Pal-Arabs Name Another Town Square After Terrorist

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Pal-Arabs name another town square after terrorist Aug 20, 2010
H/T EoZ.

Interesting to note the routine glorification of killing in Pal-Arab society. It's also noteworthy that the suicide bomber and his supporters extol the virtues of killing unarmed civilians in the name of Allah by explicitly quoting a violent passage from the Koran.

Should be interesting how some will spin this.

PA town square memorial honors suicide terrorist and his attack as "heroic"

On June 11, 2002, a Palestinian suicide terrorist walked into a restaurant in the Tel Aviv suburb of Herzliya, and detonated a bomb that killed 15-year-old Hadar Hershkovitz and injured 16 others.

The town square in the West Bank town of Madama where the terrorist lived features a monument honoring "the heroic Martyrdom-Seeker" and his "heroic Herzliya operation." The monument has pictures of the suicide terrorist and of Yasser Arafat.

The text above the terrorist's picture is a verse from the Quran, urging Muslims to fight the non-believers and promising that Allah will "lay them low":

"Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, lay them low and give you victory over them,
and heal the hearts of a believing people." [Quran, 9,14]

Below his picture are the words:

"The heroic Shahada - Seeker (Martyrdom- Seeker, PA term of honor for suicide terrorists) Omar Muhammad Ziyada (Abu Samed) who carried out the heroic Herzliya operation on June 11, 2002"

In December 2009 and again in March 2010, PMW reported on the naming of another square after the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, who killed 37 in a bus hijacking in 1978. World condemnation was unequivocal:

US State Department Spokesperson Phillip Crowley:

"We also strongly condemn the glorification of terrorists. Honoring terrorists who have murdered innocent civilians, either by official statements or by the dedication of public places, hurts peace efforts and must end. We will continue to hold Palestinian leaders accountable for incitement." [April 8, 2010]

US Ambassador Alejandro D. Wolff, U.S. Deputy Representative to the UN, in the Security Council:

"We strongly condemn the glorification of terrorists, either through official statements or by the dedication of public places." [April 14, 2010]

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, commented on the naming of the square after Mughrabi:

"... glorifies violence and renames a square after a terrorist who murdered innocent Israelis, it insults the families on both sides who have lost loves ones over the years in this conflict." [AIPAC Conference, March 22, 2010]


The heroic Shahada - Seeker (Martyrdom- Seeker, PA term of honor for suicide terrorists) Omar Muhammad Ziyada (Abu Samed) who carried out the heroic Herzliya operation on June 11, 2002

* Speaks volumes that I don't need to trawl the internet for 900 year old quotes 'glorifying' death and killing.

event horizon
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Re: Pal-Arabs name another town square after terrorist Aug 20, 2010
Awww I'm very touched to the core of my heart .. Pity the 16 injured didn't die :(

Maybe next time :D
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Re: Pal-Arabs Name Another Town Square After Terrorist Aug 20, 2010
Personally I'm apalled at the honouring of terrorists, any terrorists.

But I see that in your zeal to condemn, you have failed to read and understand what PMW is reporting - Fatah have not actually named a second square after a terrorist - re-read the article. (You really should learn to read/understand more carefully - you're thread title is factually wrong)

To honour Dalal Mughrabi is as distasteful as those who join you in not condemning Baruch Goldstein - both were terrorists. Kudos to the Israeli authorities for demolishing the shrine that had been built to honour Goldstein and I say shame on Fatah for honouring acts of terror. It is a shame that you can't bring yourself to condemn Goldstein as the religious terrorist he was, but are so quick to condemn those who killed fewer people than he did. I'm not excusing the Palestinian terrorists (who I condemn unreservedly), just pointing out your hypocrisy.

As the NYT reported when the square was named after Mughrabi, Fatah was unrepentant and had a different view of her status:
To Israelis, hailing Ms. Mughrabi as a heroine and a martyr is an act that glorifies terrorism.

But, underscoring the chasm between Israeli and Palestinian perceptions, the Fatah representatives described Ms. Mughrabi as a courageous fighter who held a proud place in Palestinian history. Defiant, they insisted that they would not let Israel dictate the names of Palestinian streets and squares.

“We are all Dalal Mughrabi,” declared Tawfiq Tirawi, a member of the Fatah Central Committee, the party’s main decision-making body, who came to join the students. “For us she is not a terrorist,” he said, but rather “a fighter who fought for the liberation of her own land.”

Yara Daik, 22, said she did not come to the square to support terrorism. Rather, she said, “Dalal sacrificed for her country and is a symbol for every Palestinian girl.”

The square, planted with greenery and flowers, is outside the Palestinian Authority’s National Political Guidance headquarters, a body responsible for morale in the Palestinian security forces, according to the political guidance chief, Gen. Adnan Damiri. ... .html?_r=1

These issues pop up from time to time when memorials are put up to honour people who others consider are war criminals or terrorists. I remember the controversy over the statue of 'Bomber' Harris in London, for example. Some terrorists and terrorist leaders actually go on to win Nobel Peace prizes (Begin, Arafat) - so go figure?

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Re: Pal-Arabs name another town square after terrorist Aug 20, 2010
event horizon wrote:H/T EoZ.

Interesting to note the routine glorification of killing in Pal-Arab society. It's also noteworthy that the suicide bomber and his supporters extol the virtues of killing unarmed civilians in the name of Allah by explicitly quoting a violent passage from the Koran.

Should be interesting how some will spin this.

PA town square memorial honors suicide terrorist and his attack as "heroic"

On June 11, 2002, a Palestinian suicide terrorist walked into a restaurant in the Tel Aviv suburb of Herzliya, and detonated a bomb that killed 15-year-old Hadar Hershkovitz and injured 16 others.

The town square in the West Bank town of Madama where the terrorist lived features a monument honoring "the heroic Martyrdom-Seeker" and his "heroic Herzliya operation." The monument has pictures of the suicide terrorist and of Yasser Arafat.

The text above the terrorist's picture is a verse from the Quran, urging Muslims to fight the non-believers and promising that Allah will "lay them low":

"Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, lay them low and give you victory over them,
and heal the hearts of a believing people." [Quran, 9,14]

Below his picture are the words:

"The heroic Shahada - Seeker (Martyrdom- Seeker, PA term of honor for suicide terrorists) Omar Muhammad Ziyada (Abu Samed) who carried out the heroic Herzliya operation on June 11, 2002"

In December 2009 and again in March 2010, PMW reported on the naming of another square after the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, who killed 37 in a bus hijacking in 1978. World condemnation was unequivocal:

US State Department Spokesperson Phillip Crowley:

"We also strongly condemn the glorification of terrorists. Honoring terrorists who have murdered innocent civilians, either by official statements or by the dedication of public places, hurts peace efforts and must end. We will continue to hold Palestinian leaders accountable for incitement." [April 8, 2010]

US Ambassador Alejandro D. Wolff, U.S. Deputy Representative to the UN, in the Security Council:

"We strongly condemn the glorification of terrorists, either through official statements or by the dedication of public places." [April 14, 2010]

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, commented on the naming of the square after Mughrabi:

"... glorifies violence and renames a square after a terrorist who murdered innocent Israelis, it insults the families on both sides who have lost loves ones over the years in this conflict." [AIPAC Conference, March 22, 2010]


The heroic Shahada - Seeker (Martyrdom- Seeker, PA term of honor for suicide terrorists) Omar Muhammad Ziyada (Abu Samed) who carried out the heroic Herzliya operation on June 11, 2002

* Speaks volumes that I don't need to trawl the internet for 900 year old quotes 'glorifying' death and killing.

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