Jewish Terror

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
Interesting how the fanbois try to raise so many off topic issues when the case is quite clear cut:

Israeli Military person highlights a group of Jewish Extremists who are causing terror in Occupied Palestine. They must choose to either attack the Israeli Military (they will always side with Jewish extremists, it seems) or come up some other distracting line of attack.

Blaming Moooslims is funny, but speculating about a poster's foe list just smacks of desperation.

A terror camp outside of Israel should be dealt with as other terror camps are dealt with. These colonists should move back to Israel and leave occupied territory - that's the sane conclusion.


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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
Jews living in the heart land for their ancestors land are not colonists. This is antisemitic propaganda language. I might not agree with their actions, but they have any right to live their. Antisemites of course strive for a judenrein judea and samaria.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Jews living in the heart land for their ancestors land are not colonists.

Like I mentioned earlier, giving credence to the notion that the torah is a valid and legally binding land deed is a fallacy at best
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
As I said, more fanbois smoke and mirrors. The colonists should leave the terror camp and head back to Israel - it is shocking that there are posters who support the terror camp and make excuses for them! :shock:

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:
Flying Dutchman wrote:Jews living in the heart land for their ancestors land are not colonists.

Like I mentioned earlier, giving credence to the notion that the torah is a valid and legally binding land deed is a fallacy at best

I donot the Torah to know jews lived their for thousand years and Arabs invaded it much later.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
FD this thread is not about your beliefs about who the Jews fought when they emigrated to the land - but about the very real issue of a current day Israeli Military person highlighting this one colony causing terror to the inhabitants of this part of Occupied Palestine. (Note that Jews were not the first people living in Palestine - even the Jewish history/Bible says this.. but that is not relevant here, it is a poor attempt at smoke and mirrors )

Why are you making excuses for them?

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
shafique wrote:FD this thread is not about your beliefs about who the Jews fought when they emigrated to the land - but about the very real issue of a current day Israeli Military person highlighting this one colony causing terror to the inhabitants of this part of Occupied Palestine. (Note that Jews were not the first people living in Palestine - even the Jewish history/Bible says this.. but that is not relevant here, it is a poor attempt at smoke and mirrors )

Why are you making excuses for them?


You can't stop gaslighting, can you. You are not even aware of your sociopath behaviour.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:You can't stop gaslighting, can you. You are not even aware of your sociopath behaviour.

Says the kettle to the pot
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:
Flying Dutchman wrote:You can't stop gaslighting, can you. You are not even aware of your sociopath behaviour.

Says the kettle to the pot

What a great comeback in defense of your antisemitic psycho buddy. Not!
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
I'll take your Shaf and raise you a Herve and EH, add Getrude, veggie and yourself and there's a full house ;)
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
You may have missed out on the granny fanbois! :D

However, coming back to the thread's topic (sigh) - why do these guys make excuses for a colony labelled as a source of 'Jewish Terror' by a member of the Israeli Military. Surely the fanbois don't think they know better... or is it that they support the 'Jewish Terror'?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
Why don't we compare anti-Semitic comments posted on the forum to 'Islamophobic'?

Or are people 'Islamophobic' because you say so (and repeat it enough times until it becomes fact)?
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
Islamophobes are Islamphobes because they hold Islamophobic views. :roll:

But coming back to the topic, why do those who share your views (you can argue whether you're loons or ultra-loons or rogues loons between yourselves) choose to not condemn the 'Jewish Terror' colony in Occupied Palestine?

Why support terror? Shouldn't you side with the Israeli military man that says it would be be better if these colonists left this area??

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
Is this Islamophobic:

The Muslims, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave.

But one would like to ask in this connection where does this division of the world’s peoples into Evil and Good come from? The first source that comes to one’s mind is the Islamic doctrine that divides humanity into those who are Muslim and those who are non-Muslim. This doctrine seems to have imprisoned the world in its grip.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 23, 2011
Thanks :roll:, as I said, you guys who refuse to condemn this 'Jewish Terror' colony can debate whether you are loons or not.

My question was about this thread's topic - WHY do you not side with the Israeli military man who says these colonists should move out of the occupied land?

Why the smoke and mirrors? You're not ashamed of actually discussing the topic of this thread - viz. the 'Jewish Terror' yeshiva?

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
Al shafique, the hamas supporter, no one has to respond to your deceptive threads.
1) it is a known fact that the biggest terror threat is islamic
2) you need to point fingers somewhere else, and you are desperate doing it, so you post trying to convince that the terror threat come from Jews, Irish or nut bags with blond hair
and you come up with these non sense threads.
It is just as if a member of the KKK posted a thread about the racism from blacks

As a reminder, you NEVER recognized that HAMAS is a terrorist organization . condemning acts of terrorism is meaningless from you, because for you they are not act of terrorism, but act of resistance.
As result, i can assert that you support HAMAS , a terrorist organization, and no one should respond or read your posts.
until you clear the question
HAMAS = TERRORIST origanization : YES
HAMAS = TERRORIST origanization : NO
simple question you never responded to, simple question you must 1st respond before asking anything to anybody
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
Yet another loon rant.

Let's review the facts again, shall we.

Israeli Military man calls this colony a source of 'Jewish Terror'. He points out that it would be best if these colonists leave occupied Palestine (go to Israel).

Loons want to divert attention from this thread's topic and the fact they can't bring themselves to condemn this 'Jewish Terror'.

That speaks volumes. Why do the Islamophobes support terror, whilst the non-loons have no issue condemning all terrorists - whether they are Christian Blond and Norwegian or Arab Muslim Palestinian terrorists??

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
again , you ignored my post.
respond please instead of preaching
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
This thread is about the 'Jewish Terror' yeshiva, not your fantasies which have been answered fully before - let me repeat:

shafique wrote: Why do the Islamophobes support terror, whilst the non-loons have no issue condemning all terrorists - whether they are Christian Blond and Norwegian or Arab Muslim Palestinian terrorists??

The question remains, why do the Islamophobes want to avoid talking about the topic of this thread - is it because you support the Jewish Terror?

I don't support ANY acts of terrorism.

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:I'll take your Shaf and raise you a Herve and EH, add Getrude, veggie and yourself and there's a full house ;)


-- Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:30 am --

shafique wrote: why do the Islamophobes want to avoid talking about the topic of this thread - is it because you support the Jewish Terror?

And you seriously wonder, why almost nobody thinks a serious discussion is even a remote possibility with you???

I guess you do.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
I have a good feeling why fanbois want to avoid the subject - but I was asking for confirmation about this reason.

veggie = capsicum (the funny loon).

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
shafique wrote: but I was asking for confirmation about this reason.

Confirmation of others for your thoughts and ideas, seems to be very important to you.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
I am curious, yes.

In a thread about a Jewish Terror yeshiva, we have fanbois choosing to take the time to post, but avoid the topic of the thread. That is curious.

Should I not be curious as to why you avoid the topic and yet post in the thread?

I'm also curious as to why you're embarrassed to give your reasons for your actions in this thread.

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
shafique wrote:Should I not be curious as to why you avoid the topic and yet post in the topic?

I am on your foe list, why would you be curious or search for my consent???
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
I'm curious about what you have to say on the subject of the Jewish Terror Yeshiva - you chose to post in this thread, and I chose to un-hide your post.

I'm still curious why you're curious about my curiosity. Is it just smoke and mirrors? Or do you just support the Jewish Terror Yeshiva?

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
shafique wrote:I'm curious about what you have to say on the subject of the Jewish Terror Yeshiva - you chose to post in this thread, and I chose to un-hide your post.

I have stated my thoughts about it, after which you continued to troll about it.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
So why continue to post irrelevant information in this thread? Smoke and mirrors?

This thread is about the Jewish Terror Yeshiva. Have you any further thoughts on this - or the point that the Israeli Military man says these colonists should leave the occupied land?

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
^ be loyal to your foe list!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
Why post in a thread about a Jewish Terror Yeshiva if you don't want your words to be read? :roll:

Perhaps you only want to divert attention from the Jewish Terror colonists' actions. If so, that would be shameful.

But it is funny that you are seemingly more concerned about what I think or what I read. LOL

I personally think it is refreshing to agree with an Israeli Military person's honest opinion that this Jewish Terror community shouldn't be in the occupied territory.

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 24, 2011
^I know you can't, but at least have one try to stop trolling. Just one post, try.
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