Muslim Terrorist - Or Not?

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Muslim Terrorist - or not? May 24, 2010
This is from a Dutch site (hat tip to those Dutch dudes):

Are you a cameraman trying to capture an image of an angry Muslim to deliver the news that night, then this the formula for success: 1) Put your camera as annoyingly as possible in the face of a Muslim and say that you are “only” doing your work. 2) Repeat step 1 several times. 3) Call him a “f *** ing terrorist”. It’s also nice that you do not have to take security measures, because no one will attack you and you come out rather well. Note here that no other camera crew present to captured all this. That’s it. Seriously … as easy as that. Look: ... ppen!.html

Shows what a bit of editing can do! :shock:


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Muslim Terrorist - Or Not? May 25, 2010
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Muslim Terrorist - or not? May 27, 2010
Well, I don't know about Australia, but for normal countries, there was nothing illegal with what the cameraman was initially doing.

The first three minutes of the video simply showed an annoying cameraman following around an accused criminal after being released from court for taking part in a riot. The accused criminal, not used to enlightened concepts of freedom of movement, wasn't too pleased that he couldn't bully an Aussie citizen around - his own father even had to restrain his son a few times well before the cameraman allegedly said anything to the pair.

Omar Amr was/is nothing but a thug (who was in court for his involvement in rioting), like so many other thugs in abundance in the world today, it seems. What's sad is that this video is now making the rounds and actually makes the meathead, Omar Amr, look like a victim in all of this.

Funny, he didn't look like a victim when he needed to be restrained by his father from thuggishly attacking the cameraman or when he was out rioting (like many other Muslims were recently doing in Australia) which was the reason he was at court at the time.
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Re: Muslim Terrorist - Or Not? May 27, 2010
Well, in the UK, calling someone a 'f*cking terrorist' after he told you about 20 times to leave him alone would probably break the law.

But you are right, before the cameraman crossed the line and did something wrong, the cameraman was just being provocative and a pain. The guy lost it when he was called a 'f*cking terrorist' and it was only then that the cameraman got his shot - and this is the kind of shot that would make it to MEMRI videos.

Just like most Memri videos - the bits they cut out show Muslims doing nothing wrong! ;)

Anyway, thanks for your valued judgement that the guy was 'nothing but a thug' and not the victim. Not disappointed, not surprised at your judgement.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Muslim Terrorist - or not? May 27, 2010
Reading comprehension failure once more. I said initially what the cameraman did was not illegal. I'm not sure if swearing is illegal in the United States, though.

Just like most Memri videos - the bits they cut out show Muslims doing nothing wrong!

Sure. The kid just needed his father to physically restrain him the entire time. Too bad his father couldn't tag along to prevent him from rioting and probably attacking random citizens, as was common during the 2006 riots.

Anyway, thanks for your valued judgement that the guy was 'nothing but a thug' and not the victim. Not disappointed, not surprised at your judgement.

I know. In your world, Muslims are always the victims.
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Re: Muslim Terrorist - Or Not? Jun 02, 2010
This series of events was exposed, not by the Dutch, but by Australia's own media watch program, and subsiquently investigated by the industry watchdog.
Luckily these systems are in place to prevent it from happening again.
The irony is that the terrosrist tag (for the son) is quite appropriate.
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Re: Muslim Terrorist - or not? Jan 06, 2011
Remember this?

Also from Australia - edited footage initially showed a normal guy as a terrorist.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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