Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls

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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
zubber wrote:The following study on the ethnic distribution of $ex offenders who have been incarcerated has been carried out by a UK University , The results are as follows ->

$ex Offenders Ethnic Distribution ( UK 2007)


The number of white $ex Offenders is 76.3 % More than Asian $ex Offenders

Ethnicty And Offense Type


The offenses commited by White's is significantly greater against both minors and adults as compared to the offenses committed by Asians.

Source - Sheffield Halam University Research Archive -
Note - Full Text Article.

Nice try at manipulating the figures Zubber, but the figures quoted are for the population of prisons and not relative to the levels of population of ethnic groups in the UK.

Total population of the UK is around 62m of which the Asian community makes up around 4%, allow another 4% for other non whites :.

Asian 2.48m
Other non whites 2.48m
The rest 57.1m
How do your stats extrapolate now Zubber? 456 from a population of 2.48m against 6635 from a population of 57.1m?

Last week, it also emerged that 50 out of 56 men convicted in English courts of on-street grooming of girls were Muslims, the majority of whom were from the British Pakistani community.
Most of the victims in the 17 separate cases, which spanned 13 years, were white. Two of the cases were in or around Mr Straw's Blackburn constituency.

Some more stats for you to mull over

desertdudeshj wrote:So its safe to suggest that the OP is nothing but over exaggerated fluff.

Most certainly not.


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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
Berrin wrote:I am sorry that your daughter isn't allowed to see you, under normal circumstances you/she should have access to each other.., but I wonder what happened?

But still,why is it that you call a Doctor a low life pakistani?
if your daughter was severly injured I don't think she could make a marriage, neither be accepted for a marriage?
Can you still say that she was susceptible to persuasion through emotional injury?

-- Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:27 pm --

why would Pakistani parents want their kids to be anything but Pakistani?

How many generations have to pass before you call yourself the citizen of "a country" you are born and living in?

Berrin, I'm not sure, from your post, whether you mean what happened to my daughter herself or our relationship, so I will tell you both briefly.
Brain injury refers to people who have also had illnesses which effect their brain, My daughter caught encephalitus, a severe infection of the inner brain. It stemed from herpes simplex 1, which is causes cold sores and the virus went into her spine and to her brain. It caused a severe infection which led to her brain swelling. Her brain swelled that much that she died twice and had to be resucitated. She was in hospital for months and then rehabilitation. She had lived in London but I brought her home when she was fit enough. She wasn't too bad really, definately not the person she was before the illness. She was always the life and soul of the party, a very good looking girl, clever and amusing. The illness left her with short term memory loss, the inability to recognise facial expressions and her eyes look different, kind of lights on but nobody at home.
She even managed to secure a place at University and went to live in Manchester. She got herself a boyfriend. A Pakistani as it happens, a nice man, he had a couple of shops and thought the world of her. She couldn't manage Uni and her BF bought a shop for her. As with the Pakistani community, he gave a helping hand to one of his own, a Doctor, new to England, who had to improve his language skills before working in the NHS, he gave him a job working with my daughter. Big Big mistake. He saw an opportunity to get his feet under the table and talked my daughter into going away with him. Do you see what I mean about low life? Is that how you repay someones kindness to you? making off with their partner? My daughter would never have looked at that man before her illness, he was minging. Anyway to cut a long story short, the Doctor treated my daughter like dirt once he married her, he spoke to her and treated her like a piece of rubbish. I objected to it strongly. I'm not one to keep my mouth shut. The result was that he took her away and forbade her to have any contact with any of her family (not just me).

to address your last point, I'm of the opinion that the Emiratis have it about right. You can come and live and work in my country as long as you contribute to society but citizenship? No.

-- Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:33 am --

desertdudeshj wrote:
Berrin wrote:
why would Pakistani parents want their kids to be anything but Pakistani?

How many generations have to pass before you call yourself the citizen of "a country" you are born and living in?

No actually that wouldn't be true to according to the posters logic, they would be Indian. Oh no wait thats not correct either as a lot them are actually decendents of the Aryan race that would make the East European. Yup thats it East European. Oh no wait................ ... ng-12.html

I see Dillon has already addressed my next point, which was according to research this week, since 1997 there have been 17 prosecutions involving on-street grooming of girls where at least two men were convicted. Out of a total of 56 convictions, 53 of those defendants were Asian, with the remaining three white.

-- Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:38 am --

desertdudeshj wrote:Ah Zub's haven't you learnt anything. No one cares about the actualities, only what feeds their conformation bais.

Now repeat after me, white good, brown bad. Now go and repeat that a thousand times

DDS you are failing on this one I'm afraid. Zubber and I are virtual friends. The fact that he is Indian makes no difference to me. I have told you before, becareful about what you say as you don't know who you are talking 'at'.
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
Once again not trivialising the situation and in full agreement that pervs need to get the short end of the stick.

But out of an Asian population of 2.85 million as per dillion's stats there have been 53 Asians convicted over a span of over 13 years. And its all of a sudden Pakistani problem and as per various news paper sources some don't mention anything other than Asian to some going as far as saying majority were muslims of a Pakistani orgin as Dillon has also stated. Still none say all of these 53 pervs were Pakistani.

Also "According to research this week" with no details of who carried out the research where are the published results etc etc. We are just supposed to take this on face value.

Anyways as I stated earlier if it truly is a Pakistani community problem then without a doubt it needs to be seriously looked into along with the all other communities as per the various new sources ( Daily mail, Telegraph ) it was not just men of Pakistani origin, as even 1 case in 10 years is 1 too many.
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:But out of an Asian population of 2.85 million as per dillion's stats there have been 53 Asians convicted over a span of over 13 years. And its all of a sudden Pakistani problem and as per various news paper sources some don't mention anything other than Asian to some going as far as saying majority were muslims of a Pakistani orgin as Dillon has also stated. Still none say all of these 53 pervs were Pakistani.

What I said was 50 out of 56 men convicted in English courts of on-street grooming of girls were Muslims, the majority of whom were from the British Pakistani community. This isn’t a total figure of s.e.x offenders, it is the total number of perpetrators convicted of on-street grooming.

Also "According to research this week" with no details of who carried out the research where are the published results etc etc. We are just supposed to take this on face value.

No, read the articles in the newspapers already referenced.

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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
I was talking about the newspaper articles

Should'nt they read " Last week research carried out by _______ found out ......."
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:I was talking about the newspaper articles

Should'nt they read " Last week research carried out by _______ found out ......."

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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
I'm tempted to point out the thread on mountains and molehills again - but I think this is a serious topic.

All the Muslims who have posted on this thread are in agreement - the 50 or so Brit pervs who happen to be 'Pakistani heritage' - are 50 pervs too many. Even if the number were 10 times greater - it would still be 500 out of a big number - but 500 too many.

I'm pleased that no one is linking these criminals to the religion whose rules they are flouting - but it does appear that there is some link. The Pakistani culture is still one where pre-marital s.ex is considered Taboos and fewer of the girls will be willing to give it out (some do, but less than the guys who want to do it).

Therefore, this will mean that the guys who are determined to get the ends off will go out on the prowl. If they were white etc, they'd go to nightclubs etc (and you will find asians there).

What is worrying here, is that these Brits are convincing young girls to become their s.exual playthings and are being passed around from one guy to the next.

(As an aside, if a group of white teenagers and young adults had s.ex with the same girl and her friends - would that be a crime too?? )

So, even if the stats show this is a minority of a minority - it still is a crime and worrying one, and indeed if there are ways to get the Brit guys to stop, lets explore and implement these - we shouldn't get hung up on the religion they are not following or their skin colour.

I would also raise the other obvious point - we shouldn't neglect the white girls either. We should target them and give them enough respect for themselves that they aren't taken in by the smooth talking older British men who will use them and abuse them.

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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
Dillon wrote:Nice try at manipulating the figures Zubber,

Huh ? What ? Read the article, nothing has been altered.

Your OPINIONS have been looked over, however credibility of information is assigned to institutions that are directly involved in this sort of research. Your and my opinions are subject to a variety of biases and errors in understanding.
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
No, Dillon showed you that you didn't interpret the stats correctly.
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
kanelli wrote:No, Dillon showed you that you didn't interpret the stats correctly.

I have not many made any interpretations , Look at my post again.

-- Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:38 am --

desertdudeshj wrote:Ah Zub's haven't you learnt anything. No one cares about the actualities, only what feeds their conformation bais.

Now repeat after me, white good, brown bad. Now go and repeat that a thousand times

Yes I agree with you fully, it is often the case misinformed people make the most noise , but perhaps i give them the benefit of the doubt, perhaps they are unaware of its existence, if not anything atleast we can assess exactly how biased a person really is heh
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
Zubber, read your post again and then read Dillon's. You posted those stats and said "The number of white $ex Offenders is 76.3 % More than Asian $ex Offenders" and "The offenses commited by White's is significantly greater against both minors and adults as compared to the offenses committed by Asians." What you did not factor in is the numbers in the ethnic populations of the UK, as Dillon pointed out. But Dillon has missed something too...

If we take Dillon's ethnic population stats and the prison stats you gave it works out that;
For every 5,439 asians there is 1 convicted se.x offender.
For every 8,606 whites there is 1 convicted se.x offender.
However, we actually can't even do this because Dillon's population stats include women and children, and your stats are for adult males in prison only.

If we look at the stats for crimes against adults or children we see that ;
456 crimes were committed by asians, 88 were against children (19.3%), and 368 were against adults (80.7%)
6635 crimes were committed by whites, 2983 were against children (45%), and 3652 were against adults (55%) It does seem true that whites targeted children almost as much as adults, whereas asians tended to target adults instead of children. Even these stats need further analysis. For example, what if white children have a higher reporting level of s.e.x abuse compared to asian children who may feel more stigmatized or afraid to speak out about s.e.x abuse?
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
kanelli wrote:Zubber, read your post again and then read Dillon's. You posted those stats and said "The number of white $ex Offenders is 76.3 % More than Asian $ex Offenders" and "The offenses commited by White's is significantly greater against both minors and adults as compared to the offenses committed by Asians." What you did not factor in is the numbers in the ethnic populations of the UK, as Dillon pointed out. But Dillon has missed something too...

Kanelli , those points which I made were not my interpretations , There are present in the table , I just put them in words, for those who might not be fully aware what the table means ->

1. ""The number of white $ex Offenders is 76.3 % More than Asian $ex Offenders"
From table number 2 , If you look at the highlighted percentages , 81.9 - 5.6 = 76.3 %

2. "The offenses commited by White's is significantly greater against both minors and adults as compared to the offenses committed by Asians."
From Table Number 5, %of oFfenses against Minors and Adults (By White's) are both - 75.8 % & 91.6 % respectively, and the % Percentage of offenses against Minor and Adults (By Asians) are both - 7.6% & 2.7% repectively. As you can see both those values are significantly higher hence the statement

Dillons stats have no sources, therefore is speculative, stats I have presented are based on an actual study.
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
Good grief! I give up.
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
kanelli wrote:If we take Dillon's ethnic population stats and the prison stats you gave it works out that;
For every 5,439 asians there is 1 convicted se.x offender.
For every 8,606 whites there is 1 convicted se.x offender.
However, we actually can't even do this because Dillon's population stats include women and children, and your stats are for adult males in prison only.

Dillon wrote:How do your stats extrapolate now Zubber? 456 from a population of 2.48m against 6635 from a population of 57.1m?

As Disraeli once said "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." :lol:

I’m not claiming my figures are perfectly accurate, but as both Asian and White population figures used, include women and children, they are proportionally representative of the population at large in the UK, and therefore represent a more accurate percentage of offenders from their own ethnic groups, against the misleading statistics posted by Zubber, obtained from within the prison population. There are more White offenders simply because there are more Whites.

Offenders from the Asian ethnic group, 0.0001838%
Offenders from the White’s ethnic group, 0.0001114% :.

Asians have the highest offender ratio to members of their ethnic group. Get over it Zubber

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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
kanelli wrote:Good grief! I give up.

Hey kanelli , I wasnt trying to shut you down , the credibility of an academic research was called into question , which makes clear verifiable claims , I am just drawing attention to it :mrgreen:

-- Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:21 pm --

Dillon wrote:I’m not claiming my figures are perfectly accurate,Asians have the highest offender ratio to members of their ethnic group. Get over it Zubber

Unless you are able to prove this from a verifiable source, you are just blowing smoke
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
^Dillon, I always thought the stats quote was Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) - but looking it up I see he only popularised it and attributed it to Disraeli! Well, I've learnt something else today! Thanks!

As for what percentage the 50 convicted Brit pervs make up of the general and 'Pakistani heritage' population of Britain - does it really matter?

Jack Straw in the article made the point about the convicted s.ex pervs being predominantly white - but that fact doesn't mean we shouldn't indeed tackle the 10s/100s or 1000s of potential pervs from within the various communities.

We should also tackle the fact that some white girls are living down to the reputation of their demographics being easier lays than others. Other stats about the UK are unquestionable and similarly worrying - eg the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in Europe (and possibly the west?) - indicating that this is a wider issue than some Brits with brown skin targetting what they consider as 'white meat' (to put it crudely).

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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
Yes of course! It's the girls fault. I should have realised it sooner, silly me!

BTW Shaf, your earlier post, you repeated that these men were Brits on a number of occasions. I think I used to play that game when I was a kid, keep repeating it and it will come true eventually. They aren't Brits, they're Pakis.
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
shafique wrote:As for what percentage the 50 convicted Brit pervs make up of the general and 'Pakistani heritage' population of Britain - does it really matter?

Jack Straw in the article made the point about the convicted s.ex pervs being predominantly white - but that fact doesn't mean we shouldn't indeed tackle the 10s/100s or 1000s of potential pervs from within the various communities.


Well it would appear to matter more to some than others Shaf, The OP talks of ‘Pakistani’s’ later articles talk of the ‘50 out of 56 men convicted in English courts of on-street grooming of girls were Muslims, the majority of whom were from the British Pakistani community’ but yet you manage to strip the ethnicity from these people and finally refer to them in your posts simply as Brits or Brit Guys, I’ve looked and I can find no reference to their Nationality other than some came from the British Pakistani Community, how can you be so sure they are all British?

Zubber posted some very misleading statistics which I corrected, one would expect to see a predominantly larger White Anglo Saxon community in prisons serving a predominately White Anglo Saxon public, Zubbers stats referenced the prison population and not the general public as his statements read and he would have everyone believe.

Does it really matter who the offenders are? On the one hand, no of course it doesn’t, any single offender is one too many, on the other hand, if a particular group of individuals can be identified as higher risk perpetrators, whether that group is of a particular ethnic, gang or socio economic group, then the answer is of course yes, in this particular case it has been suggested, that group is made up of Male members of the British Pakistani Communities, if proven, then I’m sure the authorities will find their job a lot easier in tackling the problem of on-street grooming of vulnerable young white females.

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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
BM, How many generations have to pass before you call yourself the citizen of "a country" you are born and living in?
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Yes of course! It's the girls fault. I should have realised it sooner, silly me!

:lol: :lol: Haven't I said that in page one? :wink:
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
Dillon wrote:Zubber posted some very misleading statistics which I corrected, one would expect to see a predominantly larger White Anglo Saxon community in prisons serving a predominately White Anglo Saxon public, Zubbers stats referenced the prison population and not the general public as his statements read and he would have everyone believe.

And what other reliable criteria exists besides them being labelled as such ? If no one is apprehended and convicted for that crime, then any inference to the existence of such a criminal is speculative
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
Apprently your wrong Zubs, there is some kind of vague unknown research that shows 50 ish odd men were convicted of being perv as per the daily mail
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Apprently your wrong Zubs, there is some kind of vague unknown research that shows 50 ish odd men were convicted of being perv as per the daily mail

It's got nothing to do with the Daily Mail, I don't quote from comics, you need to read the thread again.

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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
melika969 wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Yes of course! It's the girls fault. I should have realised it sooner, silly me!

:lol: :lol: Haven't I said that in page one? :wink:

Yes of course you did Mel, but now we have the men (well Shaf) confirming it! It just took time Mel, you just had to give it time!

-- Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:48 pm --

Berrin wrote:BM, How many generations have to pass before you call yourself the citizen of "a country" you are born and living in?

berrin, you asked me that yesterday, I thought I replied that I thought the Emiratis had it about right. Come and live in my country and contribute to society but if it was up to me their would be no citizenship.
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
shafique wrote:We should also tackle the fact that some white girls are living down to the reputation of their demographics being easier lays than others.

The they-are-asking-for-it canard. Not cool and very sad. And this time they are asking for it based on demographics. :roll:
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
So please fill us in where else did you get those stats of 56 or something like that men being convicted since 1997 if it wasn't from the dailymail, tribune etc etc ?
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
The Tribune? That's a new 'un!
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
berrin, you asked me that yesterday, I thought I replied that I thought the Emiratis had it about right. Come and live in my country and contribute to society but if it was up to me their would be no citizenship.

If your ancestors were jewish(semitic) than what were they doing in anglo-saxon lands?
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:berrin, you asked me that yesterday, I thought I replied that I thought the Emiratis had it about right. Come and live in my country and contribute to society but if it was up to me their would be no citizenship.

So I guess its safe to assume to can trace back your ancestors to begining of civilisation that they have been living on the isles i.e your country.

Maybe the Americans and Australians should return the continents to the native Indians and aborigines and return to Europe.

Or maybe the Israelis need to go back to Europe where most of them came from ?

Stupendous logic you got their.
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Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls Jan 09, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Or maybe the Israelis need to go back to Europe where most of them came from ?

Most Israeli's donot come from Europe. Another gross misconception.
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