This thread is about a place of worship being burnt by Jewish extremists in a vindictive attack.
Calling me anti-semitic is a belief, but just another usual tactic.
Fanbois - you guys need to be consistent. You can claim that borders haven't been agreed yet, and therefore any part of pre-1948 Palestine (as clearly defined in numerous maps and reports) may be under Palestinian Arab control, or agree which borders you recognise as not Israel and therefore Palestine.
Palestine is not imaginary, RC - just under military occupation.

(But, I'll be honest - I did think the mosque was in the Occupied West Bank where the other mosques were attacked - my bad. And yes, I deserve all the 'the title is a lie' comments.

Next time I'll consult a map. )
However, the episode does highlight the difference between fanbois and ordinary people. Ordinary people would condemn the crime first and foremost.