Oslo Rapists: The Facts, Not Fiction

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Oslo Rapists: the facts, not fiction Dec 23, 2011
We've had quite a number of quotes from Islamophobic websites about a 'fact' that all the rapes in Oslo were carried out by Muslims

Eg this from a David Horowitz website (he's the one who funds Jihadwatch's Bob Spencer and other Islamophobes)
Back in May it was reported that every rape assault in the city of Oslo in the last five years had been committed by a person with a “non-Western” background – a Norwegian euphemism for Muslim. Now it turns out that there have already been twice as many rape assaults in Oslo so far this year as there were in all of 2010. At least one member of Parliament, André Oktay Dahl of the Conservative Party, calls the situation “critical” and is brave enough to acknowledge that many of the perpetrators come from cultures “with a reprehensible attitude toward women.”

http://frontpagemag.com/2011/10/28/oslo ... c-of-rape/

Indeed, a few posters here believed this line about all rapists being Muslim.

Now, the folks over at Loonwatch.com have looked into this. Unsurprisingly, it turns out to be false.

Shortly after Arutz Sheva published the Oslo rapes report in early December, I wrote to The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Justice and the Police asking them to verify Gil Ronen’s claims. I received the following reply from Elisabeth Lund a Senior Adviser to the Ministry:
Statistics regarding assault rapists:

The Oslo Police District has given a report of rapes in Oslo in 2010. The report shows that for all types of rape, except assault rape, European perpetrators are in the majority, and they are mostly Norwegian. Assault rapes covers only five identified unique person. These have all a foreign origin. The number is however, so low that it does not provide a basis for drawing conclusions with regard to country of origin. Two of them were very young (under 18) and two had severe psychiatric diagnoses and cannot be regarded as representative of their ethnic culture. It is highlighted in the report that generalizations like “Oslo’s rapists are foreigners”, which have been seen in media, are wrong. The report gives no statistics regarding religion of rapists.”

Yours Sincerely,

Grethe Kleivan

Deputy Director General

http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/12/gil-ro ... ll-muslim/

So, yet another case of fabricated stories by Islamophobic bloggers.


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Re: Oslo Rapists: the facts, not fiction Dec 23, 2011
Sorry, I didn't see any refutation for anyone's claims.

The vast majority of assault rapes in Oslo are carried out by "foreigners", though they make up a minority of Oslo's population.

What your article actually seems to be saying is that of the five rapists *caught* all of them have been foreign.

But the articles this one is supposedly debunking never cited only those rapists caught.

For instance, this article from Nov 2011 confirms what Gil Ronen said in the past about the majority of rape suspects in Oslo having been foreigners:

Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg is in Copenhagen today meeting with Mayor Frank Jensen and police top dog Johan Martini Reimann to look at how the Danes have succeeded in battling the problem.

Options under consideration are increased city centre and bus stop security camera surveillance, more night routes on public transport, more police on the streets, and improved lighting in problem areas.

“The current situation in Oslo is completely unacceptable. CCTV is used more in Copenhagen than in Oslo. Surveillance at bus stops and other public transport hubs could be controversial measures, but sometimes one has to admit one is facing a dilemma,” he tells NRK.

Whilst rape figures in the other Scandinavian capitals are declining, Oslo has seen approximately 50 assault rape cases in the past year. Reported rapes have increased by 84 percent since 2001, and there have been 929 in Norway on a national basis in 2011 so far.

On Saturday, women marched through the streets of Oslo in a torch lit demonstration against rape called “Ta natten tilbake” (Take back the night), protesting about their lack of safety.

Police also deployed 20 extra officers at the weekend. Nevertheless, six new attacks, two of them without consent had been reported by Monday.

One woman in her 20s was raped at an apartment in Sandaker early on Saturday morning, after meeting a man on the Internet then voluntarily accompanying him home. The man, who is also in his 20s, was indicted and then released.

On Saturday evening, two 16-year-old girls reported two men raped them at Oslo S train station. Five males aged 16 to 20 were arrested on Saturday evening.

In other incidents, two men attacked and raped an 18-year-old woman in Vaterlandsparken early on Sunday morning near the Oslo Plaza hotel in Grønland in the city centre. The sixth victim, in her 20s, reported a person had tried to force her to give oral sex in a pirate taxi in nedre Grünerløkka.

Foreign problem?

The identities and ethnic origins of the Vaterlanspark attackers are still unknown, but police say foreigners committed at least two of the weekend’s attacks.

The Bislet rapists were born in Sri Lanka and Iran. Those arrested for the Oslo S rapes are from Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the pirate taxi assailant is believed to be a Somali. Moreover, it is suspected foreigners committed 45 of the 48 assault rapes so far this year....

45 out of 48 assault rapes are believed to have been carried out by foreigners.

So much for "facts over fiction".

http://theforeigner.no/pages/news/norwe ... e-victims/
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Re: Oslo Rapists: The Facts, Not Fiction Dec 24, 2011

Thanks for highlighting exactly the fiction that has been comprehensively debunked by the research linked to. (Did you click on the link? If so, what led you to believe that the fiction wasn't exposed?)

Gil Ronen's claims were a fabrication:
Ronen offered no evidence for his claims except to cite an Israeli blogger who writes a Hebrew blog, one Yehuda Bello whom he claims understands Norwegian and has contacts in Norway. Ronen wrote:

Bello reports that from January to late October, 48 rapes were confirmed to have been carried out in Oslo alone, 45 of them by Muslims. 48 rapes were confirmed to have been carried out in Oslo alone, 45 of them by Muslims.

No evidence that the 45 assault rapes were carried out by Muslims, and indeed the article states that there were over 900 rapes in 2011 up to that point in total in Norway. So much for all rapes are by Muslims.

On the contrary, the Norwegian authorities state that majority of rapists are Norwegian and not foreign.

The Norwegian authorities are categoric:
It is highlighted in the report that generalizations like “Oslo’s rapists are foreigners”, which have been seen in media, are wrong.

(And the author of the loonwatch report even provided a link to the Police report referred to by the authorities (Norwegian, pdf):
https://www.politi.no/vedlegg/lokale_ve ... g_1309.pdf )

As Loonwatch says:
Gil Ronen’s claims can therefore be dismissed for what they are: the usual fanatical anti-Muslim fear-mongering so common amongst his ilk. Those who parroted Ronen’s claims should be ashamed of themselves and at the very least correct their mistake, but don’t expect “Facts” to get in the way of their hate propaganda.


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Re: Oslo Rapists: the facts, not fiction Dec 24, 2011
So the "fiction" was that the assault rapes carried out in Oslo were carried out by non-Nordic assailants rather than simply "Muslim"?

The point still stands.
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Re: Oslo Rapists: The Facts, Not Fiction Dec 24, 2011
The whole thing was fiction. He had no basis for his claims - pretty much par for the course for Islamphobic bloggers.

Come to think of it - it is your tactic too, to claim things without any evidence and insist they are true.

The reality is that the majority of rapists were Norwegian and not foreigners (and rapes were over 900 in total).

Interestingly, in the comments section of the Loonwatch article we have another piece of evidence - not only are the vast majority of rapists Norwegian - 'most rapes happen at home':

New York Times article contradicted the notion of crazed “dark” immigrants ambushing white victims in the streets:

“The statistics tell us that the safest place for women is outside, on the street — most rapes happen at home,” said Tove Smaadahl, general manager of the Shelter Movement. In a 2005 survey by the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research, 9 percent of female respondents in a relationship reported experiencing sexual assault.

“Forty percent of rapes in which the perpetrator did not know the victim but was successfully identified were prosecuted, with conviction rates of more than 70 percent. By contrast, only 14 percent of suspects in partner rape were convicted. Suspects of immigrant origin were particularly likely to be punished.”

The article suggested spousal/partner rape and flaws in the legal system were key issues, NOT (Muslim or non-Muslim) immigrants. Some hate sites even linked to this article, as if it strengthened their case.

I guess they assume their fans won’t actually click the link and read the article:


eh - had you checked your facts, I think even you would have smelt a rat when you realised:
Ronen offered no evidence for his claims except to cite an Israeli blogger who writes a Hebrew blog, one Yehuda Bello whom he claims understands Norwegian and has contacts in Norway.

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Re: Oslo Rapists: the facts, not fiction Dec 24, 2011
The whole thing was fiction. He had no basis for his claims

That he did. You should read the articles more carefully...and also the police reports confirming the vast majority of assailants who commit assault rapes in Oslo are of non-Nordic heritage.

The reality is that the majority of rapists were Norwegian and not foreigners (and rapes were over 900 in total).

The reality is that the majority of assault rapes in Oslo are carried out by non-Nordic people.

That's what Gil Ronen's article actually discusses. He can't be blamed because illiterates do not read his articles carefully.

Assault rape. The majority of Assault rapes are carried out by non-Nordic peoples. That's what his article says - no one has denied or contradicted this fact.

not only are the vast majority of rapists Norwegian - 'most rapes happen at home':

Interesting - Gil Ronen's article is on Assault rape.

Ronen offered no evidence for his claims except to cite an Israeli blogger who writes a Hebrew blog, one Yehuda Bello whom he claims understands Norwegian and has contacts in Norway.

Try police and media reports and articles.

The evidence was given the last time this was discussed.
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Re: Oslo Rapists: The Facts, Not Fiction Dec 24, 2011
I know what I see in gas stations and train stations. But really, what do you expect from a people marrying their cousins en masse.
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Re: Oslo Rapists: The Facts, Not Fiction Dec 25, 2011
Ronen offered no evidence for his claims except to cite an Israeli blogger who writes a Hebrew blog, one Yehuda Bello whom he claims understands Norwegian and has contacts in Norway.

The report shows that for all types of rape, except assault rape, European perpetrators are in the majority, and they are mostly Norwegian.

Assault rapes covers only five identified unique person. These have all a foreign origin. The number is however, so low that it does not provide a basis for drawing conclusions with regard to country of origin. Two of them were very young (under 18) and two had severe psychiatric diagnoses and cannot be regarded as representative of their ethnic culture.

It is highlighted in the report that generalizations like "Oslo's rapists are foreigners", which have been seen in media, are wrong.

Excuses above: Fiction.

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Re: Oslo Rapists: the facts, not fiction Dec 25, 2011
If you ever learn to read you may find out that "assault rape" was mentioned from the beginning. This needed to be repeatedly hammered into your brain that this was what the Gil Ronen article was discussing when his article dealt with the rape statistics in Oslo. His article clearly mentioned ASSAULT rape. Not only did his article mention ASSAULT rape, but I clearly clarified this the last time we had the discussion of rape stats in Oslo.

Seems like you just figured this out now and are reacting like this was never told to you and those Zionists were trying to mislead readers by conflating all rapes with one type of rape when their articles specifically mentioned one type of rape.

Wow. Just wow.

Ronen offered no evidence for his claims except to cite an Israeli blogger who writes a Hebrew blog, one Yehuda Bello whom he claims understands Norwegian and has contacts in Norway.

The evidence is confirmed in police and media reports. Non-Nordic assailants are identified in the vast majority of assault rapes in Oslo.

45 out of 48 of assault rapes where the ethnicity of the rapists was reported were carried out by non-Nordic individuals in Oslo.

Assault rapes covers only five identified unique person. These have all a foreign origin. The number is however, so low that it does not provide a basis for drawing conclusions with regard to country of origin. Two of them were very young (under 18) and two had severe psychiatric diagnoses and cannot be regarded as representative of their ethnic culture.

It is highlighted in the report that generalizations like "Oslo's rapists are foreigners", which have been seen in media, are wrong.

Sorry, but this e-mail is incomprehensible but it seems to only be talking about convicted rapists in Oslo rather than the number of rapes reported by victims where the victims provide the ethnicity/race of their attackers.

45 out of 48 rapes were carried out by non-Nordic attackers in Oslo in 2010.
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Re: Oslo Rapists: The Facts, Not Fiction Dec 25, 2011
Repeating the fiction won't turn it into fact.

Ronen made an accusation against Muslims and only quoted an Israeli blogger in evidence. Pure Fiction.

It's funny that you put more credibility in a blogger who quotes another blogger rather than what the Norwegian authorities tell you. :roll:

In his piece in June he lied. He said that Norwegian rapists were in the minority - totally false. The headline said all assault rapes were by Muslim immigrants. Fabrication.
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/ ... vdhezWn-cp

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Re: Oslo Rapists: the facts, not fiction Dec 25, 2011
shafique wrote:He said that Norwegian rapists were in the minority

The only category of rape he discusses is assault rape - it's even in the title of his article!

Police Report: All Assault Rapists

But pray, where does he say otherwise?

shafique wrote:and only quoted an Israeli blogger in evidence

Uh, he actually has a Youtube video where a police spokeswoman discusses assault rape in Oslo being carried out by assailants of non-Nordic heritage.

Did you miss the big Youtube video smack dab in the middle of his article?
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Re: Oslo Rapists: The Facts, Not Fiction Dec 26, 2011
As the Norwegian authorities said (indeed highlighted):
It is highlighted in the report that generalizations like "Oslo's rapists are foreigners", which have been seen in media, are wrong.

Citing these wrong media accounts doesn't help your case eh.

Ronen lied. Was caught in a lie. Now you are trying to make out he didn't say what he said. Even your latest squirming attempt doesn't help Ronen for the headline says. You wanting to believe his claim that ALL the rapists were Muslim does not make it so.

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Re: Oslo Rapists: the facts, not fiction Dec 26, 2011
Police spokeswoman of Oslo vs Deputy Director General.

Who to believe?

Come on, not even you believe that non-Nordic assailants don't carry out the vast majority of assault rapes in Oslo.
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Re: Oslo Rapists: The Facts, Not Fiction Dec 26, 2011
I believe the report and not youtube clips translated by who-knows-who.

C'mon, recycling the evidence your discredited blogger quoted isn't going to help you. Admit defeat.

The majority of rapists in Norway are European and not 'foreign' and the report does not mention Muslims at all. Ronen made it up, and people like you and herve believed it. Herve kept going on about how 'all rapists in Norway are Muslim' - even you must admit this is completely wrong.

Ronen even made the silly mistake of saying that Norwegian rapists (all types of rape) are in the minority - another complete fabrication.


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Re: Oslo Rapists: The Facts, Not Fiction Dec 26, 2011
The police report was confirmed by a Swedish poster over at LW.

There are other sources where you can confirm the report and other reports from previous years from simple searches.

Sorry, you lose.
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Re: Oslo Rapists: The Facts, Not Fiction Dec 26, 2011
Just because you desperately wish to believe the fantasy Ronen spun, doesn't make it true. Imagining 'other sources' is quite funny too.

If you really had any evidence that Ronen's lies were true - present the lie and the evidence. Quote the claim that has been exposed as false and show us it is true. I dare you. You're not tackling the lies exposed, are you?

Gil Ronen's claims can therefore be dismissed for what they are: the usual fanatical anti-Muslim fear-mongering so common amongst his ilk. Those who parroted Ronen's claims should be ashamed of themselves and at the very least correct their mistake, but don't expect Fact; to get in the way of their hate propaganda.


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Re: Oslo Rapists: The Facts, Not Fiction Dec 27, 2011
The source is that Youtube video you refuse to address.

Yawn. Stop trolling and admit you're wrong. The vast majority of assault rapes in Oslo are carried out by non-Nordic assailants.
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Re: Oslo Rapists: The Facts, Not Fiction Dec 27, 2011
LOL - imagining that I haven't addressed the Youtube video won't help you.

Ronen's claims are a fabrication - total fabrication.

shafique wrote:As the Norwegian authorities said (indeed highlighted):
It is highlighted in the report that generalizations like "Oslo's rapists are foreigners", which have been seen in media, are wrong.

Citing these wrong media accounts doesn't help your case eh.

Ronen lied. Was caught in a lie. Now you are trying to make out he didn't say what he said. Even your latest squirming attempt doesn't help Ronen for the headline says. You wanting to believe his claim that ALL the rapists were Muslim does not make it so.

Both your claims addressed by the authorities directly: Media accounts wrong, believing majority of Oslo rapists are foreign is wrong. Ronen obviously had not read the report in question or deliberately lied about its contents.

Fail. Epic fail.

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