You mean to tell me you don't recall defining an Islamophobe as someone who holds Islam as being inferior to another religion - and then going off on some other discussion when I asked you what that made Muslims who believed the exact same thing with regards to their religion compared to others?
But hey, thanks for your definition. Someone who hates and fears Islam is an Islamophobe. Oh, ok, so how are you going to show that I hate and fear Islam from any of my posts?
Typically these people cling to biased and negative opinions of the religion
What does that mean to cling to biased and negative opinions?
Everyone who isn't a Muslim or Karen Armstrong will end up being an Islamophobe based off of that.
engage in fear mongering about the religion.
What constitutes as fear mongering?
People with the same fear/hatred and behaviour regarding other religions besides Islam can also be referred to as Christianophobes/Hinduphobes/Judaiphobes etc.
But I'm willing to add to your definition.
A '-phobe' can be identified as someone with a history of lifting their arguments of a religion from biased, missionary websites.
A phobe can be identified as someone who learns of another religion from biased websites and attempts to lecture adherents of a certain religion on how to correctly follow their religion while that 'phobe' has very little actual knowledge of the religion he or she is pontificating on.
These are just two examples I can quickly think of. Let me know what you think of both and then we can go on to try and spot any actual phobes on this forum.
FD could be a critic if he stopped being such a fan of fabrications like memri and such. There is hope for him yet
Do you have any other websites or organizations - preferably run by Muslims - that chronicle extremism and hate when it's shown on TV in the Muslim world?
Is it that Memri supposedly fabricates things or that you don't like Memri exposing to non-Muslims what is being said about them by Muslims?