Obama’s First Appointment Is Son Of A Zionist Terrorist

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Obama’s First Appointment Is Son Of a Zionist Terrorist Nov 07, 2008
Obama’s First Appointment Is Son Of a Zionist Terrorist


Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet

British poster for wanted irgun terrorists

November 6, 2008

Rahm Emanuel’s father was member of militant terror group that bombed hotels, massacred villagers - Obama pick is keen supporter of lobbying group aimed at creating militarized youth brigades

President elect Barack Obama’s first appointment, Rahm Emanuel, who is set to become chief-of-staff, is the son of a member of the Zionist terrorist group Irgun, which was responsible for bombing hotels, marketplaces as well as the infamous Deir Yassin massacre, in which hundreds of Palestinian villagers were slaughtered.

Revelations about Obama’s relationship with Bill Ayers, a Weather Underground domestic terrorist, which dogged him during the final weeks of the campaign trail, pale in significance to his selection of Emanuel, whose father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, was an Irgun member.

Irgun has been labeled a terrorist organization by both The New York Times newspaper and by the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry.

Irgun was closely affiliated with the widely feared hardcore terrorist Stern Gang, an organization that carried out assassinations, train bombings and bombed police stations in an attempt to pave the way for unrestricted immigration of Jews into Palestine. Irgun operated in Palestine between 1931 and 1948.

Following the ideology of right-wing Revisionist Zionism, Irgun’s doctrine was that, "Every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation would deter the Arabs and the British; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state".

This manifested itself by way of terror attacks such as the July 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which killed 91 people. In 2006, Israelis including former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former members of Irgun, attended a 60th anniversary celebration of the bombing organized by the Menachem Begin Centre.

Buses and marketplaces were also a target for Irgun, who were widely chastised for favoring attacks against civilian targets.

The widely condemned Deir Yassin massacre, which occurred in April 1948, involved Irgun working in consort with the Stern Gang and going house to house slaughtering Palestinian villagers. Eyewitness accounts of spies working for mainstream Jewish authorities, such as Meir Pa’il, reported Irgun members running around shooting civilians "full of lust for murder".

"I saw the horrors that the fighters had created. I saw bodies of women and children, who were murdered in their houses in cold blood by gunfire, with no signs of battle and not as the result of blowing up the houses," said eyewitness Eliahu Arbel.

"[One body was] a woman who must have been eight months pregnant," noted Jacques de Reynier, a French-Swiss Representative of the International Red Cross, "He hit in the stomach, with powder burns on her dress indicating she’d been shot point-blank.".

The son of a man who helped carry out this slaughter has now been selected by Obama to be his chief-of-staff. Cries of "sins of the father" lose their gusto when one considers the fact that, after the 1996 re-election of Bill Clinton, Rahm Emanuel "Was so angry at the president’s enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting 'Dead! … Dead! … Dead!’ and plunging the knife into the table after every name." Sounds like a nice guy.

Rahm Emanuel is also an enthusiastic supporter of the United States Public Service Academy Act, a lobbying group founded in 2006 in order to promote the foundation of an American public service academy modeled on the military academies - a youth corps whose students would be trained in "civilian internship in the armed forces".

This rings the alarm bells when we recall Obama’s pledge to create a "civilian national security force" that is "just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the U.S. military.

A creepy You Tube video of a brown-shirt style Obama youth brigade chanting and marching military style emerged last month, raising fears about where the messianic cult-like status of Obama’s image could eventually lead.


Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Nov 07, 2008
your posts really are tiresome, repetitive and full of agenda, but at least you save the bother of having to buy a newspaper.
Any chance you could add some sports reviews ??

When they do finally get round to removing the chip on your shoulder I would recommend a slight sprinkling of sea salt, a wee dab of vinegar and maybe a little bit of ketchup :D
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Nov 07, 2008
CVB wrote:your posts really are tiresome, repetitive and full of agenda, but at least you save the bother of having to buy a newspaper.
Any chance you could add some sports reviews ??

When they do finally get round to removing the chip on your shoulder I would recommend a slight sprinkling of sea salt, a wee dab of vinegar and maybe a little bit of ketchup :D

For some...The Heat is tooo much to bear, get yourself a cooler box and bury your head in the sand, like an Ostrich from Australia (Kangaroo)

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.
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Nov 07, 2008
9/11 — Who Put Thermate in the World Trade Center?


by Christopher Bollyn
18 January 2007
Reporter Sans Frontières

When a former worker from the World Trade Center came forward recently with crucial and verifiable information about what was really on the 81st floor of the South Tower (WTC 2), he broke up a logjam of unanswered questions about the source of the molten metal seen falling from the tower before its collapse on 9/11.

Based on this important piece of information from a former IT professional who worked with computers in the Twin Towers, I was able to determine that the two airplanes that struck the twin towers of the World Trade Center on 9/11 had directly impacted secure computer rooms in both buildings:
• the first on the 95th floor of the North Tower;
• the second on the 81st floor of the South Tower.

This information raises new questions:

• Were the computer rooms equipped to play a role in the crime?

• Were there homing devices or computers in these rooms that used precision-guidance systems to direct the planes into the towers?

• Did these computer rooms contain pre-placed explosives or forms of Thermite to destroy evidence, create an incendiary spectacle, and weaken the structure prior to the collapses?


Photographic evidence strongly suggests that the secure computer rooms in both towers contained forms of Thermite, which had been pre-placed to destroy evidence and facilitate the collapse of the immense steel-frame towers while creating a deadly pyrotechnic spectacle.

After examining the photographic and physical evidence, Professor Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University has concluded that the yellow and white glowing metal pouring from the east corner of the 81st floor of the South Tower was, most likely, molten iron created by a Thermite reaction.

It could not have been molten aluminum as the federal government's Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers (NIST, 2005) speculates, Jones says, because, among other things, molten aluminum at that temperature would appear silver-grey in daylight conditions.

Having tested pieces of hardened molten metal from the twin towers, Jones found that they were composed primarily of iron, not structural steel. This is positive physical evidence of an aluminothermic reaction, more commonly known as Thermite, having occurred in conjunction with the collapse of the twin towers and WTC 7.

Aluminothermics refers to the intense exothermic (heat producing) reactions that occur when powdered aluminum is mixed with powdered iron oxide and/or other elements and oxides. Copper, potassium permanganate, zinc- and barium nitrate are among the additives Jones has found evidence of in the dust from the World Trade Center.

The Thermite reaction produces an extremely hot reaction (up to 2500 °C or 4500 °F), which creates molten iron and aluminum oxide. The molten iron produced from Thermite is white hot and the aluminum oxide is a white smoke.


Thermate is a variant of Thermite that contains additives to enhance certain effects. It may contain pyrotechnic additives, such as barium nitrate, for incendiary purposes.

The addition of barium nitrate increases its thermal effect, creates flame in burning and significantly reduces the ignition temperature.

The addition of 2 percent sulfur to Thermite improves the steel-cutting properties by creating a eutectic that will melt steel at much lower temperatures.

Eutectic comes from the Greek word "eutektos," which means "easily melted." Thermate cuts through steel like "a warm knife through butter," Jones says.

The FEMA-sponsored Building Performance Study of 2002 contains evidence of melted steel caused by sulfidation and oxidation. This is found in the "Limited Metallurgical Examination" written by Professor Jonathan Barnett. The NIST report, however, fails to address the evidence of sulfidation found in the structural steel from the WTC.

Barnett examined two pieces of melted steel: one from the WTC 7, the other from the Twin Towers. About the first piece, Barnett wrote: "The thinning of the steel occurred by a high-temperature corrosion due to the combination of oxidation and sulfidation." This was done by "a eutectic mixture of iron, oxygen, and sulfur that liquefied the steel," he concluded.

Read Full Article : The 9/11 Scam
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Nov 08, 2008
...and the point of this article is?
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Nov 09, 2008
shariqq wrote:...and the point of this article is?


The conspiracy theorists in the US have had a field day with the 9/11 attacks (based purely on the photos obviously) and this puts the article firmly in the file with 'The moon landings were a fake', The grassy knoll, Cow mutilations by aliens and 'Elvis is alive and well and living in Mozambique'!

Total K-rap!

:x :x :x

Dubai Knight
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Nov 09, 2008
What a load of boohockey. Geez talk about completely pointless posting.

Arab you might be. British you certainly are not with this kind of posting. Stop slandering my true countrymen with your daft rants.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 09, 2008
hey guys . i think it is useless to diplay these photos it is just a propaganda ...

today we are nearly 2009... let's move on forward not backward...

that's fuckin politics.. dirty game ....
Personnally I don't give a shit to what happened or what will happen . :walk:
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is it a crime 2 b son of somebody Nov 09, 2008
hey britisharab,
whats the point of your posting? Why shouldnt Obama go for that guy. Because of his father? Are you responsible for your fathers life?
Guys like you are so much brainwashed, that they take anything in account to prove the "zionist conspiracy".
Tell us about your father, so we can judge you!!!!
And dont forget guys: Whatever happens in the world, its all american /zionist ) conspiracy. So nobody else has to take reponsability for whatsoever happens. Very convenient. Isnt it? Whatever you do. Blame them !!!
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Nov 10, 2008
As tiresome and annoying as his posts are, it doesn't make them less true, just useless in this context. However anyone who really believes Osama Bin Laden is behind 9/11 is a fool that was brainwashed by the western media. There is zero credible evidence linking any kind of "terrorist" to the 9/11 attacks. However there are numerous pieces of evidence that proves the us government did it (witness accounts, traces of a patented brand of thermite in the rubble, pools of molten metal in the rubble, metal supporting beams that were all cut at a perfect 45 degree angle wich is typical to thermite, etc etc etc) I really don't have any kind of agenda and I truly wish this truth wasn't the truth but that's unfortunately what it is. Same goes for the London subway attacks, Whenever a government wants to push an agenda that the people refuse, they will create an event that will change public opinion/perception (also known as a false flag attack). I highly suggest you all watch a movie called Zeitgeist, it's available in full version on google video and you might be surprised of what you discover....
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Nov 10, 2008
I however agree that all posts by Britisharab are virtually useless, if not down right annoying. You obviously have an agenda and I think your opinions are very biased. As far as I'm concerned I'd rather stick to the facts, regardless of who's direction the blame will be pointed in. Us arabs have been demonized and used by the western world to scare their population into accepting all of their crooked agendas, true, however arabs are not perfect either and DID commit some of those awful acts they are accused of. As with any war, there are 2 sides to a story and propaganda is the name of the game.
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Nov 10, 2008
Propaganda is the same wherever it comes from. Don't be fooled by anything you read or hear, listen to all sides and then use that thing in between your ears to decide for yourself. We are all entitled to our own opinions, but the best way to make a difference is to put forward a balanced and judged argument backed up with accurate research. Not wacko conspiracy theories like this.

As for the presence of thermite in the Trade Centre...bull! Thermite leaves a chemical footprint that is easy to trace. The fact that they could not confirm its presence, only something 'similar' is no proof. Kerosene (aviation fuel) will burn at a very high temperature and create molten metal. The sheer volume of debris at the site and scattered across downtown Manhattan would make this kind of deep analysis almost impossible.

The Japanese subway attacks caused a lot of deaths yet never received as much media exposure as 9/11 as they were not perpetrated by the 'bete noir' of the US government.

No more cut and paste propaganda please. Make it something that looks at both sides of a coin and then maybe the members here will be able to give an intelligent series of argument for and against a case.

The Judge as spoken!

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Nov 10, 2008
actually Dark Knight, there IS evidence that thermite was used, and they were even able to tell that the type used is thermite that's patented by a US company and that has a slightly different recipe from regular thermite. If you do some research over the internet, you will quickly realize that the scientific community has a lot of unanswered questions about what really happened on that day. Go read on Vigilant Warrior, a military war games exercice that was taking place that day and where the simulated attacks were....planes flying into buildings, deliberately confusing NORAD operators and making sure no fighter jets would save the day. And if you read further, you will also realize that the morning of the London subway attacks MI6 was conducting an exercices in wich the simulation was bombs beeing placed at the same stations and at the same time as the real attacks took place. What are the odds of these 2 exercices taking place at the exact same day/time/scenario considering these were the worst 2 attacks against western countries in a long time. And by coincidence these 2 coutnries are very close allies. Give me a break! I actually have a very hard time believing that people think the official story is what really happened!

one quick link
http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/c ... wn_wt.html
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Nov 10, 2008

Whether the US government is behind the 9/11 events or not, I think it's a bit naïve to think that world governments do not create or "stage" certain events and "accidents" to achieve certain "objectives"!!

All you have to do is read books written by former agents of the CIA, MI5, Mossad and the others….!!!

"Conspiracy theorists" may not always be wrong!!!

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Tom Jones
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Nov 11, 2008
I can buy into certain elements of conspiracy theories and I fully understand that some of the shed heads within the murky depths of governmental (emphasis on the 'mental') black ops have been known to cook up some crazy ideas, however I don't buy into the concept of the 9/11 attacks being staged as they say.

I watched one video where they tried to claim there were missile pods mounted under the noses of the planes that fired just as they impacted. These planes were hijacked from a civil airfield and flown directly to the target, there is no way they could have been modified in advance. Anyone who has experience of working in aviation or at an international airport will confirm this.

As for the traces of thermite...which bit of the millions of tons of debris and rubble were they looking at? How could they confirm that this came from the strike point? Where is the hard independent scientific evidence? If there was such an obvious and traceable chain of evidence, do you really think the US government would allow such analysis? Or is it just rumour and heresay?

As for the 'exercises' taking place simultaneously..Pimpin, it has already been revealed that there was prior intelligence knowledge that attacks of these natures were possible and the first thing any service does is run through the scenario to work out the ways of prevention. If the terrorists were to know this, then they could also have stepped up their plans and put the plan into motion before the security services worked out how to stop them.

If you have been through an international airport lately, why do you think they have stopped anyone taking any fluids in containers over 100ml? Its because the intelligence services discovered a plot and have put actions in place to prevent an attack happening. Otherwise we could have been discussing the loss of several aircraft and hundreds of lives from liquid chemical suicide bombs and everyone would be moaning "why didn't someone stop them?"

The conspiracy theories can often make fun reading, however don't take them too seriously.

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Nov 11, 2008
Dubai Knight wrote:The conspiracy theories can often make fun reading, however don't take them too seriously.

Word, lest they dig up the ship in the Atlantic that they *call* the Titanic!
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Nov 12, 2008
shariqq wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:The conspiracy theories can often make fun reading, however don't take them too seriously.

Word, lest they dig up the ship in the Atlantic that they *call* the Titanic!

Yes, but there is a theory that the Titanic went down with some huge global secret in its safe...it must be true, I read it on the internet!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Nov 12, 2008
Its because of f-ing jerks like Britisharab that we this problem in the first place.

Here you have a guy who singles out the appointment because of his ancestry. It is the same hate monger who instigate the so called suicide bombers. So when the people of America voted in a black (and I heard muslim?) president they are forward thinking. But when the same president appoints a jew he is looked at with suspicion.

I am not sure this ancestry or his father's connections should be of interest any way. The guy is there based on his merits. Period.
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Nov 14, 2008
During the last throes of the Cold War, the US Secretary of Defence was:
Zbignew Bryszinski! Was he a KGB spy because his father was Russian?

"A man cannot help where he comes from, only to decide where he is going to."

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Nov 16, 2008
Let’s talk facts, not sentiments.

Upon reading all the above posts, I went and searched independent sources (like the BBC and others) about this new White House Chief of Staff (Rahm Emanuel). You can do that yourself with Google.

Forget that his father was labeled a terrorist by the British when they occupied Palestine, and let’s concentrate on the guy himself. First, he left Chicago in 1991 and volunteered to serve in the Israeli army during the first gulf war. To join the Israeli army, you have to be an Israeli citizen. That means he has dual citizenship (US and Israeli), which consequently also means he has split loyalty.

If he loved America more, he would’ve volunteered to serve in the US army during that war (which was America’s war not Israel’s war). A guy like that, joining the army of a foreign country while his is country is at war, could have been tried for reason in some countries.

Anyway, to put a man like him, with questionable allegiance to the US, in such a powerful and sensitive position is surely not wise!

I’m not against Israel or the Jews, but I feel this was a bad choice for America!

Tom Jones
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Nov 17, 2008
Tom Jones wrote:Let’s talk facts, not sentiments.

Upon reading all the above posts, I went and searched independent sources (like the BBC and others) about this new White House Chief of Staff (Rahm Emanuel). You can do that yourself with Google.

Forget that his father was labeled a terrorist by the British when they occupied Palestine, and let’s concentrate on the guy himself. First, he left Chicago in 1991 and volunteered to serve in the Israeli army during the first gulf war. To join the Israeli army, you have to be an Israeli citizen. That means he has dual citizenship (US and Israeli), which consequently also means he has split loyalty.

If he loved America more, he would’ve volunteered to serve in the US army during that war (which was America’s war not Israel’s war). A guy like that, joining the army of a foreign country while his is country is at war, could have been tried for reason in some countries.

Anyway, to put a man like him, with questionable allegiance to the US, in such a powerful and sensitive position is surely not wise!

I’m not against Israel or the Jews, but I feel this was a bad choice for America!


This is so true, his loyalty is split (and I'm generous to even say split) and he therefore should not be trusted with any sensitize information or any kind of high level decision making power. Israel only cares about it's own interests, as proven by the USS Liberty incident and the several Israeli spies caught on american soil.
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Nov 17, 2008
is there a banning system on these forums ? :thefinger:

I vote Britisharab Off :twisted:

All the his posts are cut and paste opinions of Extremely Simple and dumb logic from someone else on the internet ?? trolling for ..well ..kids stuff. :violent3:

I prefer reading Extremely Simple and dumb logic from Someone IN the UAE typing there Real opinion... then we can have fun

OR even Re-reading Extremely Simple and dumb logic from Myself !! :pottytrain5:

then this Lame stuff.. :scratch:
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Nov 17, 2008
Geez, how do you know the guy has split loyalties? Have you sat and spoken to him?

Obama's gran is an illegal immigrant in the US right now, so oh wow you know maybe he'll change all the laws so all illegals can stay - blah blah blah, you don't know what people are going to do.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 17, 2008
No offense to anyone but I think it's a bit naive to really believe Bin Laden and his gang did the WTC job. The us goverment and the CIA have a longggg history of doing not very nice things to their people, covertly of course, and then blaming others for it. It used to be the communists, now it's the muslims. This whole terrorism thing is just a way to control people and remove their rights, plus ensure unlimited military spending. There are a LOT of extremely credible and qualified people who's opinions have been totally ignored by the us goverment. The Bush mafia obviously had an agenda that they don't care to share with the people.
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Nov 17, 2008
as for the evidence, the argument is too easy. How do you expect to have evidence when the same people who did the job are running the investigation? The 9/11 commission report is the biggest joke ever.
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Nov 17, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:Geez, how do you know the guy has split loyalties? Have you sat and spoken to him?

Obama's gran is an illegal immigrant in the US right now, so oh wow you know maybe he'll change all the laws so all illegals can stay - blah blah blah, you don't know what people are going to do.


We don't need to sit down with Emanuel to ask him if he has split loyalties.

Have you heard of the saying "actions speak louder than words?"

The guy turned his back on his country in time of need (war) and went and joined the army of a foreign country. Why?

The only explanation is that he not only considers that foreign country (Israel) as his own, but that it clearly comes first, before his birth country (America).

As I said, if he was the citizen of another country, other than the US (esp. nonwestern countries), he would've been tried for treason or he would've been stripped of his citizenship.

In fact the term split loyalty is an under statement in his case. It's more like his primary allegiance is evidently for Israel, not America.

And ironically the example you cited about Obama actually supports this point not the other way around. Obama's action (or inaction) not to help his illegal grandmother shows that he puts America's interests and its laws first, before those of his family. We obviously don't need to sit down with Obama and ask him where his loyalties lie.

His actions spoke loudly for him!!

P.S: Chocs,

If you're still doubting that Emanuel served in the Israeli army, here is the link from BBC news:


Tom Jones
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Dec 09, 2008
Dubai Knight wrote:Zbignew Bryszinski! Was he a KGB spy because his father was Russian?

Was he White Russian or Black Russian? :)
Red Chief
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Dec 09, 2008
Red Chief wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:Zbignew Bryszinski! Was he a KGB spy because his father was Russian?

Was he White Russian or Black Russian? :)

Not sure what his favourite tipple was, but he was probably red!

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