Jews Expelled Because They Steal, Betray And Are Corrupt

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Jews expelled because they steal, betray and are corrupt Nov 07, 2010
I guess Mahmoud Zahar, co-founder of Hamas and current party leader, must have forgotten to use 'Zionist' when describing the traits of Zionists expelled in previous centuries:

The Jews will soon be expelled from Palestine that same way they were kicked out by France, Britain, Belgium, Russia and Germany, Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar said over the weekend.

“The only nation that received the Jews after they were expelled was the Islamic nation, which protected them and looked after them,” Zahar said in a speech in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip over the weekend.

“But they have no place here amongst us because of their crimes. They will soon be expelled from here and we will pray at the Aqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem].”

Zahar claimed that Jews were expelled in the past “because they betrayed, stole and corrupted these countries.”

(Actually, Poland, amongst other European nations did take Jews in as refugees. Some Jews went to Europe when the Almohads religiously cleansed Spain of Jews in al-Andalusia - just don't mention this historical fact too often, or you'll be an Islamophobe for demonizing Muslims)

But he's only referring to the Zionists of yester-century, not all Jews, whom he describes as 'corrupt, traitors and thieves.'


As usual, the Islamophobes will take Zahar's peaceful, ecumenical message and spin it as an anti-Semitic diatribe.

And let's not forget about Lonny American pastors, Robert Spencer, the Crusades, Tim McVeigh. They did stuff too (not sure about 'Loony' American pastors or Robert Spencer), so let's ignore what was said and focus on something off topic.

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Re: Jews expelled because they steal, betray and are corrupt Nov 07, 2010
There will be those who will call him a numpty, or some will blame this on a mis-translation. There will be even those that consider him or Hamas a partner in peace.

The Jews will soon be expelled from Palestine that same way they were kicked out by France, Britain, Belgium, Russia and [url]Germany[/url], Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar said over the weekend.

* Helen Thomas...jews...germany :pukeleft: *
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