A Moral Right To Pali Terror?

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A moral right to Pali terror? Feb 03, 2011
Yes, this is what the article in the Guardian claims. A moral right to kill children.


The revelations in detail (Report, 25 January) of the intransigent greed, the escape from decency, of Israeli governments in negotiation with our selected leaders of the Palestinians, serve one purpose among others. They provide a further part of what is now an overwhelming argument for a certain proposition. It is that the Palestinians have a moral right to their terrorism within historic Palestine against neo-Zionism. The latter, neither Zionism nor of course Jewishness, is the taking from the Palestinians of at least their autonomy in the last one-fifth of their historic homeland. Terrorism, as in this case, can as exactly be self-defence, a freedom struggle, martyrdom, the conclusion of an argument based on true humanity, etc.

What do people think, is their ever a MORAL RIGHT to terror?

Hamas claimed several times that killing Jews is NATURAL! Also something I just cannot grasp.

Flying Dutchman
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Re: A Moral Right To Pali Terror? Feb 03, 2011
First - it is a letter, not an article, in the Guardian. There's a difference.

There is never a moral right to terrorism.

The ANC were wrong when the blew up South Africans, Irgun and the Stern Gang were wrong when they used terrorism in Palestine (booby trapping British soldiers they tortured and killed was particularly gruesome, as was the first modern day terrorist attack - the bombing of the King David Hotel).

This is not to excuse Palestinian who chooses terrorism - on the contrary, it is to condemn them too. They are as bad as those others who use terrorism to counter people they see as occupying their land.

The Israeli Military Occupation is now being more and more opposed by diplomatic and legal means - and it is this 'peace offensive' that seems to worry those who don't wish to see Israel give up the Military Occupation.

I therefore disagree with the letter writer - Ted Honderich of London. It is never a moral right to commit acts of terrorism - be it Israeli or Palestinians doing the killing.

However, Ted does specify that he's talking about acts taking place in land under Israeli Military Occupation - and I do believe it is legitimate to oppose the military occupation - by military needs if necessary. But not terrorism.

(I trust you're not going to ask people to comment on graffiti next in the on-going smoke and mirrors defence of Israel's Military Occupation? The Guardian's page was actually about the revelations in the Palestinian Papers - and not really about one letter writer's opinion about how to oppose the Military Occupation. :roll: )

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: A Moral Right To Pali Terror? Feb 04, 2011
shafique wrote:This is not to excuse Palestinian who chooses terrorism - on the contrary, it is to condemn them too. They are as bad as those others who use terrorism to counter people they see as occupying their land.

Empty and hollow words. It all comes down to definition of terror, civilians and innocent. Which are completely different apparently.

When a civilian pregnant jewish woman is shot dead, then it serves the purpose of highlighting the occupation according to you. I also remember how jubulent you were about a Pali woman declaring that she support her son, who's live was saved by Israeli doctors, blowing himself up in Jerusalem.

This is terror to me, with your active support.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: A Moral Right To Pali Terror? Feb 04, 2011
You really don't like it when your spin is exposed do you?

I disagree with the letter writer - and categorically state that any form of terrorism is wrong. I have never condoned any Jewish, Muslim, Atheist mother, father brother or son etc blowing up or otherwise harming or killing any civilian. That is terrorism and there is no moral right to it.

Your fantasies are getting ahead of you - again. You may be confusing me with the most extreme religious fanatic here - who has indeed refused to condemn acts of terrorism. You have expressed sympathy for war crimes - and I called you out on that.

So your 'active support' translates as 'you're a muslim and I don't believe you don't condemn all forms of terrorism'.

And all because you thought a letter in the Guardian was an article. :roll:

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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