Neo-Nazi Terrorists In Germany Kill 10

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Neo-Nazi Terrorists in Germany kill 10 Feb 27, 2012
From a few days ago - the authorities in Germany have now worked out that 10 deaths over a number of years were actually carried out by a Neo-Nazi terrorist group. Kudos to the Germans for acknowledging the gravity and holding a state ceremony for the victims.

I expect that Europol will have to update their statistics on terrorist offenses and deaths in those years. And what the Germans clearly state is that these right wing xenophobes are terrorists - like Brievik..

Germany holds state ceremony for Muslims murdered by neo-Nazis
David Crossland
Feb 24, 2012

BERLIN // Germany held a state ceremony and observed a nationwide minute of silence yesterday in honour of the 10 people, most of them Muslim shopkeepers, who were shot dead by neo-Nazis during a seven-year killing spree.

Angela Merkel, the chancellor, said the murders, uncovered by chance last November, had brought shame on the nation. She apologised to the families for police errors that critics have blamed on institutional racism.

"The murders were an assault on our country. They are a disgrace to our country," she told a memorial service in Berlin attended by 1,200 people, including relatives of the victims.

The shootings started in 2000 and continued until 2007, targeting small businessmen including a flower seller, a grocer, a kiosk owner and two doner kebab shop managers.

They happened in cities across Germany, from Munich in the south to Rostock on the north coast, and the same handgun was used each time. A German policewoman was also killed.

Police failed to investigate a possible racist motive, instead suspecting that the families might be involved or that the victims had been caught up in illegal activities.

Authorities found out by accident last November that the murders were committed by a terrorist group calling itself the National Socialist Underground and made up of three neo-Nazis who had been on the run for more than a decade.

Two of them, Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt, committed suicide after a botched bank robbery. A DVD claiming responsibility for all the killings was found in an apartment they had used with the third member, Beate Zschäpe, who was arrested.

The discovery of the trio was a major embarrassment for German security authorities. It exposed them to accusations of having been blind to the threat of far-right violence and preoccupied with Islamist militants since the September 11 attacks.
... ... -neo-nazis


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