Mammood Ahmadinerjacket 'rigged' Victory

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Mammood Ahmadinerjacket 'rigged' victory Jun 15, 2009
ran's clerical regime is facing open revolt as riot police clash with huge crowds accusing them of fixing the vote that returned Mammood Ahmadinejad to power.

will ing the Iranians have a civi war. :)

crusader 1
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Jun 16, 2009
Of course the vote was rigged! The best thing that could happen in Iran is for the people to revolt and overthrow him.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 16, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Of course the vote was rigged! The best thing that could happen in Iran is for the people to revolt and overthrow him.

How it’s true. It would be the best for BP and Shell. CIA could help a lot as they did with Mohammed Mossadegh but their influence on situation is little now, God dam
Red Chief
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Jun 16, 2009
No I was thinking more along the lines so the people don't have to live under a harsh, oppressive regime!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 16, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Of course the vote was rigged!

I really need the use of your network of spies chocs, your information is always so much stronger and more detailed than that of the news media.....
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jun 16, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Of course the vote was rigged! The best thing that could happen in Iran is for the people to revolt and overthrow him.

How it’s true. It would be the best for BP and Shell.

That may be a consequence, who knows, although I doubt that even a moderate Iran will be willing to give up its ability to use oil as a political weapon to any great extent.

But it's certainly true that a moderate Iran would be a better thing for ME stability. And there is a new generation in Iran that does not want the hardline autocracy, think of them also, as chocs said.
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Jun 16, 2009
Speedhump wrote:
Red Chief wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Of course the vote was rigged! The best thing that could happen in Iran is for the people to revolt and overthrow him.

How it’s true. It would be the best for BP and Shell.

That may be a consequence, who knows, although I doubt that even a moderate Iran will be willing to give up its ability to use oil as a political weapon to any great extent.

But it's certainly true that a moderate Iran would be a better thing for ME stability. And there is a new generation in Iran that does not want the hardline autocracy, think of them also, as chocs said.

He-he. The new generation? It’s absolutely true. Iran has doubled its population for less than last 20 years. This generation "P" has chosen Pepsi, a buble gum, and blue jeans, not democracy.
PRC has lived 60 years under autocracy. Many young toothless democracies could envy them.
Speedy, you didn’t understand me. It was very bad that the authority probably (not of course) rigged votes. I believe that the main reason is outside country. Most revolutions had big thefts in the end. As a rule multinationals was not able to go past those pieces of pie.
Red Chief
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Jun 16, 2009
Oh really? The how come in reports then they say that in many areas 100% of voters turned out? Unheard of.

In one area where another candidate was from and related to the majority of the village 100% of the votes went to the other guy? I think not.

Anyway the Ayatolla has promised an investigation.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 16, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Oh really? The how come in reports then they say that in many areas 100% of voters turned out? Unheard of.

In one area where another candidate was from and related to the majority of the village 100% of the votes went to the other guy? I think not.

Anyway the Ayatolla has promised an investigation.

It means that there were some manipulations and they did them very rough due to time shortage. Even Irani, who voted against Ahmadi, confirmed that last one has some support.

Of course cabin crew gave you better information.
Red Chief
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Jun 16, 2009
My brain really not working today, I can't concentrate on this. Up at 5 a.m. doing blood tests and visa renewals, ready for a vacation. :banghead:

Think I'll have a kip....!
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jun 16, 2009
RC, you're such an idiot! There's no way in hell that guy got a landslide victory! Otherwise why would soooo many people be rioting and calling for recounts.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 16, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:RC, you're such an idiot! There's no way in hell that guy got a landslide victory! Otherwise why would soooo many people be rioting and calling for recounts.

Probably due to too many people are concentrated on some very small area. It doesn'r really matter how coumntry voted. In such case the capital is the only important.

On the other hand most voters in cities are very young people. They are rather keen in protest and violence than responsibility.

Follow your language please. Now you look like your semi-countryman Bora.
Red Chief
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Jun 16, 2009
Speedhump wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Of course the vote was rigged!

I really need the use of your network of spies chocs, your information is always so much stronger and more detailed than that of the news media.....

I think she's a media person
Misery Called Life
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Jun 16, 2009
Oh so it MUST be true :D :D :D
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Jun 16, 2009
Speedhump wrote:Oh so it MUST be true :D :D :D

:lol: C'mon don't be harsh. She's got the imagination and is good at deducing things.
That's better than Robby G who has infinite faith in the press :lol:
Misery Called Life
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Jun 16, 2009
Look, is it just me..or is this Travis Bickle???



For anyone who doesn't know, Robert De Niro played the psycho Travis Bickle in the film Taxi Driver.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jun 16, 2009
Didn't watch the movie.

The protests in Iran were super violent. Many have infact lost their lives.
Anywaz the Supreme Council has approved a partial recounting. Lets see how that helps.

But what a role twitter is playing. They are virtually the foundation of this revolution of sorts. Not seen since 1991.

But seriously all this violence is so lame! When will people learn?
Misery Called Life
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