I hate to disappoint you by telling you that you're wasting your time with your constant barrage of posts against the Jews! No one is reading them, except perhaps Shafique, because he is a moderator in this forum!!!
Here is your problem my friend:
1- You have not stated any facts that can be verified by reliable and independent sources.
2- You're clearly a staunch, anti-Jews fanatic. However, you forgot that we all know that most Jews are good people, like most Muslims and most Christians.
You need to be specific, objective and to the point. This all out vicious attack against the Jews, even if true in some cases, will be viewed by everyone as rubbish.
So I suggest to you to stop wasting your time and ours (mostly your time) by permanently leaving this forum. Or you can obviously decide to change...by beginning to contribute topics that are credible and debatable -- not all that ridiculous poppycock that you have been posting so far!!