Men Fined In Racial Egg Pelting Of Girls

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Men fined in racial egg pelting of girls Jul 05, 2012
Strange miscarriage of justice. There are people put in prison for two months over offensive, "racist" twitter comments but individuals who actually attack others in a racially motivated attack receive no jail time.

Four men who pelted eggs at young Jewish people during racially motivated attacks in Golders Green have been ordered to pay compensation to their victims.


the men shouted “oi, Jews” and “Jews” while they drove past before throwing an egg, one of which hit a girl in the face.

As the girls continued down the road, the car drove back down the road and they were subjected to more shouting, though one of them was able to memorise the number plate. They also noticed more broken eggs on the road.

Fifteen minutes later, two 14-year-old boys were walking along the same road when the group drove slowly past them.

All the car windows on the passenger side were open and as the car pulled alongside the boys, the occupants yelled abuse at them with at least one voice shouting, “you f***ing Jews”.

At least three or four eggs were thrown, spattering the boys on their shoes and trousers.

The court decided after a two day trial that the behaviour had been motivated by the religion of the victims.

All four were ordered to pay £415 in fines, court costs and compensation to their victims. ... pensation/

Whether you think these individuals should be jailed is not so much the point as much as that others *are* for lesser crimes that most consider free speech:

So why is someone in the UK jailed for offensive internet comments while actual attackers in a hate crime remain free?

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Re: Men Fined In Racial Egg Pelting Of Girls Jul 05, 2012
Not sure what your point here is - is it that the Tweeter should not have been jailed, or that the 4 who threw eggs and insults should have been jailed?

Given that it wasn't the same judge and that each had their motivations - why is it a miscarriage of justice? The tweeter's sentence was seen as harsh in the media and commentators said it was intentionally so to serve a purpose.

My view is that the tweeter shouldn't have been jailed for his comments - they were offensive and ill judged - and I think it was only because the footballer was a celebrity and this was seen as a chance to make headlines.

Racist attacks in the UK are not uncommon - EDL thugs are routinely brought up on charges for example - and the stats on those charged and jailed are readily available. Similar attacks against asians, blacks or whites - where eggs are thrown and abuse given will be similarly dealt with in the courts.

Therefore it is the sentence of the tweeter that is out of line. Racist attacks in the UK are dealt with pretty even handedly to my mind.

Here is a racially motivated attacks by an EDL member - and the sentence was a fine and community service, not jail. The crimes were more serious than egg throwing, it seems - but the total fine is in line with above:
The English Defence League Plymouth Division's Stef Adamson appeared before Plymouth magistrates court today and was found guilty of a racially aggravated public order offense and a racially aggravated assault against a teenager.

The victim of assault was 14 at the time, others boys ranged from 13-16 at time of incident which took place last year during the summer riots.

Adamson had accused the boys of being 'rioters and looters' and 'coming to our country and taking our jobs', before grabbing the boys rucksack and pulling him around.

District judge William Tait said he was guilty of 'offensive behaviour' by insulting the group because of their appearance.

He added: "You showed hostility to the group simply because you perceived them not to be British."

One of the boys was Turkish and the other boys where British born black but Adamson went onto Facebook to boast that he had beaten up a group of Algerian men.

Adamson, 24, of Old Woodlands Road, Crownhill, was fined £150 with £300 prosecution costs and was ordered to do 80 hours community order.

Last November Adamson was sentenced to a 12 month community order with 100 hours of unpaid work and ordered to pay £20 costs after EDL News sent screenshots to Devon and Cornwall Police of Adamson threatening to bomb the Plymouth Herald's office after they revealed details of their Division's alleged attack on the Istanbul takeaway on Exeter Street, Plymouth last August.. ... eprivacy=1

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