Israel To Apologise To Turkey?

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Israel to apologise to Turkey? Dec 07, 2010
Interesting development reported in Haaretz today - apparently the Israelis may yet apologise for the 'Pirates of the Med' incident - AND pay compensation :shock:. This follows Turkey sending help to Israel to tackle the Carmel fires.

However, it remains to be seen whether this actually happens and what words are used in the apology etc. But a positive development never-the-less.

Israel-Turkey diplomatic crisis nears its end
Turkish sources say two rounds of talks between Israeli, Turkish officials have been 'very positive'; Israel has agreed in principle to apologize and pay compensation for the Gaza flotilla incident. ... d-1.329232


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Israel To Apologise To Turkey? Dec 07, 2010
Finally something sensible from Israel, but you can still see Israel trying to have its cake and eat it too

The two sides are trying to find a formula that would let Erdogan claim that the statement was an apology,but for Netanyahu to argue that it was not - only an expression of appreciation for Turkey's assistance in putting out the fires in the Carmel region.

We will apologize but only if it is not taken as an apology ???
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