Non-Muslim Activist Lawyer And His Mission.

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Non-Muslim activist lawyer and his mission. Nov 02, 2011
Sorry I just realized that I put this on the wrong forum.

MOD!!! OH MOD!!! Can you move this thread over to politics??? :mrgreen:

On another forum a thread was created about the following articles. There were 206 posts at last count. What was very interesting is:

The lawyer, who is not a Muslim and is a known activist, is not representing any student in this matter. This is something he has taken upon himself. He has a history of bringing controversial lawsuits and making millons from them. He "speaks on behalf of Muslim students" but no students were interviewed or named in the articles.

Now, many of the posters from the other forum had a knee jerk reaction. All they could see was that Muslims were making demands on a Catholic university when, in fact, there was no mention of a student complaining, other than what the lawyer had to say. It appears that the Muslim students are quite content going to the university and don't have any issues. It is also obvious that attending the university was a personal decision due to recognizing the values that are held at the university as well as getting a good education. Several posters, including myself, repeatedly mentioned that this was a case brought before the Human Rights Commission by one individual who made the cause a personal one. He made a comment about students having to look at a "cross of Jesus". Little does he know that Jesus is recognized as a prophet in the Islam religion.

What I found upsetting was that this individual, who went on a personal crusade, can upset the harmony that exists in the school, as well as putting a target on the students currently attending that school, in addition to spreading hate. The school and the students become a target for negative press when in reality, there appears that there is no issue, but that isn't going to stop the investigation that the lawyer has initiated nor will it stop the "outrage" non-Muslims will express.

I have posted excerpts from the articles as they both contain similar content. ... osses.html

The Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights confirmed that it is investigating allegations that Catholic University violated the human rights of Muslim students by not allowing them to form a Muslim student group and by not providing them rooms without Christian symbols for their daily prayers.

The investigation alleges that Muslim students “must perform their prayers surrounded by symbols of Catholicism – e.g., a wooden crucifix, paintings of Jesus, pictures of priests and theologians which many Muslim students find inappropriate.”

A spokesperson for the Office of Human Rights told Fox News they had received a 60-page complaint against the private university. The investigation, they said, could take as long a six months.

The complaint was filed by John Banzhaf, an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School. Banzhaf has been involved in previous litigation against the school involving the same-sex residence halls. He also alleged in his complaint involving Muslim students that women at the university were being discriminated against. You can read more on those allegations by clicking here.

Banzhaf said some Muslim students were particularly offended because they had to meditate in the school’s chapels “and at the cathedral that looms over the entire campus – the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.”

“It shouldn’t be too difficult somewhere on the campus for the university to set aside a small room where Muslims can pray without having to stare up and be looked down upon by a cross of Jesus,” he told Fox News.

A spokesman for Catholic University released a statement to Fox News indicating they had not seen any legal filings — but would respond once they do.

“Our faithfulness to our Catholic tradition has also made us a welcome home to students of other religions,” said Victor Nakas, associate vice president for public affairs. “No students have registered complaints about the exercise of their religions on our campus.”

In a 2010 interview with National Public Radio, university president John Garvey acknowledged that they don’t set aside prayer rooms for Muslim students.

“We make classrooms available, or our chapels are places where they can pray,” he told NPR. “We don’t offer Halal meat, although there are always meals that conform to Halal regulations, that allow students to do what they want.”

Banzhaf said that it is technically not illegal for Catholic University to refuse to provide rooms devoid of religious icons. ... t-muslims/

John F. Banzhaf III, the George Washington University Professor of Public Interest Law who initiated the legal controversy surrounding same-sex residence halls, is also the one behind these new charges.

Bora Bora
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Re: Non-Muslim activist lawyer and his mission. Nov 02, 2011
The lawyer in your article does claim that Muslim students had complained to him.

So if people had the wrong impression, it was because the lawyer lied and claimed Muslim students had complained.

It wouldn't have been their fault because they were reacting to what the lawyer says in the article.
event horizon
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Re: Non-Muslim activist lawyer and his mission. Nov 02, 2011
event horizon wrote:The lawyer in your article does claim that Muslim students had complained to him.

So if people had the wrong impression, it was because the lawyer lied and claimed Muslim students had complained.

It wouldn't have been their fault because they were reacting to what the lawyer says in the article.

Anyone can claim anything. I don't know you, but I can tell you that I'm an Arabian Princess, because I claim it does that make it true?? I can claim that I have millions in the bank, because I make that claim does that make it true? It is the fault of those who can't READ and COMPREHEND what they are reading and actually THOUGHT about what was written. There were a few people on the thread who were capable of doing all that.

Possibility: Did they complain? Did they approach him? Or it is possible that the lawyer approached Muslim students around the campus and asked them questions regarding the religious aspect and they answered. The questions he asked may have never even entered their mind. Kind of like entrapment to serve his purpose.

If the students really wanted to make it an issue, rather than remain silent and behind an activist lawyer putting a complaint into an agency, they could have brought a lawsuit for change as well as possibly a reward for being discriminated against.

The fact remains, he made it HIS cause, and in the process could very well be damaging to other people.
Bora Bora
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Re: Non-Muslim activist lawyer and his mission. Nov 02, 2011
Anyone can claim anything. I don't know you, but I can tell you that I'm an Arabian Princess, because I claim it does that make it true?? I can claim that I have millions in the bank, because I make that claim does that make it true? It is the fault of those who can't READ and COMPREHEND what they are reading and actually THOUGHT about what was written. There were a few people on the thread who were capable of doing all that.

Retard, the article quotes the lawyer claiming Muslim students had complained to him. It would be understandable to read the lawyer's claims in the article and believe that Muslim students had complained.

Your comments about you having millions in the bank are so off topic to the point of the discussion that I don't know where to begin. Your next comment that it is the fault of those can't "comprehend" is so baffling since I have no idea what comprehension has to do with a story in which it later turned out the lawyer had lied.

Apparently you don't either and I doubt I'll get a coherent explanation regarding comprehension and a story in which the lawyer made initial claims that apparently have turned out to be false.

Why would someone reading the article and new to this story automatically believe the lawyer to be lying rather than simply accept the lawyer's claims that Muslim students had complained?
event horizon
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Re: Non-Muslim Activist Lawyer And His Mission. Nov 02, 2011
Nice, name calling to defend yourself. Is your ADHD in high gear eh? Like I said: anyone can claim anything. I'm going to pull a Shaf here and ask that you show proof that Muslims complained to him. Names eh, names!!! I'm not going to explain the obvious to you. You, are no different than the others who had a knee jerk reaction and WANT it to be what you want it to be, rather than what it is. Logic is not one of your strong points.
Bora Bora
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Re: Non-Muslim Activist Lawyer And His Mission. Nov 02, 2011
:D :D

Please carry on, don't mind me.
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Non-Muslim activist lawyer and his mission. Nov 03, 2011
I'm going to pull a Shaf here and ask that you show proof that Muslims complained to him.

Since when do news articles require a high degree of proof in their stories before publishing what one side says?

The lawyer was interviewed and claimed Muslim students had complained to him. It was the journalist's job to interview the lawyer and take his side of the story.

The rest of your comments are incomprehensible so I'll leave it at that.

Try attempting to write clearer in the future so members don't have to spend time deciphering what you're trying to write.
event horizon
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Re: Non-Muslim activist lawyer and his mission. Nov 03, 2011
event horizon wrote:
I'm going to pull a Shaf here and ask that you show proof that Muslims complained to him.

Since when do news articles require a high degree of proof in their stories before publishing what one side says?

The lawyer was interviewed and claimed Muslim students had complained to him. It was the journalist's job to interview the lawyer and take his side of the story.

The rest of your comments are incomprehensible so I'll leave it at that.

Try attempting to write clearer in the future so members don't have to spend time deciphering what you're trying to write.

Key word: CLAIMED!!! Did you ever hear that people actually contact the press to plant their own stories??

Speaking for all members now are you? Write clearer or break it down so that an idiot can TRY to grasp it? I don't know how to do simple. :drunken:

I can smell desperation coming off of you. YUCK!!!
Bora Bora
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