Neil Armstrong (Abdul Jamal) - Passes

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Neil Armstrong (Abdul Jamal) - passes Aug 26, 2012
Neil Armstrong, or as he later became known by his revert name, Abdul Jamal, passed away.

His voyage to the moon made him a household name in the West. But, for many in the Islamic world, he was famous for converting to the true religion after hearing the adhan (call to prayer) whilst on the moon. Armstrong's miraculous story of conversion is particularly poignant as he, a man of science and reason, converted to the religion perfectly compatible with science.

Armstrong's scientifically proving Mecca is the center of the earth in later life is testament to his deep religious convictions:

Armstrong has done a great service to Islam; rejecting his disbelieving past and following the true path.

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Re: Neil Armstrong (Abdul Jamal) - Passes Aug 27, 2012
Neil Armstrong never converted to Islam!
He was an agnostic.
No, he was a Protestant! :D
Some people say he never set foot on the Moon! So how could he have heard the Adhan on the Moon??
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Re: Neil Armstrong (Abdul Jamal) - Passes Aug 27, 2012
And people actually buy into this 'hoax' because that's all it ever was. You can't hear ANYTHING in space - FACT!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Neil Armstrong (Abdul Jamal) - Passes Aug 27, 2012
Too funny!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Neil Armstrong (Abdul Jamal) - Passes Aug 27, 2012
Yeah, and he also said "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky" just after hearing Allah Akbah. True!
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