Oops - Bob Did It Again!

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Oops - Bob did it again! May 08, 2011
Hey folks - I'm baaack! :mrgreen:

I've been travelling and taking time off from the forum to do quite a bit of reading and concentrate on work and other things. I've been dropping in to see the posts and have had many laughs along the way.

My foe list is now back in action, so I'll now not be tempted to read the 'I wiped my ar$e yesterday' type posts or even the 'look what random loon blogger wrote and I believe is the truth' and the 'yes, random loon blogger is telling the truth - I also dreamed that [insert brown person reference] in [insert European country] were plotting evil Mooslim thoughts' etc." ;)

I remain very tolerant of fantastical views - such as the earth is flat, Michael Jackson is an alien, Memri is unbiased, 'Fox News' is not an elaborate year-long April Fool's joke.. and Elder of Zyion etc write sense. However, I see no point in debating with those who hold these fantastical views.

Which brings us to 'Bob' referred to in the title.

I am referring to Robert Spencer - or 'Guru Bob' for some here. In earlier threads we saw that Bob is refusing to debate with Danios of Loonwatch.com, Danios has now publishing a series of articles on religious wars and demolishing systematically the arguments of Guru Bob.

It makes fascinating and enlightening reading, and I won't reproduce the articles here. Given that Islamophobia is really a politically motivated fantasy/fraud, rather than a reasoned criticism of religous teachings, it is appropriate to point out Islamophobic tactics here in the politics forum.

I therefore like to submit this extract which shows Bob being caught out editing out a part of a verse of the Bible:

The next passage Spencer cites explains what to do with all nations other than the Seven Nations:
When you approach a city to fight against it, you shall offer it terms of peace. If it agrees to make peace with you and opens to you, then all the people who are found in it shall become your forced labor and shall serve you. However, if it does not make peace with you, but makes war against you, then you shall besiege it. When the LORD your God gives it into your hand, you shall strike all the men in it with the edge of the sword. Only the women and the children and the animals and all that is in the city, all its spoil, you shall take as booty for yourself; and you shall use the spoil of your enemies which the LORD your God has given you. Thus you shall do to all the cities that are very far from you, which are not of the cities of these nations nearby. Only in the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. (Deuteronomy 20:10-17).

In his book, Robert Spencer completely omitted the verse in red above. Notice how the words in red (Deuteronomy 20:15) simply do not appear in Spencer’s rendition of the passage. Take a look for yourself (click on the image to view):

This time, Spencer didn’t even bother using those ever so strategic ellipses to manipulate the meaning of a passage. One wonders at the convenient omission of Deuteronomy 20:15 and whether or not this is a mistake or deception. It is certainly a very helpful “mistake”.

Furthermore, Spencer didn’t reproduce 20:17 either:
20:17 But you shall utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD your God has commanded you.

Whatever the case, the Biblical passage (the one that Robert Spencer uses as a proof) is actually saying that the general rule is that heathens are to be offered terms of “peace”, which entails being reduced to “forced labor” (perpetual servitude). (This is the Bible’s version of “peace”, and the same type of world “peace” that Jesus, the “Prince of Peace”, will bring during his Second Coming.) If the heathens reject these terms of “peace”, then in that case they are to be attacked and every single man (including non-combatants) is to be killed. Meanwhile, the women and the children are to be enslaved, and the animals and all property are to be taken as booty.

(Link to image):
http://www.loonwatch.com/wp-content/upl ... 50x150.jpg

Full article here:
http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/05/the-bi ... -infidels/

As eh and FD and BM are on my foe list, I won't see their responses (which will probably be - but, but, we believe MOOOSLIMS are evil - :) ) . I'll leave others to reply to their replies.. but I'll happily answer anyone else's questions (either here or in the religion forum).


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 08, 2011
Welcome back Shaf!!
Bora Bora
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Re: Oops - Bob did it again! May 08, 2011
Welcome back from me too Shafique...Enjoy your presence.....
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 08, 2011
welcome back Shaf... its good to see u around mate..
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 08, 2011
Welcome back! I'm behind in the Guru Bob area, will need to do more reading before commenting. Looks interesting though!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 08, 2011
Well nothing new for ol' Bob.
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Re: Oops - Bob did it again! May 08, 2011
As eh and FD and BM are on my foe list, I won't see their responses (which will probably be - but, but, we believe MOOOSLIMS are evil - ) . I'll leave others to reply to their replies.. but I'll happily answer anyone else's questions (either here or in the religion forum).

It's not working! You've already posted on one of my topics! FAIL :lol: :lol:
BTW I've upted my Muslims friends! I've got 4 now! I'm well impressed :D

Oh where are my manners? I forgot to say welcome back Shafique! :D :D
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Re: Oops - Bob did it again! May 08, 2011
Sup Man, good to have you back , I lack the patience you possess to counter idiotic anti-religion rants :mrgreen:
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Re: Oops - Bob did it again! May 08, 2011
Hey Shaf, welcome back :D
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 08, 2011
Good to be back.

Will be posting less regularly - work is very hectic at the moment.

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Re: Oops - Bob did it again! May 09, 2011
zubber wrote:Sup Man, good to have you back , I lack the patience you possess to counter idiotic anti-religion rants :mrgreen:

Idiotic anti islamic posts you mean? You people are brain washed to believe you have the monopoly for whinging about your religion! What about the anti semitic rants that were posted daily and look to resume? :roll: Bloody Moooslims!
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Re: Oops - Bob did it again! May 09, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
zubber wrote:Sup Man, good to have you back , I lack the patience you possess to counter idiotic anti-religion rants :mrgreen:

Idiotic anti islamic posts you mean? You people are brain washed to believe you have the monopoly for whinging about your religion! What about the anti semitic rants that were posted daily and look to resume? :roll: Bloody Moooslims!

Come come BM, You know me , I only care about T & A and nothing else :mrgreen:
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 09, 2011
I've been on here for years and don't find Shaf to be anti-semitic, rather anti-zionist. Even that may not be accurate, since Shaf has never said that Israel shouldn't exist, but rather wishes it would at least honour the pre-1967 borders - ultimately so that both Israel and Palestine can exist in peace. Correct me if I'm wrong Shaf :)
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Re: Oops - Bob did it again! May 09, 2011
What we see is Israel Derangment Syndrome (IDS).

The actual cause - antisemitism, dislike of non-Muslims/Western culture, inferiority complex, etc, is anyone's guess.
event horizon
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 09, 2011
I actually have some sympathy for zionist policies - and I do admire their organisation and lobbying abilities. I do denounce criminal zionists and criminal Muslims too.

I've applauded the recent diplomatic moves by Palestinians (Christians and Muslims and a few Jews) to move the narrative away from the Israeli spin that the situation in Israel isn't a simple question of Israel's occupation of land captured in 1967, and their refusal to abide by UN resolutions and international law etc.

When the 'other side' can only resort to name calling - eg 'anti-semite' - instead of addressing the issues actually raised, I think the only option is to feel sorry for them. That their stance seems rooted in an intense hatred for Islam/Mooslims etc makes it even sadder in my eyes.

But in this thread, it is also sad to see Bob editing out a verse of the Bible to make his Islamphobic point! :shock:

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Re: Oops - Bob did it again! May 09, 2011
Then again, perhaps it's just about the attention he thinks he'll get from holding an anti-Israel position.

I can't imagine a reason other than for attention someone would consistently write long, listless posts where the same thing could have been expressed in one or two sentences rather than drawn out in several boring paragraphs.
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Re: Oops - Bob did it again! May 09, 2011
shafique wrote: My foe list is now back in action, so I'll now not be tempted to read the 'I wiped my ar$e yesterday' type posts or even the 'look what random loon blogger wrote and I believe is the truth' and the 'yes, random loon blogger is telling the truth - I also dreamed that [insert brown person reference] in [insert European country] were plotting evil Mooslim thoughts' etc." ;)

Wellcome back Sir Shafique. I like English humour without British arrogance again. I'm glad that you've survived after the warmest hug of the Best Mum.
Red Chief
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 09, 2011
You are most welcome RC. Good to be back.

Arrogance is a trait of us English ;).

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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 09, 2011
shafique wrote:Arrogance is a trait of us English ;).

Yep, but nobody has monopoly these days, even Microsoft. :wink:
Red Chief
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 09, 2011
shafique wrote:You are most welcome RC. Good to be back.

Arrogance is a trait of us English ;).


Get that old passport out!

-- Mon May 09, 2011 8:37 am --

Red Chief wrote:
shafique wrote: My foe list is now back in action, so I'll now not be tempted to read the 'I wiped my ar$e yesterday' type posts or even the 'look what random loon blogger wrote and I believe is the truth' and the 'yes, random loon blogger is telling the truth - I also dreamed that [insert brown person reference] in [insert European country] were plotting evil Mooslim thoughts' etc." ;)

Wellcome back Sir Shafique. I like English humour without British arrogance again. I'm glad that you've survived after the warmest hug of the Best Mum.

RC! Have you ever seen BM call you anything but RC? Now please! The name is bethsmum and not bestmum, although on second thoughts, I like that, mmm bestmum, it suits me!
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 09, 2011
Oh, very sorry mam for the spelling error. Pls. understand Yiddish is not my first language but I also think that my spelling is more appropriate after sending own kids to the boarding school.
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 09, 2011
Red Chief wrote:Oh, very sorry mam for the spelling error. Pls. understand Yiddish is not my first language but I also think that my spelling is more appropriate after sending own kids to the boarding school.

Now RC, I think you're getting mixed up. I thought Russian was your first language and mine was English. Who speaks yiddish round here?
As for you questioning my parenting skills, well, I made the choices for my kids that i felt were right at the time. To give them the best possible education that I could afford. Unfortunately the education system that the army provided in Germany wasn't up to scratch and as I believe education is very important, I made the decision to send them to boarding school. They loved it and my eldest daughter is now reaping the benefit of my sacrifices, both emotional and financial. I hope that answers your dig.
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Re: Oops - Bob did it again! May 09, 2011
event horizon wrote:The actual cause - antisemitism, dislike of non-Muslims/Western culture, inferiority complex, etc, is anyone's guess.

The humiliation of having your behind kicked by the Woody Allens of this world must have a severe impact on the macho culture. A reality that cannot be accepted. Much like a psychosis.

I have wondered whether according to Islamic theology Dar-al-Islam can ever become Dar-al-Harb. Some argue that it is against the convenant with allah.
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 09, 2011
Anti semitism a guilt card played by Israel for a very long time. Any criticism of Israel is labled as being anti semitic and shut down.

Slowly but surely this tactic is being seen for what it really is, nothing but cry wolf. Many here still need to get over it.
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 09, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Anti semitism a guilt card played by Israel for a very long time. Any criticism of Israel is labled as being anti semitic and shut down.

Slowly but surely this tactic is being seen for what it really is, nothing but cry wolf. Many here still need to get over it.

I feel the same about the Islamaphobe card. No-one is allowed to say anything about the Muslims without them crying 'foul!' You're a racist! It wears a bit thin after a while.
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 09, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Anti semitism a guilt card played by Israel for a very long time. Any criticism of Israel is labled as being anti semitic and shut down.

Comparing Israel to the nazi's is pure antisemitism.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 09, 2011
See what I mean !

-- Mon May 09, 2011 4:18 pm --

Bethsmum wrote:I feel the same about the Islamaphobe card. No-one is allowed to say anything about the Muslims without them crying 'foul!' You're a racist! It wears a bit thin after a while.

For a change I agree with you. A lot of reasonable debate has been shutdown like this. But the problem is there is more phobic and biggoted rants than actual debate addressing any issues.

Instead of "all you forigners go back to where you came from" there was legitimate questions raised I guess everybody would be more accomodating.
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 09, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:^^^^
See what I mean !

I sure do.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 09, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:Anti semitism a guilt card played by Israel for a very long time. Any criticism of Israel is labled as being anti semitic and shut down.

Comparing Israel to the nazi's is pure antisemitism.

Did I miss where Israelis were being compared to Nazis?
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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again! May 10, 2011
kanelli wrote:I've been on here for years and don't find Shaf to be anti-semitic, rather anti-zionist. Even that may not be accurate, since Shaf has never said that Israel shouldn't exist, but rather wishes it would at least honour the pre-1967 borders - ultimately so that both Israel and Palestine can exist in peace. Correct me if I'm wrong Shaf :)

You forgot to mention anti white too.
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