Killing Civilian Was 'act Of War'!

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Killing civilian was 'act of war'! Aug 21, 2009
Interesting developments highlighted below - Israel declaring war on civilians and seeking to avoid taking responsibility for the killing of unarmed protestors.

Israel declares the shooting of American activist, Tristan Anderson to be an “act of war”

Posted on: August 18, 2009

Tristan Anderson, an American national, was critically injured on 13 March 2009 when he was shot with a high velocity tear-gas projectile during an unarmed demonstration against the Wall in the West Bank village of Ni’lin (report and video:

The Israeli Ministry of Defense has notified the Anderson family’s lawyers that Israel perceives the incident on 13 March 2009 as an “act of war.” This classification was made despite the fact that Anderson’s shooting occurred during a civilian demonstration and there were no armed hostilities during the event or surrounding it.

The consequence of such classification is that according to Israeli law, the state of Israel is not liable for any damage its’ forces have caused.

Israeli police have completed their criminal investigation and passed the file to the district attorney of the Central District of the Israeli prosecution offices. The Anderson’s criminal attorney, Michael Sfard, is awaiting their decision.

According to Michael Sfard,

If a process by which unarmed civilian demonstration is classified by Israel as an ‘act of war,’ then clearly Israel admits that it is at war with civilians. International law identifies the incident as a clear case of human rights abuse. As such, Tristan and his family are undoubtedly entitled to justice and compensation. We will pursue this matter and take the government of Israel to court.
In addition to filing a criminal complaint against the State of Israel for the shooting of their son, the Andersons have submitted a notice of intent to file a civil suit.

Leah Tsemel, the civil suit attorney, stated,

This is another occasion where the Israeli government is alluding responsibility. The demonstrations that take place in Ni’lin and Bil’in are not acts of war. We will pursue, in Israeli courts and international courts if necessary, justice for the Anderson family.
Tristan Anderson was critically injured on 13 March 2009 when he was shot with a high-velocity tear gas projectile by Israeli forces. He was taken to Tel Hashomer hospital near Tel Aviv and to date remains in the hospital facilities. Tristan suffered multiple condensed fractures as a result of being hit in the right frontal lobe. He has had several life-saving surgeries and his prospects for recovery are unclear. On 10 August 2009, Tristan underwent another surgery to reattach the top part of his skull, which was removed in order to save his life immediately after his shooting five months ago.

Several eye-witnesses have given testimony that Tristan was shot when he could not have been perceived as any threat to the forces in the area. He was shot from around 60 meters while standing with a few internationals and Palestinians, hours after the demonstration had dispersed from the construction site of the Wall.

“We are horrified and overwhelmed,” said Nancy Anderson during a press conference on 23 March 2009. “We are scared and really still in shock. To shoot peaceful demonstrators is really horrifying to us. What we want to ask is that the Israeli government publicly take full responsibility for the shooting of our son.” (audio of press conference held by the Andersons: ... itary.html)

Israeli forces have been systematically shooting tear-gas projectiles directly at demonstrators during protests at the West Bank Wall.

After Anderson’s shooting, the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem requested the Judge Advocate General, Brig. Gen. Avichai Mandelblit, to immediately clarify to security forces that it is absolutely forbidden to directly aim tear-gas canisters, including extended-range type canisters, at demonstrators in the West Bank. B’Tselem also provided extensive video footage of demonstrations in Ni’lin, Bi’lin, and Jayyus showing repeated firing of tear-gas grenades directly at demonstrators, proving that, contrary to the army’s contentions, Israeli forces in the West Bank have commonly practiced this unlawful act. (report & video: ... rators.asp).

Following the killing of a Palestinian demonstrator in Bil’in, Basem Abu Rahme, by Israeli forces on 17 April 2009 with a high velocity tear gas projectile (report and video:, B’Tselem again demanded that the army enforce its Open-Fire Regulations and investigate the incidents ( ... People.asp).

On 5 May 2009, Yehoshua Lemberger, deputy state attorney for criminal affairs of the Justice Ministry, asked the police to review the guidelines for dispersing protesters based on Rahme’s death and the police investigations of four additional incidents that occurred in Nil’in, including the shooting of Tristan Anderson (

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Aug 21, 2009
Israeli forces attacked unarmed demonstrators, gathered against construction of the wall through the village of Ni’lin’s land.
we are horrified and overwhelmed to read an American was shot, but if he was not there and at home in "Glorious AMERICA" instead of trying to insight the sandnigers to riot this would not have happened

There again the same is happening in iran were unarmed demonstrators/trouble makers are shot and killed and you make no comment about this
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Aug 21, 2009
^Actually, I agree (and have commented before) that the Iranian thugs are taking a leaf out of the Israeli playbook when they attack unarmed protestors.

And I agree with your sentiments that the Yanks should stay out of the Middle East - but fat chance of that given the oil that is there! ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Aug 22, 2009
shafique wrote:^Actually, I agree (and have commented before) that the Iranian thugs are taking a leaf out of the Israeli playbook when they attack unarmed protestors.

And I agree with your sentiments that the Yanks should stay out of the Middle East - but fat chance of that given the oil that is there! ;)


Good point, because Israel/Palestine has sooo much oil. :lol:

Anyways, I thought your view of Iran taking a leaf out of Israel's play book is very credible. I mean, the vast majority of Muslim countries are ruled by leaders who are very tolerant, such a Pakistan (democracy) as opposed to India (dictatorship/theocracy). But, I guess India's problems with dictatorship and corruption can be blamed on Israel. After all, Israel is forcing India's hand to 'take a leaf out of their playbook'.

Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Aug 23, 2009
The last time I looked, India was a democracy and so is Pakistan. When Pakistan was led by a dictator, it too was supported by the US - at least they are consistent about supporting oppressive regimes, whether they be democracies or dictatorships (I mean, they even set up dictatorships - like when they over-threw the elected Pres of Chile and installed Pinochet).

But at least I see there is no disagreement that Israel's tactics are abhorent and thuggish. I mean, it is hard to condone a regime that has a policy of kidnapping children and holding them as bargaining chips. In the past the judicial system of Israel even legalised torture - something they eventually saw the light and banned, but the torture continues and is now illegal.

I will certainly agree with you that Muslim leadership shares many thuggish traits with the Israeli regime - Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are particularly un-democratic, for example. All share the backing of the US though - which is interesting.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Aug 24, 2009
I agree with you that nations and groups (such as Hamas engaging in torture and executions), Islamic insurgents in Algeria, Afghanistan, and Iraq massacring Muslim civilians, and the dictatorships/theocracies saturating the Muslim world can only be blamed on the Israelis. I mean, it's not like rulers have 'free will' to impose a brutal Islamic state in say, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

The hands of these leaders were forced by zionists to impose Islamic law on their peoples. The blame for every beheading, amputation, flogging, stoning and person discriminated under sharia law can be squarely laid on Israel.
Good point.
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Aug 24, 2009
Great - I'm glad we agree that the Israeli regime is guilty of the crimes described.

You may wish to blur the issue and argue that they are just as bad (or not as bad) as other brutal oppressors in the region - which is a refreshing change from the usual fanboy mantra that they Israelis are the 'most moral army' in the world!

Glad that you, at least, have seen the light.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Aug 29, 2009
freefromrats wrote:I agree with you that nations and groups (such as Hamas engaging in torture and executions), Islamic insurgents in Algeria, Afghanistan, and Iraq massacring Muslim civilians, and the dictatorships/theocracies saturating the Muslim world can only be blamed on the Israelis. I mean, it's not like rulers have 'free will' to impose a brutal Islamic state in say, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

The hands of these leaders were forced by zionists to impose Islamic law on their peoples. The blame for every beheading, amputation, flogging, stoning and person discriminated under sharia law can be squarely laid on Israel.
Good point.

Are you being sarcastic, or are you just insane?

Every Islamically decreed stoning in Somalia, Nigeria, etc., is the fault of Israel?
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Aug 29, 2009

You are so twisted you are not even worthy of a response. Please don't view this as a "response" just a notice. And a bit of advice: go peddle your trash somewhere else.
Bora Bora
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Aug 29, 2009
Bora Bora wrote:@ FREEFROMRATS:

You are so twisted you are not even worthy of a response. Please don't view this as a "response" just a notice. And a bit of advice: go peddle your trash somewhere else.

hahahah .. why Bora you are so mad recently .. :P
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Aug 29, 2009
catalyst wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:@ FREEFROMRATS:

You are so twisted you are not even worthy of a response. Please don't view this as a "response" just a notice. And a bit of advice: go peddle your trash somewhere else.

hahahah .. why Bora you are so mad recently .. :P

This isn't a show of anger little boy. It's the ramblings of a person with a distorted view on life and who harbors evil in his heart. You on the other hand: I find you annoying, as others have found you to be.

Here's a suggestion: since you think you are so wise in your knowledge of people and their behavior why don't you preach all your goody goody talk to freefromrats? Maybe you can "convert" him. Or maybe you just agree with him.
Bora Bora
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Aug 29, 2009
Speedhump wrote:
freefromrats wrote:I agree with you that nations and groups (such as Hamas engaging in torture and executions), Islamic insurgents in Algeria, Afghanistan, and Iraq massacring Muslim civilians, and the dictatorships/theocracies saturating the Muslim world can only be blamed on the Israelis. I mean, it's not like rulers have 'free will' to impose a brutal Islamic state in say, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

The hands of these leaders were forced by zionists to impose Islamic law on their peoples. The blame for every beheading, amputation, flogging, stoning and person discriminated under sharia law can be squarely laid on Israel.
Good point.

Are you being sarcastic, or are you just insane?

Every Islamically decreed stoning in Somalia, Nigeria, etc., is the fault of Israel?

Clearly this is not a serious post. It's sarcasm to the point of being ludicrus.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 29, 2009
Bora Bora wrote:
catalyst wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:@ FREEFROMRATS:

You are so twisted you are not even worthy of a response. Please don't view this as a "response" just a notice. And a bit of advice: go peddle your trash somewhere else.

hahahah .. why Bora you are so mad recently .. :P

This isn't a show of anger little boy. It's the ramblings of a person with a distorted view on life and who harbors evil in his heart. You on the other hand: I find you annoying, as others have found you to be.

Here's a suggestion: since you think you are so wise in your knowledge of people and their behavior why don't you preach all your goody goody talk to freefromrats? Maybe you can "convert" him. Or maybe you just agree with him.

It is not my intention to convert anyone or change anyone thinking . That comes from inside , form believe .. I just express my view and awareness of things just like you dear Bora .. :wink:
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