US Marines And 'SS' Photo

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US Marines and 'SS' photo Feb 11, 2012
Marines in Afghanistan pose in front of an SS flag and then claim they thought it was a nod to 'sniper scouts' and not the SS. Jewish leaders in the US question whether it was an innocent mistake..

What do you think?


An initial Marine investigation into the matter concluded that the troops would not be disciplined because there was no malicious intent. The Marines mistakenly believed the “SS” in the shape of white lightning bolts on the blue flag were a nod to sniper scouts — not members of Adolf Hitler’s special unit that murdered millions of Jews, Catholics, gypsies and others, said Maj. Gabrielle Chapin, a spokeswoman at Camp Pendleton, Calif.

But the furor over the photo — which was taken in September 2010 in Afghanistan — grew as Jewish leaders and others questioned whether it was an innocent mistake. ... story.html


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 11, 2012
I thought it was the logo of the 2012 Olympics.
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 11, 2012
Nothing surprises me anymore. Knowledge of WWII among youth is declining. My generation grew up with (grand)parents that eye witnessed the war, so you got first hand stories. For younger generations this is less the case, and it's a more distant event for them. Military people should know better though, you would think.
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 11, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:Military people should know better though, you would think.

I agree.

Either way it looks bad - if they did know and did it anyway or if they didn't know. I find it hard to believe that the imagery is unknown to all in the company/group - I mean the Nazis aren't really ancient history and there's no shortage of films, popular culture etc that has SS insignia in it, from Indiana Jones to Saving Private Ryan etc etc.


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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 11, 2012
shafique wrote:no shortage of films, popular culture etc that has SS insignia in it, from Indiana Jones to Saving Private Ryan etc etc.

You think those two movies are "educational"??? Even if the soldiers saw the insignia once in their life do you think it's going to be something that should register with them for life? It's not as if the "SS" was something you see in every store front or advert. Do you really think that kids in their 20s should know about WWI, WWII, the Korean War? Kids that age would only know about it if they were "war buffs" and interested in the history of wars. Those kids are two or three generations removed from the Nazi period Shaf. Their war reference probably starts with Desert Storm. :roll: I guess the US should start giving history tests on wars before allowing someone to enlist. :roll:

I don't think there was any intent, but more about lack of knowledge. TBH, I can't remember when I last saw an "SS" insignia, and they probably never saw one in their life, but just learned about it when that photo surfaced.
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 11, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:You think those two movies are "educational"???

Just making the point that I find it hard to imagine any adult does not recognise the SS sign as a Nazi symbol. Let's not forget video games such as call of duty etc etc - all 'non-educational' exposures to Nazis and their symbols.

And yes, I do believe kids in their 20s who are in the military will know about Nazi uniforms and insignia.

You're agruing that NO ONE in their group was aware of what the symbol stands for, then I'm even more amazed at the lack of knowledge. Just my opinion.

The ADL categorise it as a hate symbol:


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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 11, 2012
shafique wrote:The ADL categorise it as a hate symbol:

LOL. Is the ADL required reading??

I'm not ARGUING the point Shaf, but it is very likely that they were unaware of it. Stop being so quick to assume that a bunch of kids, or at least one of them, should have known. Go back and really read my earlier post. As I said, if I saw the "SS" it would probably not register with me. I'm sure they are very familiar with a swatstika, but not the SS.
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 12, 2012
Thanks - your point is clear.

My view was the opposite of yours - I am of the opinion that it would be very unlikely that the Marines would NOT be aware of the SS symbol. Indeed, the flag itself was owned by one of the guys in the photo (hard to imagine an Afghan gave it to them!).

We're both speculating based on what we think they knew. The US government is looking further into this and hasn't taken the excuse/explanation at face value yet.


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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 12, 2012
What is interesting here, is that when US Marines pose in front of waffen SS flag it creates an outrage. But when moslems from certain groups use the nazi salute and promote hitler, there is no outrage at all.


Because it s deemed NOT to be normal for the first, but normal for the seond
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 12, 2012
You're wrong herve.

Islamophobic websites do make a fuss about supposed anti-Semitism from Muslims, but the world doesn't take notice. In this case, the Jewish and other groups in the US made a fuss and the US government is taking notice.


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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 12, 2012
For poster Shafique, giving the nazi salute is not antisemitic. Hezbollah nazi saluting, doesn't make them antisemitic according to him.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 12, 2012
Again with the stalking and the repeating of your beliefs about me and my posts? :roll:

Try and stick to the topic - not every thread is about me!

herve is still wrong though.


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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 12, 2012
shafique wrote:Try and stick to the topic

Jawohl Herr Shafique!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 12, 2012
herve wrote:What is interesting here, is that when US Marines pose in front of waffen SS flag it creates an outrage

Not to worry herve. Those soldiers will be taken out to the back of the camp, lined up against the wall, and shot.

I think that the lightening bolt should be banned.

lightening bolt 3.jpg
Military Patch
lightening bolt 3.jpg (44.3 KiB) Viewed 1308 times

satonic s.jpg
Represents Satonic C
satonic s.jpg (4.74 KiB) Viewed 1308 times

kiss.jpg (12.64 KiB) Viewed 1308 times

I have more if anyone is interested.

--- Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:10 pm ---

Bora Bora
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 12, 2012
How about this?

2012.jpg (7.96 KiB) Viewed 1300 times
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 12, 2012
^ I remember Iran threatened to boycoot the 2012 Olympics, because above mentioned logo was supposed to be a Zionist conspiracy.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 12, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:^ I remember Iran threatened to boycoot the 2012 Olympics, because above mentioned logo was supposed to be a Zionist conspiracy.

They wouldn't have been missed, I don't think they ever win anything anyhow.
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 13, 2012
unless suicide bombing becomes an olympic discipline
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 13, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:How about this?

Is that a puzzle???
Bora Bora
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Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo Feb 13, 2012
It's a puzzle how it came to be the symbol of the 2012 Olympics
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