PM Opens School

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PM opens school Oct 28, 2010
Not an exciting thread heading on first reading is it?

However, the schools in question are in East Jersualem and the PM opening up the re-furbished, re-developed schools is the Palestinian Authority Prime Minister.

The squeals from the Israeli right wing in the report below are delightfully ironic. They are invoking the law over a piece of territory that was illegally annexed (and not even the US recognises the illegal annexation). Indeed, after 1967 the Israelis unilaterally renamed parts of the West Bank as 'East Jerusalem' before annexing it illegally.

I'm posting just some small extracts of the artile for convenience - (so apologies Arnie).

The Palestinian authority does it's civic duty and rennovates schools - and right wing Israelis object. Shameful.

I'll also quote two comments:
Guys, East Jerusalem is in Palestinian territory, not in Israel
Cara 28.10.10 07:27
The annexation of East Jerusalem by Israel in 67 has never been recognized by any state in the world, not evene by the USA. Besides, if Israeli authorities gave money to East Jerusalem schools, they'd not need funding from the PA.


No amount of trickery, settler terrorism or Israeli invasion will change the fact the East Jerusalem belongs to the Palestinians.

Rightists furious over Palestinian plans for new East Jerusalem schools
Palestinian premier Fayyad to rededicate schools renovated with PA funding.
By Nir Hasson

The Legal Forum for the Land of Israel yesterday asked Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch to prevent a planned visit next week to East Jerusalem by Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, to rededicate two schools.

Right-wing activists were said to be infuriated by a report in yesterday's Haaretz, according to which the Palestinian Authority is close to completing renovations, which it funded, of 15 East Jerusalem private schools.

In a letter sent on behalf of the forum to Aharonovitch, police commissioner David Cohen and Jerusalem District police commander Aharon Franco, attorney Adrian Aggasi said the planned visit by Fayyad was "an attempt to demonstrate Palestinian sovereignty in Jerusalem in a manner that contravenes the law."
This is not the first time the PA has undertaken governmental activity in Jerusalem. About two weeks ago the PA funded NIS 1.2 million in road repairs in Dahiyat al-Salam.

Residents of East Jerusalem say that PA security officials intervene from time to time in conflicts in that part of the city. ... s-1.321501

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: PM opens school Oct 28, 2010
The PA doesn't consider East-Jerusalem illegal:

Abdul Hafiz Nofal, the undersecretary of the PA’s Ministry of National Economy responded to allegations that the office violated the boycott by saying that the PA did not describe the Atarot Industrial Area as “an illegal Israeli settlement.”

Nofal told Ma’an that Atarot is not considered to be a “settlement” by PA standards, despite being located east of the Green Line in Jerusalem. The reason for this, explained Nofal, is because of several PA investments.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: PM Opens School Oct 28, 2010
But didn't you find it funny that the right-wing Israelis are crying out about how the PA spending money on schools (and roads) in East Jersualem is wrong according to 'the law'?

The fact that even the USA doesn't recognise the illegal annexation of East Jersualem (and the parts of the West Bank Israel renamed as East Jerusalem) isn't one that can easily be spun away. But good to see you try and spin it otherwise (it was a pretty weak attempt though - even you must admit to that. Did you even read the article you quoted?).

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: PM opens school Oct 29, 2010
The Jersualem Post has also covered the story:

A commentator there asks a pretty relevant question:

Books Not Bombs

While P.A. funds used to renovate existing Israeli Palestinian schools seem to be an embarrassment and threatening to Israelis, one wonders if Israelis prefer the funds be used for weapons on the Palestinian side.

I have to say, it is encouraging to see that there now appears to be more reliance on non-violent diplomatic and PR moves on the part of the Palestinians.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: PM opens school Nov 02, 2010
I spoke too soon.

The Israeli government is banning the PA Prime Minister from attending the ceremonies at the schools! ... t-1.322320

The right-wing who think it is a crime to spend money on schools seem to have got their way.

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