It's Official LTTE Is Finito

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It's official LTTE is Finito Apr 27, 2009
LTTE on it's Last Leg
LTTE the group that pioneered suicide bombings, child and women fighters are now staring down the barrel. In what has been a fascinating conflict between the Lankan army and the LTTE terrorists, with generous helping of political drama from India the end to this military conflict is fast approaching. The Lankan army is barely 6km away from the last bastion of Ltte resistance. Reports also suggest that the Lankan army has surrounded Prabakaran The LTTE head honcho.

LTTE has conducted more suicide bombings than Hamas and Al Qaeda combined. Another interesting innovation was the use of suicide straps. LTTE fighters would carry cyanide pills around their necks, such that in the event of being captured, they would down the pills and die.

The LTTE is a rather sophisticated fighting force, equipped with aircrafts(proven) and submarines(not proven).
These Tamils are native fisherman, thus making them a very potent threat in the high seas. The sea wing of the LTTE is said to have around 2000 trained fighters. Experts believe that the LTTE will resort to sea warfare as their hideouts on land are fast disappearing.

I've been absolutely fascinated by this group, who I opine are the godfathers of terrorism. One of their most high profile victims was ex-Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. His wife a Catholic Italian is India's most powerful politician today. Having spurned prime minister ship once, she is again top contender for the post.
India has tactfully supported the Lankan army, amid criticism. There is open support for the LTTE from tamil political parties in India, which is ironical. How can a political party(s) support an organization that has assassinated the EX Pm of that country? India may seem united on paper, but in reality is a much divided country.
On that note posters, write in your thoughts on any of the issues pertaining to the LTTE.

Misery Called Life
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Re: LTTE On It's Last Leg Apr 27, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:On that note posters, write in your thoughts on any of the issues pertaining to the LTTE.

Terrorists. They target civilians and then hide among among civilians using them as a human shield. Hope the Sri Lankan army finishes the job.
Flying Dutchman
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May 19, 2009
Its now confirmed the LTTE is finished. Rebel leader prabakaran has been killed, his body captured and all civilians have been evacuated.

Looks like Sonia Gandhi has finally avenged her husband's death!
Misery Called Life
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