Red Chief wrote:Bora Bora wrote:Come on Chief, you want the US to do what the Russians couldn't and then have Russia move in??

But, but...............wasn't Russia an aggressor going into Afghanistsan? It's not as if they were "invited".

You say withdrew, I say retreat - when Russia realized that they weren't getting anywere because the Afghani's were kicking Russian butt.

I am not going to discuss what happend ages ago like the massacre of native Americans in 19 century. Now we have the World without Russia. Is it better World without bombs? I don't think so.
Ahhhh, my friend. You open the door, now you want to close it?

Russia is an arms supplier and has supplied certain countries with arms, in particular Iran, so that Iran can protect its nuclear bomb plants - oh, wait Iran doesn't have any!!!

I guess the arms are for peacekeeping purposes.

Russia has and will continue to supply countries with arms and Iran with material to produce chemical weapons. Oooops, did I just tell a well kept secret?
I understand your loyalty to Russia, no different than mine towards the US, but please don't make Russia out to be something it's not. Where else in civilized countries do they have signs in star hotels that state: Please check you gun and have shoot outs in the lobby. Russia is a modern day wild west.