Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Injection

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Muslim victim tries to spare attacker from lethal injection Jul 20, 2011 ... 02137.html

Below is an excerpt, but please read the whole article. I dedicate this thread to Islamophobes who constantly post anti-Islam propaganda on this site.

Over the past several months, Bhuiyan, a devout Muslim, has mounted an aggressive campaign to convince Texas authorities to commute Stroman's sentence to life in prison without the possibility of parole. He has asked the state board of pardons and paroles to make a positive recommendation for clemency to Gov. Rick Perry, and has asked Texas prison administrators for permission to meet face-to-face with Stroman for a victim-offender reconciliation process.

After those efforts were met with no response from Texas officials, Bhuiyan filed a lawsuit against the state, arguing that his rights as a crime victim to meet with his attacker had been unjustly denied. That lawsuit was moved from state to federal court on Monday and remains unresolved.

In an interview with HuffPost, Bhuiyan said his efforts on behalf of Stroman were motivated by his Muslim faith. The Koran teaches that those who forsake retribution and forgive those who have wronged them become closer to God, he said.

"My faith teaches me that saving a life is like saving the entire human race," he said.

Bhuiyan is not alone in his efforts to save Stroman's life. He has support from family members of the other victims, including the widows of the two murdered men, Waqar Husan and Vasudev Patel, he said.

"We decided to forgive him and want to give him a chance to be a better person," Nadeem Akhtar, Husan's brother-in-law, said in an interview.

Akhtar said that his sister, Husan's widow, had written a letter requesting that the Dallas district attorney's office support the effort to obtain clemency for Stroman. The district attorney's office declined to support the petition, however.

According to those close to Stroman, the efforts by Bhuiyan on his behalf have contributed to a change of heart in a man who called his crimes "patriotic" before his trial and who prosecutors once described as a cold-blooded killer.

In an interview last week, Stroman told Ilan Ziv, a documentary filmmaker, that he was remorseful for the crimes and was deeply moved by Bhuiyan's attempts to save his life.

"I received a message that Rais loved me and that is powerful," said Stroman, who suffered extreme abuse and neglect as a child at the hands of his alcoholic parents, according to court records.

"I want to thank him in person for his inspiring act of compassion. He has forgiven the unforgiveable and I want to tell him that I have a lot of love and respect him," he added.

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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 20, 2011
Devout Muslim shows compassion is not going to be a headline featured on the Islamophobic web sites the loons here get their information from.

I expect either silence or a weak attempt to rubbish this post as unrepresentative (and the usual funny insistence that the bible-camp version of Islam/Moooslims is the true one).

Thanks for posting - a moving story.

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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 20, 2011
i remmember a similar story taking place in here in the UAE were one of the sheikhs of sharjah was hit on the head by a rescue flare during a football match that was set off by one of the spectators of the opposing team, he was in a critical conditions and on his death bed requested the immdiate release of that person, and as he passed away, his request was respected and the guy was released.
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Re: Muslim victim tries to spare attacker from lethal inject Jul 20, 2011
Any plans on doing the same for those with a one track mind on Israel and Jews?
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 20, 2011
That's a nice story too general_A! It is always inspiring when people can put themselves in others' shoes and feel the compassion to forgive.

In the story above, the widows and some family members of two of Stroman's victims who he did manage to kill were of the same mind as Bhuiyan who survived - they all forgave and did not want to see Stroman die. They realized that this guy was screwed up from a terrible childhood, addiction and the stress of 9-11. The results of their compassion on Stroman is amazing! He's remorseful and feels deeply for those people who have tried to save him. Too bad he wasn't shown as much compassion by his parents and others in his youth and fell prey to addiction and the hateful propaganda out there, because two people would be alive right now, and Bhuiyan would not have suffered, not to mention Stroman's suffering as well!

-- Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:30 am --

event horizon wrote:Any plans on doing the same for those with a one track mind on Israel and Jews?

Sure, I can look for some similar examples. As you know, I don't like any stereotypical hate propaganda coming from either side. Now how about you reconsider the propaganda you post on this forum while you are at the same time condemning those with a "one track mind on Israel and Jews"?
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Re: Muslim victim tries to spare attacker from lethal inject Jul 20, 2011
Start with giving me an example where I post anti-Muslim comments.
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Re: Muslim victim tries to spare attacker from lethal inject Jul 20, 2011
This moozlim has lived too long in the US, he is in denial ............with islam.
I have in mind many examples where murderers in islamic countries get away with murder by paying blood money to the victim's family, that happnes all the time , and that is not compassion.
This is what islam, the law of of allah, says about compassion:
"wisdom and compassion requires a killer be put to death" ".....a married adulterer be stoned" ".....and the hand of a thief be chopped"
I am not inventing this, it is all over the quran and from clerics like this one, so this guy in Texas, i dont know what he is smoking, but his compassion, is NOT consistent with islam
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
First off, you TS, are a hypocrite. You're dedicating this thread to people who spread hate towards Islam, yet the entire thread is very obviously completely apathetic about whether or not the man who shot him should be killed (which kinda defeats your whole "Muzlumz r naice", don't you think?).

Secondly, the whole "Killing people is the worst thing you can do, if you do it we'll kill you. It's ok for us to do it though because we have a formalised system which, as we all know, justifies any act." is becoming a really tiring justification for people in support of the death penalty.

Thirdly (and actually on topic, for once), I may be morally against the death penalty...but legally that man has absolutely no right to try and stop his his attacker getting the needle (and by now he probably already has). That man murdered two other people who are not speaking up as far as I know, and if they are...then your dedication to religion may not be such a waste after all.

And lastly, doesn't anyone else find it annoying how nice muslims are sometimes? I'm not being sarcastic and trying to defend them, THE GUY WAS SHOT IN THE FACE! C'mon, grow a f**king spine, grab that baseball bat that's so deeply up your ass, and bash some heads in man!
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
cw71017 wrote:First off, you TS, are a hypocrite. You're dedicating this thread to people who spread hate towards Islam, yet the entire thread is very obviously completely apathetic about whether or not the man who shot him should be killed (which kinda defeats your whole "Muzlumz r naice", don't you think?).

Secondly, the whole "Killing people is the worst thing you can do, if you do it we'll kill you. It's ok for us to do it though because we have a formalised system which, as we all know, justifies any act." is becoming a really tiring justification for people in support of the death penalty.

Thirdly (and actually on topic, for once), I may be morally against the death penalty...but legally that man has absolutely no right to try and stop his his attacker getting the needle (and by now he probably already has). That man murdered two other people who are not speaking up as far as I know, and if they are...then your dedication to religion may not be such a waste after all.

And lastly, doesn't anyone else find it annoying how nice muslims are sometimes? I'm not being sarcastic and trying to defend them, THE GUY WAS SHOT IN THE FACE! C'mon, grow a f**king spine, grab that baseball bat that's so deeply up your peach, and bash some heads in man!

Who is TS? I've read your post and all I have to say is, 'huh?"
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
^ Thread Starter. To clarify, you. Person who started this thread is called the TS.
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
Or in common forum language OP, Orginal Poster
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
Yeah but lots of people use OP as 'Original post' instead so as to not cause confusion.

This thread has been derailed waaaaayyy off topic.
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
Instead of using TS or OP, how about using their name? :D

I'm a hypocrite to post this thread as proof to the Islamophobes on this forum that Islam is a not a religion of hate and violence, contrary to their biased views? Then you say, "doesn't anyone else find it annoying how nice muslims are sometimes?". So again, I say "huh?"
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
Off topic but:

Herve, I've noticed lately you are quoting from the Koran. Are you in the process of converting to Islam??

Back on topic.
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
No, he's only quoting from the Islamophobia for Dummies guide. Where there is a nice section of out of context and mistranslated verses another section also states anyone posting on DF is either Muslim, Arab or both. I believe EH lent it to him.

Back on topic....Again !
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
kanelli wrote:Instead of using TS or OP, how about using their name? :D

I'm a hypocrite to post this thread as proof to the Islamophobes on this forum that Islam is a not a religion of hate and violence, contrary to their biased views? Then you say, "doesn't anyone else find it annoying how nice muslims are sometimes?". So again, I say "huh?"

Alright then, Kanelli.

I didn't call you a hypocrite because of that. I called you a hypocrite because of the kind of mundane fact that this thread is also a type of propaganda. Since you really don't care what happens to the prisoner (May he rest in peace, btw) and are only spreading the word about this to show that your religion isn't filled with hate & violence. You condemn their actions while doing something not far from it.

Now to get on to the main point, the fact that there is one individual event thus far that proves that some Muslims are 'nice' doesn't make it an objective truth. In fact whether Muslims are nice or not is a pretty subjective moot point which would be pointless to get into since it's really not an important issue OR the reason why anyone dislikes Muslims.

I don't dislike Muslims or Arabs or whatever, but I do however dislike all forms of religion in which the doctrines require me to to believe a fable of some sort, and puts me in a group that opposes other religious establishments. You always hear (and don't try and disprove this, every Muslim I've ever met has done this) Muslims talking about the "Evils of the west" etc. etc. And you always hear Christians, Jews and what not talking about how their religion is supreme to others. Now even though that Muslims believe that other religions are true, that doesn't mean that they don't think that their religion is 'better' (and believe me, I use the word 'better' very loosely here)
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
Err...dude, K isn't Muslim.
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
I'm a female white Canadian atheist.

Since you don't seem to be aware of all the anti-Islam, anti-Arab propaganda that gets posted daily by a handful of people on this forum, you don't get the context for why I posted this thread. Stick around for a while and read and you will see.
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
Alright then, "To show that Islam isn't filled with hate & violence"

Your religious views, or lack thereof, are (no offense) irrelevant. Doesn't really change what I was trying to say.

Are people here really so hateful of Muslims that an atheist has to step to defend the theists? :O

Damn, I gotta say It seems as though I'm getting off at the wrong foot in this forum.
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
I just think you are over-thinking it. :) Some here are asserting that Muslims are hateful and violent because of their religion and they post many threads to prove their views. They don't like this thread topic because it shows Muslims forgiving what most would think is the unforgivable. Some here, like me, try to point out that stereotyping all Muslims as hate-filled and violent radicals does a great disservice to the majority of Muslims out there who are not hateful and are peace-loving.
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
"I maybe Paranoid, but I'm not an Android" :p I do tend to overthink things, but I only do it to assert my nonconformity :lol:

Well I don't think that ALL Muslims are hateful and/or violent, but I've certainly met some people who were slightly more radical with their behavior around me (knowing that I'm an atheist).

I don't like stereotyping people (that thing with the baseball bat and the head bashing was a joke, if I may add), not even in a good way. That's why I immediately went into a rant. The dude who forgave his assailant did a good thing, I just didn't like the fact that some people are using his religious views to spread a good word about Islam.
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
cw71017 wrote:I just didn't like the fact that some people are using his religious views to spread a good word about Islam.

I totally get what you're saying but on the flip side there are a lot of people ( take DF for example ) who are taking the actions of a few to spread negativity about Islam.

These are nothing but counter arguments. But consider this why do there need to be counter arguments in the first place ?
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
cw71017 wrote:The dude who forgave his assailant did a good thing, I just didn't like the fact that some people are using his religious views to spread a good word about Islam.

I get what you are saying. Really, anyone, even an atheist :D is capable of such forgiveness as well. I am aware of that, even if using this story to prove a point against the resident Islamophobes.
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 21, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:No, he's only quoting from the Islamophobia for Dummies guide. Where there is a nice section of out of context and mistranslated verses another section also states anyone posting on DF is either Muslim, Arab or both. I believe EH lent it to him.

Back on topic....Again !

You can take that back, all these videos are from mooslims, real footage, no mistranslation here, just the truth about islam. As far as the quran, i have one in french one in english, those quotes are there for anyone to see, if there is misrepresentaion , edit the book.
You did not answear, are in favor of sharia law in western countries.
in the end, there is no mistranslation, or mis interpretation, because muslims do pretty much everything that is in the quran.
You just hate it , when someone exposes what is islam
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 22, 2011
Voila! ;)
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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 22, 2011
Yes exactly K and thank you Hervy for proving my point, that everybody is an arm chair scholar on Islam other than the muslims themselves. We have a few here ourselves. EH being the grand mufti.

Besides Hervy you talk too much for your own good, you have proven on more than one occasion that your nothing but a hate filled antisemitic bigot.
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Re: Muslim victim tries to spare attacker from lethal inject Jul 22, 2011
^ Not unlike someone who pontificates on a book he clearly never read, eh dingleberry?

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Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject Jul 23, 2011
Whataboutery rears its ugly head again.

Let's see what this one is this time.. isn't effectively saying: 'Yes, I do pretend to be the grand mufti and issue comic views about Islam, but look here's a quote where shafique quotes the Bible and attributes to Jesus what James wrote, and I used this fact to avoid answering the question.'

I guess the irony that you've never actually read the whole Quran escapes you. ;)

But in this case, why are the loons so pained that a Muslim is doing a good thing - an act which is explicitly stated Muslims should do in the Quran. Did they tip-ex/edit out all the references to mercy and forgiveness in the Bible-camp lessons about Islam?

Lighten up boy - your fundamentalist extremism is just causing you pain. I mean, to really try and persuade people that it is ok to support the killing of women for having abortions shows how out of touch you are.

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Re: Muslim victim tries to spare attacker from lethal inject Jul 23, 2011
I'm beginning to think 'what-aboutery' is the only word you know.

A good judge of fanaticism is when someone isn't able to pick up on parody.

As for pontificating on books one has never read, I didn't repeatedly confuse the epistles for the gospels, now did I?

I guess they didn't teach you Bible Basics at the Madrassa.
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