OIC Compares Anti-'Islam' Media To Anti-Jewish Bias Of Nazis

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OIC compares anti-'Islam' media to anti-Jewish bias of Nazis Nov 07, 2010
Not found in Western print

A case of projection?

One can only imagine the man's response if he were asked whether he sees similarities between anti-Jewish sentiment in Germany during the 30s to anti-Jewish/Christian/Hindu/Shia/Ahmadi sentiment in Muslim countries today.

In fact, I don't think we need to imagine. We have our own self-proclaimed Muslim moderate and resident loon who carries water for Muslim supremacists who vilify religious minorities in the Muslim world:

shafique wrote:Well, it looks like we have to add conspiracy theorist to the growing list:

event horizon wrote: Muslim spokespersons and their useful idiot stooges, always careful to highlight perceived media bias against Islam in the West, are often (always) silent on the real bias and libel spread in the Muslim world against Jews and Christians.


Ooooh - the mooslims and their media propaganda machines, spreading libel and lies about Jews and Christians. Just a short step away from believing Muslims drink the blood of Christian babies and want to take over the world because of hidden messages Guru Bob has uncovered in the Quran! Scary stuff - but perhaps just a hang-over from Halloween?


Let's see if our resident loon dismisses the charges against the West brought up by the OIC as he does for the Muslim world:

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary-General of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), said xenophobia directed at Muslim immigrants was taking hold, especially in Europe. Vote-seeking politicians were advancing extremist groups behind the anti-Muslim sentiment.


“I’m afraid that we are going through a process like the beginning of the 1930s of the last century, when an anti-Semitic agenda became politically a big issue (together with) the rise of fascism and Naziism... I think now we are in the first stages of such a thing.”


The problem which most concerned him was the institutionalisation of anti-Muslim sentiment in Europe, citing Switzerland’s ban on minarets atop mosques and the movement to ban Muslim women’s “burqa” full-face veil.

http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArti ... middleeast

As opposed to institutionalized discrimination against religious minorities in the Muslim world? Islamic political parties who want to deprive non-Muslims of even more rights, such as the recent move to ban Christians in Malaysia from using 'Allah' as the name for their Christian God or countless and bloody attacks against religious minorities in Muslim majority lands by?

But of course, such a comparison to Nazi Germany would be 'loon exaggeration' and Islamophobic.

event horizon
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Re: OIC compares anti-'Islam' media to anti-Jewish bias of N Nov 07, 2010
That cartoon is from a Jordanian newspaper, an Israeli partner in peace. No riots?
Flying Dutchman
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Re: OIC Compares Anti-'Islam' Media To Anti-Jewish Bias Of N Nov 07, 2010
Yeah try printing it in the western media, and hear the sound of millions of panties get twisted in unison !
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Re: OIC Compares Anti-'Islam' Media To Anti-Jewish Bias Of N Nov 07, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Yeah try printing it in the western media, and hear the sound of millions of panties get twisted in unison !

Sure it will, but no violence I am pretty sure. Good thing though, that a cartoon in an Arab newspaper doesn't lead to violence, unrest and death up until Denmark p.e.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: OIC Compares Anti-'Islam' Media To Anti-Jewish Bias Of N Nov 07, 2010
No violence, granted - just a few journalists, photo-editors and editors losing their jobs if it happened though.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: OIC Compares Anti-'Islam' Media To Anti-Jewish Bias Of N Nov 07, 2010
Tell you what dutch, why don't you take a couple of more pics of those kinds and some good ol cut and paste from gaddie here and see if can get any of the major newspapers in the west to publish the article and pics, we'll take it from there then.
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Re: OIC Compares Anti-'Islam' Media To Anti-Jewish Bias Of N Nov 07, 2010
shafique wrote:No violence, granted - just a few journalists, photo-editors and editors losing their jobs if it happened though.

I believe Pat Oliphant is still able to publish cartoons in the NY Times.

-- Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:21 pm --

desertdudeshj wrote:Tell you what dutch, why don't you take a couple of more pics of those kinds and some good ol cut and paste from gaddie here and see if can get any of the major newspapers in the west to publish the article and pics, we'll take it from there then.

As long as I am allowed to change jew in zionist everything will be hunkydory.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: OIC compares anti-'Islam' media to anti-Jewish bias of N Nov 07, 2010
It is interesting that the cartoon wasn't referenced, other than FD saying it appeared in a Jordanian newspaper.

I suspect it is a Memri special - and I suspect that if it accompanied an anti-semitic article, that would have been published and highlighted by the young fanbois. But hey, why let context get in the way of a good 'story'?

As for the OIC story - what's interesting is that they say Islamophobia is less in the USA than in Europe - and these guys monitor and document this.

The quote is also quite specific - the vilification of Islam and Muslims is stated as being like the anti-Semitism of the early 1930s.
I think now we are in the first stages of such a thing

He makes a good point.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: OIC compares anti-'Islam' media to anti-Jewish bias of N Nov 07, 2010
shafique wrote:It is interesting that the cartoon wasn't referenced, other than FD saying it appeared in a Jordanian newspaper.

I suspect it is a Memri special - and I suspect that if it accompanied an anti-semitic article, that would have been published and highlighted by the young fanbois. But hey, why let context get in the way of a good 'story'?

I tip my hat to you sir ! You have played with your pet troll for so long you truly know him well

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Re: OIC compares anti-'Islam' media to anti-Jewish bias of N Nov 07, 2010
And? Why does it matter if memri also posted it?

Flying Dutchman
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Re: OIC compares anti-'Islam' media to anti-Jewish bias of N Nov 07, 2010
^ Of course it doesn't.

Loons just need to run interference.

Believe it or not,they're moderators.

Now, what's more interesting is that no one has addressed the question posed in the OP.

event horizon wrote:One can only imagine the man's response if he were asked whether he sees similarities between anti-Jewish sentiment in Germany during the 30s to anti-Jewish/Christian/Hindu/Shia/Ahmadi sentiment in Muslim countries today.

As I correctly pointed out, this is a case of projection. I wonder what the reaction from Muslims would be if someone were to compare the vilification of Jews and Christians in Muslim lands to the vilification of Jews in 1930s Germany.

The thought alone could be considered hate speech and liable to prosecution in some Western countries.

Of course, we'll never hear a Muslim spokesperson make that type of comparison when it comes to Muslim majority lands - despite deep rooted, institutionalized discrimination of non-Muslims. Any non-Muslim would be accused of 'Islamopbobia' if they were to compare the religious restrictions against non-Muslims in Muslim lands to Nazi Germany's race laws of the 30s.

The quote is also quite specific - the vilification of Islam and Muslims is stated as being like the anti-Semitism of the early 1930s.

And what vilification would that be?
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