lost me. ;)

Who's mantra? and what is it? :D

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 05, 2011
shafique wrote:Bora - that was almost FDesque in crypticness, but you've lost me. ;)

Who's mantra? and what is it? :D


Israel's mantra of "all mooslims hate us". :wink:

Mantra: A statement that is frequently repeated; a characteristic formula or refrain.

Come on Shaf, keep up with me!!!!
Bora Bora
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Re: Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 05, 2011
Ahh, it becomes clear... totally agree. On board now. :D :D

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Re: Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 05, 2011
Interesting. Two years later Pali's still don't have a state and would be long gone bankrupt without international aid.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 05, 2011
What is interesting is that you're trying to spin an article which stated they'd take two years to get to where they are. :roll:

They are on target. Remarkable really.

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Re: Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 05, 2011
If Pali statehood becomes to close for Hamas' comfort I am pretty sure they will anything to undermine it, probably start a new terror campaign, most likely against their own this time. Pali's have a long sad history of making the wrong decisions and the wrong time. Thats my prediction and you can check in another two years.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 05, 2011
One spin exposed, attempt at new spin. You are nothing if not predictable FD.

But thanks for speculating on how Hamas will react. Thus far, the article from 2009 shows that the Palestinians have not yet put a foot wrong in this diplomatic effort.

I suspect that the Israelis are losing more sleep than the Palestinians over this one.

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Re: Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 05, 2011
The penny drops,
and the twisting doesn't stop.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 05, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:The penny drops,
and the twisting doesn't stop.

You are really a one trick monkey.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 06, 2011
Recomends to buy BB approved spandex as clearly the regular stuff cannot handle all the wringing. :lol:
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Re: Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 06, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Recomends to buy BB approved spandex as clearly the regular stuff cannot handle all the wringing. :lol:

Monkey see, monkey do. :D
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Re: Palestine - Diplomacy Oct 06, 2011
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