Muslims Didnt Make This Video, AMERICANS DID!

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muslims didnt make this video, AMERICANS DID! Sep 02, 2010

i dont think any muslims were involved in making this video and its great to see americans finally opening their eyes!

Dubai Forums Zealot
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Re: muslims didnt make this video, AMERICANS DID! Sep 02, 2010
The US Military is a joke! I'll tell you for a fact that other nations cannot stand working with them. Most of them are brain dead idiots, who can't do anything for themselves, never question anything and just follow orders.

I'm glad you posted this vid, as it is indeed a wake up call.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: muslims didnt make this video, AMERICANS DID! Sep 02, 2010
lol i guess you havent seen the video about the brits,nato & UN then!!! :D
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Re: muslims didnt make this video, AMERICANS DID! Sep 02, 2010
The trouble is RB, who really knows the truth of what goes on over there, unless you actually speak to those who've been in that situation. My other half has just finished a 3 year tour of Iraq, and he's so glad to be out. Speaking to him and his friends they all say that half the stuff that comes out of that place isn't true, it's all hype and media spin.

FYI, he isn't American or a Brit.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Muslims Didnt Make This Video, AMERICANS DID! Sep 02, 2010
Here is another clip of the same video but it appears that the beginning had been edited out of the video first posted. It includes some of the footage of the above clip, but shows that there is more than one guilty party in this outrageous, unnecessary so-called "war".

Bora Bora
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Re: muslims didnt make this video, AMERICANS DID! Sep 02, 2010
We've said that already now haven't we?! But the fact of the matter is, because the Americans have probably the richest military in the world, they have the best of the best, but also the worst of the worst. Did you know the American army is the only one in the world that rolls with a construction company in tow? To build their camps, which includes having Starbucks, Burger King, MacDonalds etc within them?

Does any other military do this? - er no. The majority of American officers that you come across will all claim to be 'special forces' - yeah yeah special at fipping burgers in the naffy.

I really wish you knew how disliked they are among all the other nations involved.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Muslims Didnt Make This Video, AMERICANS DID! Sep 02, 2010
And you think I care because................?
Bora Bora
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Re: Muslims Didnt Make This Video, AMERICANS DID! Sep 02, 2010
Shocking stuff. I'll be surprised if anyone here stoops low enough to make excuses for what is in these videos... the casual violence is truly shocking. The throwing of the puppy just indicative of how callous some are.

I don't think it is a matter of nationality - give kids guns and give them power, and whether it is Uganda, Basra or Hebron you'll pretty much get the same atrocities.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: muslims didnt make this video, AMERICANS DID! Sep 04, 2010
Of course none of it is acceptable Shaf, but as you say it's the same within any country where conflict is raging.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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