Pakistan: 80 Killed In Ahmadi Carnage

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Pakistan: 80 killed in Ahmadi carnage Jun 02, 2010

80 killed in Pakistan Ahmadi carnage

Who? Unidentified gunmen targeted members of the offshoot Ahmadi sect of Islam.

What? At least 80 worshippers lost their lives whereas 90 others were wounded in the twin attacks.

Where? The attacks took place at two mosques in separate neighbourhoods of the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore.

When? Assailants stormed the packed mosques during the Friday afternoon prayers.

Why? Ahmadis, also known as Qadianis in Pakistan, are labelled as infidels by the Muslim majority in the country. The offshoot sect believes that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is the final prophet of Islam and not Prophet Muhammad. A religious movement in early 1970s forced the government of Pakistan to declare Ahmadis as non-Muslims.

How? The attackers, known to be at least four, entered two mosques armed with automatic weapons, grenades and explosives-packed jackets. They sprayed bullets while the Friday sermon was delivered. One assailant threw grenades from the minaret while three others exploded their suicide vests amidst worshippers triggering heavy fatalities.

About a month ago Ahmadiyya leader stated:

Islam condemns terrorism unreservedly and totally.

Are the two related?

I condemn the attack!

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Pakistan: 80 killed in Ahmadi carnage Jun 02, 2010
Here's a press release:

In response to the terrorist attacks that took place at two Ahmadi mosques in Lahore earlier today, His Holiness, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has issued the following statement:

“The terrorist attacks that occurred today at two of our mosques in Lahore were completely barbaric and alien to all forms of humanity.

These attacks took place in mosques which are places of worship and at the time of the Friday prayers which all Muslims know is a holy and sacred time. No true Muslims could ever countenance such attacks, such cruelty and such barbaric behaviour. No form of terrorism has any place in Islam and thus those who were behind these attacks may justify their acts in its name, but let it be clear they are Muslim only in name and never in deed.

The situation in Pakistan is extremely grave. For decades Ahmadi Muslims have not been able to live in peace, in fact they live their lives in constant danger. In 1974 Ahmadi Muslims were declared ‘non-Muslim’ by the Government of Pakistan and then ten years later the infamous Ordinance XX was adopted which criminalised all forms of Ahmadi worship and the practice of its faith.

These laws effectively legitimised the exclusion and persecution of our Jama’at in Pakistan. Ever since, extremists have taken advantage and targeted Ahmadis. Despite this cruelty Ahmadis have remained loyal citizens of Pakistan and have never shown any form of civil disobedience.

At this time we do not know the full extent of what has happened. However it is clear that dozens of Ahmadis have been killed and many others have been injured. I pray that Allah may grant patience to all those who have been left bereaved and grant an elevated status in Paradise to those who have been martyred. May God restore to health those who have been injured.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at is a peace loving true Muslim Jama’at. Thus there will be no improper reaction from any Ahmadi. Our salvation lies in our supplications to God Almighty and we believe that He has, and always will, help us. No terrorist and no government can ever stop the progress of our Jama’at because it is a Divine organisation.

May Allah protect all good natured people from the evil acts of those opposed to peace.” ... -pakistan/

This BBC article states that the persecution of the group has a long history (predating the statement FD refers to): ... 185186.stm

It goes without saying, I condemn this act of killing of unarmed civilians by armed terrorists. I'm glad that FD picked this up a few days after it happened (eh was a bit quicker off the mark in the 'Islamic terrorist' thread). Motives aside, I'm always happy to join people in condemning terrorist acts and invite others to do the same all the time! ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Pakistan: 80 killed in Ahmadi carnage Jun 02, 2010
So the Taliban seems to be behind the attack.

Do Muslims condemn this attack? Any Muslims forum members that condemn the attack?
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Pakistan: 80 Killed In Ahmadi Carnage Jun 02, 2010
Yesterday five people were killed when gunmen tried to rescue or kill one of the attackers (according to the police) - who was in hospital.

That news story only says 'suspected Sunni Muslim militants ' were responsible - but its hard to keep up with all the splinter groups killing each other there.

I agree with this from the press release above:
No form of terrorism has any place in Islam and thus those who were behind these attacks may justify their acts in its name, but let it be clear they are Muslim only in name and never in deed.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Pakistan: 80 killed in Ahmadi carnage Jun 02, 2010
Ahmadis are worse than Jews, says Pakistan Taliban

Claiming responsibility for the audacious attack -- that left at least 30 dead -- on two mosques of the Ahmadis sect in Lahore [ Images ], the Punajb Taliban [ Images ] vowed to intensify attacks against the faction whom they describe as "worse infidels than Jews".
Talking to, Mansoor Maawia, a purported spokesperson for Punjabi Taliban said, "No Ahmadi would live with peace in Pakistan. Our war against them and their followers will continue."

Maawia added, "Today's attack was carried out by Punjabi Taliban, it is a high value target as Ahmadis are as worst infidels as Jews are. They have controlled the affairs of the country and implement Jewish agendas in Pakistan. Our war against Jews, Ahmadis and their followers will continue."

Taliban are no Muslims!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Pakistan: 80 killed in Ahmadi carnage Jun 02, 2010
So the Taliban seems to be behind the attack.
Do Muslims condemn this attack? Any Muslims forum members that condemn the attack?

Any killing is bad and should never happen, but you see Taliban knows that there was no such thing as Ahmadi sect in islam and that this sect was formulated by the British agents to bread hatred amongst loyal sunni muslims.., Anything that breaks muslim unity is welcomed all around the world you see..
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Re: Pakistan: 80 Killed In Ahmadi Carnage Jun 02, 2010
This is just stupidass, and the pakistani govt is also overly obessed with these people. While applying for or renewing ones passport you need to sign a declaration that you dont consider Ahmadis muslim, what utter bullsh!t. What has that got to do with applying for a passport ? Next the'll wanna check everyones dong !

Sadly this kind of crap happens so frequently its not even remotlely surprinsing. When I was about 6 or something we went for a visit. And the same day around 10 people were gunned down in a mosque down the road from the uncles house where we were staying. Motive for shooting, they supposedly belonged to a diffrent political party.

The leadership is so corrupt and always taking advantage of the uneducated and ignorant public at large at pitting themselves against each other. Wheter it be economical, religious or political reasonsI think the country to should hand itself over the first person willing to take the mess. Half of it run by the taliban already just a few more years and we'll become the newest province of afghanistan.

Islamic rebulic of pakistan....My @ss !
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Re: Pakistan: 80 killed in Ahmadi carnage Jun 02, 2010
Apparantly Ahmadi's are also persecuted in Egypt and the Pali territories. Ahmadi's are considered apostates. In Gaza they have to hide their true religion because of Hamas. PA clerics brand them also as apostates and are encouraging to kill them. Their headquarters in the area, by no surprise in inside Israel, near Haifa, where they freely practise their religion, as they should of course.

It is very cynical that Ahmadi's have to fear persecution in Muslim countries, while they can freely practise their religion in India and Israel.

Taliban is created by a base of moderate Muslims, like Ahmadi's. Many revolutions kill their children.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Pakistan: 80 killed in Ahmadi carnage Jun 02, 2010
Yeah FD, blame the victims....
event horizon
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Re: Pakistan: 80 killed in Ahmadi carnage Jun 02, 2010
event horizon wrote:Yeah FD, blame the victims....

Here is the kicker. Hamas wants Ahmadi's dead, Israel gives Ahmadi's a safe heaven and freedom of religion. Still there are Ahmadi's who love and support (also financially) Hamas with a passion while hating Israel with a passion.

It's like paying a hitman to kill you and hating the person that wants to give you a life.

-- Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:53 am --

Berrin wrote:Taliban knows that there was no such thing as Ahmadi sect in islam and that this sect was formulated by the British agents to bread hatred amongst loyal sunni muslims.., Anything that breaks muslim unity is welcomed all around the world you see..

Thats a preposterous accusation. And how does that justify the massacre?
Flying Dutchman
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