I don't know why they are doing it since the US has been its puppy long ago

do we have any in our DF ?
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
a special undercover team of paid workers whose job it will be to surf the internet 24 hours a day spreading positive news about Israel.
(oh, yes - Israelis are bad and breaking the laws - but look over there they are worse than the Israelis!!)
.. hmm, you mean we may have some guys here who have no discernible connection with Dubai and spend their time supporting Israel and attacking Muslims? Really... let me think who they could be?
uaekid wrote:http://www.dailypaul.com/171416/israel-hires-internet-soldiers-to-penetrate-american-forums-chatrooms
I don't know why they are doing it since the US has been its puppy long ago![]()
do we have any in our DF ?
Bethsmum wrote:.. hmm, you mean we may have some guys here who have no discernible connection with Dubai and spend their time supporting Israel and attacking Muslims? Really... let me think who they could be?
Sunshine, you do make me LOL! I have as much connection with Dubai as you have with the UK, as in I have a place here. At least I don't masquerade as an Emirati!
Why should having a connection with Dubai stop me supporting Israel? How silly is that? I don't attack Muslims either. The only problem I have with you lot is when you come to my country and try to take over. You stick with your coconuts and I'll stick with being British and supporting the Jews and loving Dubai.
shafique wrote::D BM - as you do have a link with Dubai, you should have understood that I wasn't actually referring to you. Indeed, that you even thought I did is funny.
It is the young loon that hasn't got a discernible connection with Dubai. You're just an older, BNP/EDL supporting self-confessed bigot. Israelis aren't that silly that they'd pay you to post here!
Oh, BTW - I'm now up to date with Shameless, watched ep15 of series 8 last night - so now waiting for next week's episode.
shafique wrote:BM, no sorry I don't consider myself to be a bigot. But given you're proud to be one - I can only imagine you're projecting again.
What makes me proud to be English are the anti-fascists English of all races who saw off your drunken EDL friends over the weekend.
As for Shameless - my wife actually didn't watch any of the episode, she's also off it - but there was nothing else to watch so I watched it all the way through. It's still watchable to me though.. even though the storylines are getting more desperate - trying too hard now, methinks.
As for eh - have you worked out what his link to Dubai is?
Facts are facts though - when talking about terrorism in Europe and USA it is a perverse logic for someone to argue that we should NOT look at the number of terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims vs the number carried out by Non-Muslims.
shafique wrote::D
Hey, BM is proud to be a bigot and supports racists who assault police. No need to dis me for opposing her friends and disagreeing with her projection.
If you want to believe I'm a bigot for my political or religious views - go ahead. I've been called an anti-semite for opposing Israel's military occupation and a terrorist in a suit by another fanbois. But I haven't admitted to being a bigot and a racist.
Now, eh, on the other hand - he's a bit coy about his extremist views and as yet we haven't heard what his connection/interest in Dubai is. Perhaps he is one of the paid fanbois??
Facts are facts though - when talking about terrorism in Europe and USA it is a perverse logic for someone to argue that we should NOT look at the number of terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims vs the number carried out by Non-Muslims.
uaekid wrote:http://www.dailypaul.com/171416/israel-hires-internet-soldiers-to-penetrate-american-forums-chatrooms
I don't know why they are doing it since the US has been its puppy long ago![]()
do we have any in our DF ?
shafique wrote:BM, no sorry I don't consider myself to be a bigot. But given you're proud to be one - I can only imagine you're projecting again.
What makes me proud to be English are the anti-fascists English of all races who saw off your drunken EDL friends over the weekend.
As for Shameless - my wife actually didn't watch any of the episode, she's also off it - but there was nothing else to watch so I watched it all the way through. It's still watchable to me though.. even though the storylines are getting more desperate - trying too hard now, methinks.
As for eh - have you worked out what his link to Dubai is?
desertdudeshj wrote:Lets not even talk about connections to Dubai and DF. Eh's presence here is clear as daylight, he has been asked several times as to why he is here but ofcourse pests like him will never answer a question directly.
If anybody is in doubt try it yourselves ?
event horizon wrote:The loons are hardly consistent. One minute I'm getting my information from 'Fox News and Memri', the next they're complaining I'm on a forum populated by Muslim posters.
gertrude wrote:shaf, you are not a UK citizen, not like BM, you are first a Muslim. Then whatever brings you coupons and free government help.
herve wrote:al shafique...a personal question if you don't mind. You claim to be a UK citizen, and live in the UK. you bought a property. How did you manage to apply for a mortgage when a moslem is not allowed to pay interest. It is in contradiction to the Quran.
shafique wrote: I applied the Islamic principle Dhuroora (necessity)- where in my case it would have cost more to rent my house than to buy it using a repayment mortgage, and now that I've paid off a lot of it, the rent I receive is much more than the interest I pay and it is now an investment.
I applied the Islamic principle Dhuroora (necessity)- where in my case it would have cost more to rent my
shafique wrote:Yes, I did take out a mortgage and did have a choice between an 'Islamic' mortgage and a normal repayment mortgage. I chose the repayment mortgage because it was cheaper and therefore more logical than taking out the Islamic mortgage - which I viewed (and still view) as a con, as it effectively is charging interest and at a higher rate. I applied the Islamic principle Dhuroora (necessity)- where in my case it would have cost more to rent my house than to buy it using a repayment mortgage, and now that I've paid off a lot of it, the rent I receive is much more than the interest I pay and it is now an investment.
As I said, for me Islam is a practical, logical religion. Had I been able to find a truly Islamic loan or had the rents been lower than buying/mortgage, I would not have taken out an interest bearing mortgage. I also bought before the property market bubbled out of control, and only borrowed less than twice my annual salary.
This is the only loan I have and the rent is actually paying off the mortgage, so it is a self financing asset right now.
shafique wrote:As I said, Islam is a logical, practical religion. I saw no need to spend more to buy my house by taking out a notionally 'Islamic' mortgage. I took the lesser of two evils.
shafique wrote:BM - I'm at a loss at your indignation at my pointing out your admission of bigotry and racism.
As for your fantasy about my nationality and delusion that a brown-skinned person can't be of English nationality (i.e. English) - that is a function of your bigotry and racism.
I acquired my Passport the same way any other Englishman does - by applying to the Passport office and submitting my birth certificate etc. The fact that this irritates you and your fellow EDL bigots makes me smile.