US Journalist - Jews Should Go Home

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Re: US Journalist - Jews Should Go Home Jun 08, 2010
Done. See previous post.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: US Journalist - Jews should go home Jun 08, 2010
The link won't open cuz of computer problems on my end.

All I can determine from your statements and from summaries and critiques of the report is that the 'apartheid' policies of the Zionists were in hiring Jewish labor: ... Report.htm

We can explore whether minority small business owners' hiring policies is tantamount to 'apartheid' and determine if these practices really would have resulted in unemployment amongst the Arabs.

I think the simple answer to the latter is, no.

The facts show that Arabs were coming into Palestine, not out.

It's also a bit illogical to stop Jewish immigration to Palestine because the immigrants would go on to hire only Jews (who would contribute to the Palestinian economy and free up other jobs they were formerly employed at for Arabs to now be hired) when, without the immigrants, there wouldn't be any of these jobs to begin with.

Without Jewish immigration, you wouldn't have any of these new jobs at all. So, how could the Jews be blamed for unemployment amongst the Arabs if the Arabs would not have been employed to begin with ?

By hiring Jews, the newer Zionist immigrants were making it easier for Arabs to find jobs from Arabs employers and Jews who had no qualms about hiring them.


In any event, a more thorough sifting through the data reveals some major inconsistencies in the Simpson report:

The report of Sir John Hope Simpson (the "Hope Simpson" report") was issued following the widespread Palestinian riots of 1929. Though the riots were kindled by agitation about supposed Zionist designs of the Al-Aqsa commission, the Shaw Commission, following the urgent lobbying the Mufti, Haj Amin El Husseini, who had instigated the riots, indicated that the riots were due to immigration and land purchases. The British authorities conducted an investigation into the possibilities for future immigration to and settlement of Palestine. The investigation was headed by Sir John Hope Simpson.

The report claimed that there was not enough land to support continued immigration. According to the report, Arab farmers were suffering from severe economic difficulties, because there was not sufficient arable land reserves per farmer. The calculations assumed that there could be no irrigation, and no reclamation of land. The report explained the Turkish laws regarding land ownership, which had left most land in the hands of the government. Therefore, there was little land left for Zionist purchase according to their calculations.

The report praised the Hadassah medical organization and had some good words for Israeli kibbutzim:

The report indicated that the Jewish policy of hiring only Jews was responsible for the deplorable conditions in which the Arabs found themselves and for widespread unemployment. In fact, there had been considerable Arab population increase since 1917, and a considerable rise in standard of living. The statistics presented in the report indicate less than 4,000 unemployed in a population of over a million. Since there had been no more than 25,000 Jewish immigrants under the mandate, bringing considerable capital investment, it is difficult to see how this immigration could have been the source of Arab economic woes. Moreover, Palestine had become a country of net immigration for Arabs as well as Jews. Despite the supposedly poor conditions, Arabs were moving into Palestine, rather than out of it.

Quite correctly, the report surmised that the percentage of arable land in Palestine had been greatly overestimated and that not more than a third would be cultivable. The report noted significant illegal immigration of Arabs from Syria and Transjordan, as well as importation of Egyptian labor to fill employment needs. Nonetheless, it blamed unemployment on Zionist settlement and labor policies.

Simpson's logic dictated that Palestine was effectively a "closed box," a Malthusian nightmare in which it was inevitable that population would forever exceed the demand for land, and in which everyone must remain engaged in agriculture, as though the industrial revolution must stop outside Europe and the US.

Interestingly, Hope Simpson was intent on applying his logic consistently. Therefore, he came to the conclusion that migration of Arab peasants or "transfer" was not only permissible, but apparently desirable, in order to provide them with sufficient land to settle the ever increasing demand. He wrote:
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Re: US Journalist - Jews Should Go Home Jun 09, 2010
Well, when you do read what is in the report - could you please compare it with the views/analysis you've pasted from (The report is in html format -i.e. just a web page, as far as I can tell)

I'm deliberately not copying pasting the information here, because then it would be easy for you to pretend as if you've read it. BTW - it is on pg 54.

I concede that maybe you'll interpret what it says differently from me - but to me it clearly describes a deliberate apartheid policy (a conscious one) and the justifications they gave for it, what the consequences were and what the report concluded about the justifications and consequences.

I'm made the point in previous posts that this aspect of the report is not in the summaries available on the web.

That said, if by tonight you still haven't been able to access the report (or find it somewhere else on the web - which will sort of prove the point I'm making) - I'll start a new thread tomorrow and paste those short sections of the report which deal with this issue, and they you can comment on what is written.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: US Journalist - Jews should go home Jun 10, 2010
eh - let me know if you haven't been able to read the Hope Simpson report in relation to the Zionist apartheid policies described on pgs 53 and 54.

The Palestine Jewish Colonisation Association (PICA) was bigger than the 'Jewish National Fund' in 1930 - it had more colonies and more land. The charter of the latter was explicity racist/separatist and the report quotes these.

Palestine Jewish Colonisation Association colonies had good relations with Palestinian Arabs and Hope Simpson reported that there was pressure in 1930 from Zionists that these PICA colonies adopt the racist practices of the Jewish National Fund - and Hope Simpson says that this would be a bad thing (again he was proved right by history).

I guess that having an organisation called 'Palestine Jewish Colonisation Association' is embarrassing for those who believe the airbrushed view of history put out by the Israelis, but I also found out that indeed these colonies were absorbed into the Jewish National Fund - and indeed the racist practices applied to them in due course.

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Re: US Journalist - Jews should go home Jun 10, 2010
I admit, I was underwhelmed at the claims of 'racist' and 'apartheid' policies of minority small business owners.

Hey, in the US, it is completely legal for small business owners to hire who they want - they are not under the jurisdiction of government quotas and reverse-racism policies of the federal government.

In fact, it is quite common for Black community leaders to call on Black small business owners to hire only black workers, etc.

Perhaps if unemployment in the US for whites stays the same or increases, we can blame Blacks for this ???


It is also interesting to note that the Hope-Simpson report has received its fair share of criticism as shown from the bits I quoted from the link above.

Ultimately, the facts show that out of a population of 1.000.000 Arabs, there were only 4.000 Arabs who were unemployed.

That fact alone should indicate the author's of the report were looking for a boogeyman to blame the contemporary woes of British ruled Palestine on.
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Re: US Journalist - Jews Should Go Home Jun 10, 2010
But the interesting point is that it was not Jewish immigration and colonies that caused the problem in 1930 and before - it was the Zionist colonies which 'by constitution' were racist and had apartheid policies.

In 1930, the Zionist colonies were in the minority and Hope-Simpson expressed concern that if the policies of the Zionist colonies spread (i.e. that the Jewish National Fund managed to convice the Palestine Jewish Colonisation Association to follow their apartheid rules) then there would be trouble.

He was proved right.

So, in 1930 it was clear that apartheid policies that excluded Arabs were the cause of the problems.

So, thanks to FD for bringing this to our attention. I think this revelation deserves more light - I shall indeed post the exact words of the report, for I've not been able to see this aspect highlighted in any summary (especially not ones on Zionist web sites).

We can then judge whether eh's claims above that the apartheid policies are no worse than US employment practices or not.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: US Journalist - Jews should go home Jun 10, 2010
It's certainly laughable to claim that 25.000 Jewish immigrants were the causes of the problems in Palestine, especially when one considers the facts that Arab unemployment was low, the living conditions of Pal-Arabs were markedly better than Arabs in neighboring countries and the economy was growing.

One also wonders why illegal immigrants would be traveling to Palestine if the economy and Jewish practices has such a detrimental effect on the lives of Pal-Arabs.

No, one must ignore the facts that Arab squatters on Jewish farm/agricultural land were often compensated by the Jews (which was is in no way mandatory), Pal-Arab standards of living increased, Pal-Arab agricultural production expanded to unprecedented levels, for instance:

In 1922, there were 22,000 dunams of Arab land producing citrus crops. In 1940, there were 140,000 dunams of Arab citrus land, mostly producing crop for export in Palestine. In 1931 Arabs had 332,000 dunams of olive groves and apple orchards. By 1942 they had 832,000 dunams under cultivation.

One must wonder why, given the above, the Pal-Arabs simply didn't hire their Pal-Arab brethren if there were real grievances over Pal-Arab unemployment.

As usual, we have quotes that are repeated ad nauseam (without analysis) and without consideration to what else has been said.

Another tried and true tactic, one of many, in the toolkit of any Muslim.
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