10 Myths About Muslims In The West

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10 Myths about Muslims in the West Sep 11, 2012
Doug Saunders writes on Huffpost about his book 'Myth of the Muslim Tide' in which he debunks the cherished myths that rayznack/eh and his fellow anti-Muslim posters like to present as fact.

The article gives the facts behind point, showing why it is a myth - but for space, I have only listed the myths themselves. (Some, like item 10, is partly true - but the hype does not match reality) Click on the link to see the evidence. It is a handy guide when ray copies across specious arguments and fabrications to support his mistaken views about Muslims.


In my new book The Myth of the Muslim Tide, I chronicle the widespread misunderstanding of Muslim immigration to the West. As with Jews and Catholics before, I discuss that Muslims are being seen as an impossible-to-integrate, fast-reproducing invasion force who follow a religion that’s more an ideology of conquest than a faith. Using the latest facts and figures, I illustrate the far less alarming truth about these new arrivals.

Here are 10 common myths about Muslims in the West:

1. Muslims have a higher birth rate than other religions, and will take over the world by population
2. Immigrants from Muslim countries are going to swamp us
3. Muslims will become a majority in European countries
4. Muslims will become a dominant group of cultural outsiders in the United States
5. Muslim immigrants in the West hold the same backward views that Muslims do in the Middle East and Pakistan
6. Muslims in America are more loyal to their faith than their country
7. Poor Muslims are flooding out of overpopulated countries into the West
8. Muslim immigrants are angry at the society around them
9. Muslims in the West cheer for terrorist violence
10. Muslims have become so populous that the most common baby name in Britain is now Mohammed.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/doug-saun ... slims_have


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: 10 Myths about Muslims in the West Sep 12, 2012
5. Muslim immigrants in the West hold the same backward views that Muslims do in the Middle East and Pakistan

True in Britain with British Muslims:

reality wrote:By contrast, the poll found that British Muslims represented a "notable exception" in Europe, with far more negative views of westerners than Islamic minorities elsewhere on the continent. A significant majority viewed western populations as selfish, arrogant, greedy and immoral. Just over half said westerners were violent. While the overwhelming majority of European Muslims said westerners were respectful of women, fewer than half British Muslims agreed. Another startling result found that only 32% of Muslims in Britain had a favourable opinion of Jews, compared with 71% of French Muslims.

Across the board, Muslim attitudes in Britain more resembled public opinion in Islamic countries in the Middle East and Asia than elsewhere in Europe. And on the whole, British Muslims were more pessimistic than those in Germany, France and Spain about the feasibility of living in a modern society while remaining devout.

Dubai Expat Helper
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Re: 10 Myths About Muslims In The West Sep 12, 2012
Ah, I see our resident hater has decided to challenge a myth.

Let's see whether reality matches his take on this myth - this is what the author says about point 5:

Actually, Muslims change their cultural views dramatically when they emigrate. For example, 62% of American Muslims say that "a way can be found for the state of Israel to exist so that the rights of Palestinians are addressed" – - a rate barely lower than that of average Americans (67%), and vastly ahead of the miniscule response among Middle Eastern Muslims – - for whom between 20% and 40% agreed with that statement. Similarly, 39% of American Muslims and 47% of German Muslims say they tolerate homosexuality, compared to single-figure responses in most Islamic countries – and those rates are rising with each immigrant generation. On these important questions, Muslim immigrants are converging with Western values fast.

Compare and contrast with the anti-Muslim's spin. I'd say he's failed. Again.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: 10 Myths About Muslims In The West Sep 12, 2012
Actually, Muslims change their cultural views dramatically when they emigrate.

Actually, second/third generation British Muslims are more radicalised than their first generation parents and grandparents:

Young British Muslims are far more likely to hold radical, anti-Western views than their parents or grandparents, a new survey has claimed.

The study found that 40 per cent of Muslims between the ages of 16 and 24 would prefer to live in Britain under sharia law, a legal system based on the teachings of the Koran, compared to just 17 per cent among over-55s.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/yourvie ... rents.html
Dubai Expat Helper
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Re: 10 Myths About Muslims In The West Sep 12, 2012
On this particular point, I know Doug Sanders is completely right and your desperate search for evidence to spin to justify the myth is failing quite badly. But good effort though ;)

Facts, not spin.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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