Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 09, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Well I'm a bigot and a racist but I'm not a hypocrite

It appears to me that you're a bigot and a racist with an inferiority complex and an over-active imagination. But I'll humour you - which particular post of mine led you to your latest fantasy that I'm hypocritical.

It can't be the fact that I'm English, by nationality, birth, education etc can it?


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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 09, 2011
The fact that you are a Muslim but pick and choose what you want from the Koran.
:lol: :lol:

Well done Herve for exposing you, you hypocrite. LOL

hyp·o·crite   /ˈhɪpəkrɪt/ Show Spelled[hip-uh-krit]
1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 09, 2011
:D I'm always amused when loons lecture on Islam to Muslims. But hey, if the best you guys can come up with is that I took out a mortgage in the UK and that makes me a baad Muslim... go for it, you've got to take your imagined wins where you can - I fully understand. ;)

At least it wasn't because of the fact that I'm English, by nationality, birth, education! :P

As for picking and choosing which bits of scripture to believe, I think you're mistaking me with the resident religious extremist:

You may think I'm a hypocrite, but coming from someone who is proud to be a bigot and a racist, I'd expect nothing else than sour grapes. ;)

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 09, 2011
Nice, now everybody an expert on Islam and passing judgement, this place doesn't cease to amuse, like a gift that keeps on giving.
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 09, 2011
There's only one "expert" on DF, which expertise is limitless and has no boundaries. :lol: :lol: and one student. :D :D
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 10, 2011
shafique wrote:As I said, Islam is a logical, practical religion. I saw no need to spend more to buy my house by taking out a notionally 'Islamic' mortgage. I took the lesser of two evils. Had there been a truly Islamic mortgage, or if the rent were lower than the repayments - I would not have taken it out.

I understand how it is strange for you to equate logic with religion - given your believe in talking donkeys etc - but for me, I did what was logical and within Islamic principles.

If you want to twist this into something it isn't - go ahead, it is funny how you guys are desperate to fabricate fantasies to divert attention away from your abject failures in tackling real arguments/issues. :D


So you'd buy pork if beef were more expensive?
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 10, 2011
LOL, seems like grand mufti rattyboy is about to pass a fatwa.
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 10, 2011
Shaf, your credibility went down the drain on this one. You re done!
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 10, 2011
Yes, gertrude - if you say so. "sigh" :roll:
(With due royalties going to Bora Bora - ;) )

I refer everyone else to my previous comment on loons and their preaching of Islam. :mrgreen:

(Hey, eh - why are you now avoiding multiple threads in the religion forum?? Has google stopped working, or is Guru Bob on holiday?)

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 10, 2011
:lol: you busted big time shaf, and by 3 ladies. I count 6 who trashed your credibility and I noticed that even your fans are not supporting your selective interpretation of the qran book.
I wish they double the beef price, so I can see you "adjust" to ham. :lol:
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 10, 2011
capsicum wrote::lol: you busted big time shaf, and by 3 ladies. I count 6 who trashed your credibility and I noticed that even your fans are not supporting your selective interpretation of the qran book.
I wish they double the beef price, so I can see you "adjust" to ham. :lol:

Says who?
Shafique is handling all of you just perfectly 8)
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 10, 2011
Ooops. I said one student, apparently there are 2. :wink:
Bora Bora
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 10, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:Ooops. I said one student, apparently there are 2. :wink:

One of them (MCL) became a graduate recently. I guess he is very busy now because follows the way of young Dustin Hoffman. :oops:
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 10, 2011
symmetric wrote:
capsicum wrote::lol: you busted big time shaf, and by 3 ladies. I count 6 who trashed your credibility and I noticed that even your fans are not supporting your selective interpretation of the qran book.
I wish they double the beef price, so I can see you "adjust" to ham. :lol:

Says who?
Shafique is handling all of you just perfectly 8)

I believe in Islam there are six or five degrees of what's considered permissible.

1) Do you disagree?

Of these five or six categories, interest and pork are both haram 'forbidden'.

2) Do you disagree?

Although they are forbidden, they allowed under certain DIRE circumstances.

3) Do you disagree?

Shafique had admitted he did something haram because it was cheaper for him. Therefore, what shafique did was haram.

4) Do you disagree?

The Koran is also clear that Muslims should wage war against people/institutions that practice interest:

But if you do not, then take notice that God shall war with you, and His Messenger; yet if you repent, you shall have your principal, unwronging and unwronged.

Koran 2:279

So why would any Muslim think it acceptable to deal in interest when their own Koran says they should be waging war against those who practice it?
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 10, 2011
Red Chief wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:Ooops. I said one student, apparently there are 2. :wink:

One of them (MCL) became a graduate recently. I guess he is very busy now because follows the way of young Dustin Hoffman. :oops:

:lol: :lol:

Well it appears that someone has jumped into the seat vacated by MCL. :wink:
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 10, 2011
event horizon wrote:I believe in Islam

Mabrook for becoming a Muslim.

What ? Are only trolls allowed to selectively qoute ! LOL
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 10, 2011

Well, the young one has apparently invented a new religion for himself - all this time I thought he was a Christian!

His new religion has Hindus being damned and condemned, but NOT going to Hell. Whereas Christians who aren't ashamed of the Bible state that unbelievers go to hell. But that's not all - he's coy about whether the Pope is the anti-Christ, believes in talking donkeys and the earth can stop rotating for a day or so.

Now he's lecturing on Islam. :D :D

But for those who are interested in what some real scholars of Islam have to say:

"QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ABOUT ISLAM" by Dr. Syed Mutwalli ad-Darsh (1999, Ta-Ha publishers) page 170, regarding mortgages:

Q: If it is haram to take out a mortgage because interest is haram, how is someone living in the West supposed to buy a house when there is no alternative way of borrowing halal money?

A: There is no doubt that the mortgage system is an interest-bearing one, and interest is prohibited. So what can Muslims do in order to own their property? The answer to this question arose out of a heated and lengthy discussion at a recent Fiqh Seminar in France on Muslims in the West. I will try to summarise what was said:

Sheikh Mustafa az-Zarqa'a, an eminent faqih, had no hesitation in saying that Muslim in non-Muslim countries may be allowed to enter into such transactions, according to the Hanafi school of thought. On the question as to whether Muslims can both accept and pay interest, the Sheikh replied: "It is not a matter of giving or taking interest. It is the comparison between pros and cons of the transaction. The final result is better for the Muslims who are allowed to live in the West, for they are in a state of real need. As that need is supported by a great Imam like Abu Hanifa, I have no hesitation in saying that they can enter into such transactions. I also endorse the ruling in Fatwah No. 42 by the General Affairs Committee in the Ministry of Awqaf of Kuwait, Ayn 15 Shawwal 1404, which permits such transactions.

However, certain members of the panel did not agree with this ruling without indicating clearly that interest is forbidden. Muslims are not allowed to undertake such a transaction unless there is a general, strong, real need regarded as a necessity. The "allowability" should be very strict - until such time as halal Islamic financial institutions are set up.

I agree with Sheikh Zarqa'a and the Kuwaiti Fatwa - but as noted some Muslim scholars have a different view.

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 11, 2011
al shafique don't try your poor excuses. you have been caught, you are now completely discredited. goodbye

As a good moslem, of course you will find excuses "as of necessity" to justify that you violated your own book. The qran is designed so you can get away with everything, you are just proving it.

Right now, today, UK banks have succumbed to Islamic insistence on separate banking terms for Muslims. Sharia forbids Muslims from paying interest, period, so Muslims do not get mortgages with interest. They get a loan that has a “fee” instead. So Islamic funding WAS available to you, there was no necessity whatsoever for you to take out a mortgage, you did it because of your greed, on your own words you wanted to pay less. in other words islamic funding in the UK is good for other moslems, but not good enough for you?
If what you say was true , why would there be islamic funding to begin with, every one would do like you and try the necessity excuse, the more you try to justify yourself the more you contradict yourself.
Like EH said, if there was no beef, would it be a necessity for you to eat pork? I guess you probably ate some already, because it was cheaper.
You became UK citizen the same way, out of necessity, for greed . not for the love for the UK, admit it, you are moslem first only then you claim to be british.
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 11, 2011
OH NO ! You've been caught Shaf ! What will you ever do.....quick pack up everything and run. Runaway to Chile and start selling dried lemons under the assumed name of Meno Mozlimo del Loonio living a life of anonimity and remember you cannot tell anyone where you went, not even your barber !
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 11, 2011
Herve, or should I call you Sheikh Abu Dafda (or s.a.d. for short) - can you recommend a make of burqa I can wear to make my getaway!??

:D :D

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 13, 2011
I am guessing that electronic jihad can also count as fulfilling a religious duty. The real el cheapo's and hypocrites I am sure can even twist it in such a way that it can replace zakat.
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 13, 2011
^More fantasies! :D

Why create a fantasy world, FD - is it because you can't handle the truth and discuss real events? Serious question.

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 13, 2011
Somebody felt spoken to. :shock:

... And was touched the wrong nerve obviously...
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 13, 2011
LOL - I ask a direct question and get a cryptic answer. :D

I guess you're more comfortable in your fantasy world - and the irony is that this thread is about fanbois being paid!

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 13, 2011
shafique wrote:Herve, or should I call you Sheikh Abu Dafda (or s.a.d. for short) - can you recommend a make of burqa I can wear to make my getaway!??

:D :D


Recommending you a make of burqa won't help you, you lack the most important: ball$!
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 13, 2011

Loons are obsessed with men's private parts. Why is that?

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 26, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
shafique wrote:Yes, I did take out a mortgage and did have a choice between an 'Islamic' mortgage and a normal repayment mortgage. I chose the repayment mortgage because it was cheaper and therefore more logical than taking out the Islamic mortgage - which I viewed (and still view) as a con, as it effectively is charging interest and at a higher rate. I applied the Islamic principle Dhuroora (necessity)- where in my case it would have cost more to rent my house than to buy it using a repayment mortgage, and now that I've paid off a lot of it, the rent I receive is much more than the interest I pay and it is now an investment.

As I said, for me Islam is a practical, logical religion. Had I been able to find a truly Islamic loan or had the rents been lower than buying/mortgage, I would not have taken out an interest bearing mortgage. I also bought before the property market bubbled out of control, and only borrowed less than twice my annual salary.

This is the only loan I have and the rent is actually paying off the mortgage, so it is a self financing asset right now.


I found this text about your "Dhuroora", your peers clearly established that using Dhuroora to get a mortgage constitutes a violation to the Quran.
It is a misuse of Dhuroora, and your application of Dhuroora to get a mortgage was a fraud according to this text.
You are an hypocrite . You beleive that rules that apply to everybody else dont apply to you?
Because of this You have no credibility.

Unfortunately today some people misuse Islamic principles in order to justify clearly prohibited actions. One of the most commonly misapplied principles is that of Dhuroora (necessity). People often use it to justify taking interest based loans, working in jobs that involve haram, engaging in bribery, supporting kufr political parties and a variety of other prohibited actions. ... -necessity
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 26, 2011
LOL ! You're still at it man. And even if shaf did what he did, why does it irk you so much. Are you the new mufti of DF ?

And I bet you've never done anything wrong in your life, ofcouse overlooking that little matter of swindling millions. :D

* Cue another Herve speech
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 26, 2011
Hey herve- the quote I gave showed that in the discussion quoted, certain members disagreed with the view given (I highlighted that bit in red too). Did that bit confuse you?

As I said, I agree with the view that in this case it was within Islamic teachings. If there was a truly Islamic alternative that wasn't just interest dressed up to look like not interest (which in my opinion is hypocrisy), then I would have taken that option. There wasn't, so I took the option I did.

When I subsequently bought property and wasn't comparing rent vs buying, I saved up until I could pay cash, and bought what I thought was reasonably priced properties (not over-valued).

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 26, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:
event horizon wrote:I believe in Islam

Mabrook for becoming a Muslim.

What ? Are only trolls allowed to selectively qoute ! LOL

Hahahahaha! :lol: :lol: !!!!!
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