Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 10, 2012
Well, yes, that means the EU only stats are actually higher for Islamic terrorists.

Afraid of numbers?

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 10, 2012
Why the excuses?

Zero deaths in EU from Islamic terrorists in the past 5 years is from Europol stats. Not my fault your blogger counted 321 deaths in 10 years in Europe including Norway and then last year Brievik added 69 to that total.


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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 10, 2012
If you are right, then how do you explain that 28 out 29 most wanted terrorists on the FBI list are moslems? Is the FBI wrong?
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 11, 2012
^ herve - I've already said, on pg3 of this thread, I have an answer for you ready and waiting - you just need to answer my question:

shafique wrote:Now, care to explain to me why over 90% of the actual terror attacks in the USA are not carried out by Muslims? What's your explanation?

Answer me my question before I answer your new question with a rephrased answer. Ok?

(And yes, I DO have an answer for you - I've looked at the FBI website and the answer is actually quite obvious - when you consider what the list is and that the FBI has a different category for 'Domestic Terrorism')

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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 11, 2012
On 3 April 2004, in Leganés, south Madrid, four terrorists died in an apparent suicide explosion, killing one Grupo Especial de Operaciones (GEO) (Spanish special police assault unit) police officer and wounding eleven policemen. According to witnesses and media, between five and eight suspects escaped that day.[34]

Security forces carried out a controlled explosion of a suspicious package found near the Atocha station and subsequently deactivated the two undetonated devices on the Téllez train. A third unexploded device was later brought from the station at El Pozo to a police station in Vallecas, and became a central piece of evidence for the investigation. It appears that the El Pozo bomb failed to detonate because a cell-phone alarm used to trigger the bomb was set 12 hours late.[77]

Don't forget to add this to your count of Islamic caused terrorist fatalities in the EU in the past decade.

So what's your current count of Islamic and non-Islamic terrorist fatalities?
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 12, 2012
Still waiting for herve.

As for eh - however you cut it, Islamic terrorists have killed precisely zero people in the EU in the past 5/6 years. I'm waiting patiently for you to do your homework and give us the non-Muslim casualities year by year. I suspect it will be a long wait.

Which reminds me - you STILL haven't said whether you agree with me and the FBI that your fellow extremist Christians in the USA who blow up abortion clinics and kill doctors are terrorists. Is it because you agree with their terrorist acts?


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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 12, 2012
As for eh - however you cut it, Islamic terrorists have killed precisely zero people in the EU in the past 5/6 years.

Wrong ... ng-070711/
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 12, 2012
Well done. The Europol reports don't include 2011, so you are right - we should say that in the past 5/6 years there are 2 deaths of American citizens in the EU by 'Islamic terrorists'. I'm sure this will be reflected in the 2011 terror stats.

Prosecutors said Uka, an ethnic Albanian born in Kosovo who grew up in Germany, was an example of a lone-wolf extremist who became radicalized on his own by reading and watching jihadist propaganda on the Internet.
Although Germany has experienced scores of terrorist attacks in past decades, largely from leftist groups like the Red Army Faction, the airport attack was the first attributed to an Islamic extremist. ... r-to-life/

Brievik (another 'lone wolf extremist' it has been argued) killed 69 in the same year, by comparison.

So - now we've established it 2 killed in past 6 years by Muslim terrorists - what is the equivalent figure for the 99% of non-Muslim terrorist incidents?

I continue to note that you STILL haven't said whether you agree with me and the FBI that your fellow extremist Christians in the USA who blow up abortion clinics and kill doctors are terrorists. Is it because you agree with their terrorist acts?

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