New World Order Conspiracy ?

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New World Order Conspiracy ? Jan 15, 2009
One of the most debatable issues in the new century, lot of events are basically revealing that Satin (almaseekh adajal or Antichrist) is ought to rule that world soon if not already. Here is what I think took place in the last decade which makes a blind sees it and believes it, to my optimists this might sound unconceivable, but honestly to me I think is true .

9/11 and its consequences which obviously targeted a religious fanaticism by a total elimination of an existing regimes “ Taliban” and Osama bin Laden propaganda, everyone can see Afghanistans current political situation, drugs, sex, daily conflicts, diseases , starvations , deaths for not being sheltered from the cold etc.

Introduction of the New World Order straight from the white house as an official statement, and the revelation of crusade war by G.W. Bush which was later dismissed just to sustain economical stability and consumer’s trust within the muslim countries,
WMD theory which constitutes that no Muslim country should obtain nuclear weapons including Iraq, Iran, Seria, and not to forget that they possess a thread to Israel“

Liberation of Iraq from its former dictatorial leadership of hezbulba’ath and fragmentation of muslim’s unity so munching is easier, the blame is not on the west or the westerners, its rather the super power that controls their mindsets.

By enforcing democracy in many Muslim countries as well as forcing them to reduce their military capabilities and to eradicate all islamists within, however same interference from the west induced islamist militias , nonetheless their existence contemplate Arab counties stability, a good example is Huzb allah , their existence guarantees unstable Lebanon for years to come or cul-de-sac . you could name many small regimes around the world, yet those don’t really have great impact on Israel’s security.

Economical crises is obviously stroke 2 birds by one stone, a staging phase to start a war on gaza and to cut Oil prices by half. Non of the economists was able to analyze the source of the problem, therefore it was obviously nothing but another hoax. We know that many people lost their jobs in the US and some might be starving as you read this , the heck if there 1% of US war expenses costs is spent on them no one will starve there.

These occurrences are somewhat interconnected and cannot be separated, it’s crystal clear that we are expecting a single entity to dominate the world officially, might be in a form of God but of course an Evil God , there will be no UN anymore and everyone could wonder where what kind of impact the UN has on the world now, absolute zero. To learn more about this, try to google DNA controversy, how it was discovered and what it can do.

Dubai Forums Talker
Posts: 193

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Jan 15, 2009
I am not sure about this theory. However, we know that the US would do whatever it can in order to maintain its interest regardless.

If you look back in history you will find that, the US was the one who created the Mujihadeen, Taliban and Osama bin Laden etc and generously supplied them with weapons and others support to fight the Soviet Union. We also know that, the US was the one who helped Saddam Hussein to rose to power. But what’s funny is that, these groups of people came back to bite its creator once their designated mission were complete.

You see, mesheditor, the problem in the Middle East is that, there is lack of savvy politicians, Middle East politicians have been used time and time again as a play game by some very smart governments to achieve their own interest. Middle East politicians’ main worry is how long they can hold on power, not how to advance their nations. Not to mention, some of the Middle East leaders are illiterate and have no clue how the world operates.
Dubai forums Addict
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Jan 15, 2009
Humbleman wrote:the problem in the Middle East is that, there is lack of savvy politicians...

I don't think so. IMHO rulers of Dubai have been very smart ppl.

It's a problem of power only...
If one country has a bigger military budget and spending for education and scince then the rest of the World they can do whatever they want.
Red Chief
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Jan 15, 2009
the problem is that no one here is visionary
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