Loon "soup Nazi"

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Loon "soup nazi" Oct 26, 2010
Pam Geller (yes, her of the 'Obama is a pimp and jihadist' fame and current holder of the looniest blogger ever award..) now is calling for the boycott of Campbells Soup - at least in Canada.

And why, pray tell?

Well, they committed the sin of getting their soup certified Halal. :shock:
http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/10/pamela ... campbells/


You'll see from the link that as usual Pam gets her facts mixed up, but even if she was right - calling for a boycott of soup??!

Perhaps it was all a joke?

Edit: Colbert takes this up:
http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/10/colber ... reat-down/
How dare they build a tower of Islamic soup so close to ground beef? It's offensive!



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