Naive Empiricism - Food For Thought

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naive empiricism - Food for thought Sep 23, 2009
Naïve empiricism:

..I call this overload of examples naïve empiricism – selections of anecdotes selected to fit a story do not constitute evidence. Anyone looking for confirmation will find enough of it to deceive himself - and no doubt his peers.

It is also naïve empiricism to provide, in support of some argument, series of eloquent confirmatory quotes by dead authorities. By searching, you can always find someone who made a well-sounding statement that confirms your point of view – and, on every topic, it is possible to find a dead thinker that said the exact opposite.

NN Taleb - The Black Swan. pp xxvii



Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Sep 24, 2009
Yes, I agree that crawling through the web to find authors which say something positive about Islam, such as quoting Montgomery Watt or Hans Kung (not dead yet) or some Hindu professor guy or Hugh Kennedy was a bit...desperate.
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