I Am Not A Witch

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I am not a witch Oct 31, 2010
Christine O'Donnel's ad:


Obligatory Songify version:

I also know of another video floating around where O'Donnel says that they've created mice in the USA with fully formed human brains!! :shock:


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: I Am Not A Witch Oct 31, 2010
Here's her 'greatest hits' - the first item is her explaining of her dalliance with witchcraft!

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: I am not a witch Nov 01, 2010
I laugh every time I see her on TV. I thought Sarah Palin was pretty bad, but this one is much worse.

With the crazy things going on these days in America, she might even win on Tuesday!!!

If that happens, I'll have no choice but to immigrate to another country!!!

:D :D
Tom Jones
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Re: I Am Not A Witch Nov 01, 2010
I keep thinking that someone will jump out and say

'pysche!! the Tea Party is a big joke - you didn't really think we were serious did you?'

But the scary part is that the supporters believe in their extreme views! :shock:

(As Ian Hislop summarised on last weeks 'Have I got News for you' : "the republican party is made up of far-right people, the tea party are.... just mad" :) - and he was only half joking, I think! ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: I am not a witch Nov 01, 2010
"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." - Joseph Stalin

Don't you love the smear campaign against Republican politicians as if there wasn't an abundance of loony liberal politicians in the States and UK?

Whether it's making numerous racist remarks directed towards 'ignorant' white Americans or our resident loon Google scholar lecturing Christians on their faith (but getting rather uncomfortable whenever the same is done to his own religion - and calling his opponents 'bigots') or just blatant examples of mindless anti-Americanism, the loons and their ilk are the best recruiting tool Republicans/moderates could ever hope for.

Oh, and it wasn't a Republican politician who made this comment:

I had a mother to call me because her son had a very gruesome task. Her son’s charge by the Department of Defense was to process 5,000 bodies that had received a single bullet wound to the head. And these were mostly males and her son was afraid to talk because he had signed a silence agreement. So he only complained to his mother. But the data about these individuals was entered into a Pentagon computer and then, reportedly, the bodies were dumped in the swamp in Louisiana. This is as a result of the tragedy of hurricane Katrina. Now I have verification from insiders who wish to remain anonymous at the Red Cross that this is true.
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Re: I Am Not A Witch Nov 01, 2010

Christine O'Donnel is being laughed at for her beliefs. 'I am not a witch' indeed! ;)

Why do Americans need to be told by Christine that she is not a witch?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: I am not a witch Nov 01, 2010
What do you expect, the US is a democracy - Republicans are going to get elected about half the time.

What kind of government would you prefer?
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