Islamophobia Deniers

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Islamophobia Deniers Aug 26, 2010
Islamophobia? What Islamophobia?
Posted on 26 August 2010 by Zingel

Muslim non-victim of non-existent Islamophobia

An irony of Islamophobes is that they are among the most vehement Islamophobia-deniers. It’s sort of like how White supremacists believe that there is no such thing as racism, that their hatred of blacks is a logical and rational enterprise. Hey, they’re just out to preserve the purity of the White race.

I wonder what goes through the minds of Robert Spencer or Pamela Geller who are making a handsome living inciting Americans against the evil faith of Islam and its suspicious adherents when they see the picture of the 44 year old father above lying in the ER after he was slashed on the job for committing the grand old crime of being Muslim.

Ahmed H. Sharif came to this country 25 years ago. He worked as a chef for 10 years, and as a cab driver for 15. Like most American Muslims, he came to this country to earn a living on the merit of his hard work and sacrifice, in hopes of providing a better life for his family.

Unbeknownst to him, there has been a movement fomenting in this country blasting an incessant message over AM talk radio, the internet, and the right-wing TV talk shows telling gullible Americans that Mooslims like Sharif and his ilk are really here to “Islamize” America, abolish freedom and democracy and institute a Taliban-brand Shariah. The recent hysteria surrounding the building of the proposed Park51 Islamic center in lower Manhattan saw that Goebelsian message rise to a deafening pitch.

Michael Enright, 21, an art student by day, and a “soldier of freedom” by night, was listening.

On late August 24th he hailed Sharif’s cab.

"Anti-Jihadi Freedom Fighter" Michael Enright

Enright greeted Sharif with “Assalamu Alaikum.” A flattered Sharif responded. Enright asked Sharif how his Ramadan was going, and a compliant Sharif explained it was going well. Enright then gave Sharif a hint of what was coming by proceeding to ridicule Sharif’s faith.

At the end of the ride, before stepping out of the cab, Enright then left Sharif a little piece of “freedom fighting:”

“This is the checkpoint secretlover” and “I have to bring you down secretlover,” shouted Enright.

The New York Times reports that Enright then “withdrew a Leatherman knife and reaching through the opening in the plastic divider, slashed Mr. Sharif’s throat. When Mr. Sharif turned, he said, Mr. Enright stabbed him in his face, on his arm and on his thumbs.”

Mr. Sharif pleaded: “I beg of you, don’t kill me. I worked so hard, I have a family.”

Of course, Pipes, Geller, and Spencer will tell you that Sharif only has himself to blame for being a scary Muslim:

Says ailing Islamophobe Daniel Pipes:

“Muslims should dispense with this discredited term [of Islamophobia] and instead engage in some earnest introspection. Rather than blame the potential victim for fearing his would-be executioner, they would do better to ponder how Islamists have transformed their faith into an ideology celebrating murder and develop strategies to redeem their religion by combating this morbid totalitarianism.” (Islamophobia? New York Sun, 10/25/2005)

Mr. Sharif, We sincerely hope you had some time to “ponder” that before your throat was randomly thrashed in this non-Islamophobic attack.

Says the Queen of Islamophobia Pamela Geller, founder of the pro-genocide anti-Muslim hate group SIOA:

“What hate crimes, what hate crimes, there is no documentation, there is no backlash, this is part of this narrative, it’s part of this narrative, it’s part of this Islamic narrative… There is no [anti] Muslim backlash, that’s part of this Islamic narrative, you cannot cite any hate crimes, there has been no hate crimes, America has gone out of its way to make sure there is no backlash” (The Alyona Show, RT, 07/25/2010)

Hear that Mr. Sharif? Even if you were lashed from the back for being Muslim, it’s still not a backlash because there is no such thing as an anti-Muslim backlash.

Says the (anti) Islamic “scholar” Robert Spencer and co-founder of SIOA:

“This is why the fake term Islamophobia is so dangerous: It insinuates that any reservations about Islam must ipso facto be ‘phobic.’ A phobia is an irrational fear or dislike. Islamic preaching very often manifests precisely this feature, which is why suspicion of it is by no means irrational.” (, 08/24/2010)

That’s right, what’s so “irrational” about Enright’s behavior? Islamophobia? What Islamophobia?
So there you have it folks, as the “perceptive” commentator Jonah Goldberg would say: “the supposed Muslim backlash” in America is “mostly a myth.” (Islamophobia? Not really. Los Angeles Times. 08/24/2010) ... amophobia/

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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 26, 2010
Incredibly, Bob Spencer is trying to spin the story and say it was a fake Islamophobic crime. He argues that the nutter was really in favour of Park 51 because of who he worked for. :shock:

But he's been punked on his own blog by a commentator who calls him out on the theory he plucked out of thin air:
More evidence contrary to the out-of-thin-air claim that Enright was a "leftie" actually "endorsing Park51" or being on Park51's payroll or whatever crazy conspiracy theory you need to come up with to distance yourself from the person but not his biased premises:

Enright’s Facebook page featured a link (now removed, after his arrest) to Tea Party politician Greg Ball. ... hoto-essay

Yeah, that socialist, leftist, anti-immigrant Tea Party. What?

Again: ... ab26m.html

When he was arrested Tuesday in midtown, Enright had a personal diary filled with pages of "pretty strong anti-Muslim comments," a police source said.
The source said Enright's journal equated Muslims with "killers, ungrateful for the help they were being offered, filthy murderers without a conscience."

Deny it all you want: That quote from his diary could have been picked right out of the comment section of either Jihad Watch or Atlas Shrugs. ... up-em.html

There IS no honour amongst the Islamophobes - when you get caught, the loons will disavow any association with you!

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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 26, 2010
Funny, comments critical to posts at are typically never published.

Just goes to show that Robert Spencer is a man of his word - he supports free speech, Muslims and their leftist acolytes don't.

Here's another view of Islamophobia:

As for the gorgeous mosaic of religious pluralism, it's easy enough to find mosque Web sites and DVDs that peddle the most disgusting attacks on Jews, Hindus, Christians, unbelievers, and other Muslims—to say nothing of insane diatribes about women and homosexuals. This is why the fake term Islamophobia is so dangerous: It insinuates that any reservations about Islam must ipso facto be "phobic." A phobia is an irrational fear or dislike. Islamic preaching very often manifests precisely this feature, which is why suspicion of it is by no means irrational.

No word when loons over at loonwatch will start posting stories of Kuffarophobia.

Surely that exists, right ?
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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 27, 2010
So, Spencer is punked and the response is 'but mommy, the guys at loonwatch won't listen to me..' ..

C'mon eh, you can do better. Even you must be embarrassed by Spencer's lame attempt to label this Islamophobic attack as a 'fake'.

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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 27, 2010
I wonder why eh chose to start a new thread rather than defend Spencer's attempt to say that this Islamophobic attack was a myth?

Even in that thread it says that the Islamophobia is 'largely' a myth - i.e. there are indeed Islamophobic attacks (I mean bombing a mosque in Florida is hard to categorise as anything other than a loon attack). And indeed the article above demolishes Goldberg's whole argument - and ends by quoting him:

That’s right, what’s so “irrational” about Enright’s behavior? Islamophobia? What Islamophobia?
So there you have it folks, as the “perceptive” commentator Jonah Goldberg would say: “the supposed Muslim backlash” in America is “mostly a myth.” (Islamophobia? Not really. Los Angeles Times. 08/24/2010)

It appears that young eh didn't read the article above in full and thought that quoting Goldberg would answer this article (which is a bit stupid, given this article demolishes Goldberg's comment piece)!

Anyway, perhaps there's finally a realisation that Spencer's distasteful attempt is indefensible.

What is interesting though, is that Americans apparently attack more Jews than Muslims. I really can't see why America should be proud of this fact.

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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 27, 2010
And the latest is that the loon stabber had an 'anti-Muslim' diary: ... lim-diary/

Clearly an Islamophobe and clearly and Islamophobic (i.e. loon) attack.

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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 27, 2010
And yet the claims of loons are taken to task by the author of the piece I quoted from in the other thread.

Perhaps that is why you chose not to respond in the other thread - your arguments whither away when exposed to sunlight.

But let's see what my author actually says:

Let's put this in even sharper focus. America is, outside of Israel ,probably the most receptive and tolerant country in the world to Jews. And yet, in every year since 9/11, more Jews have been hate-crime victims than Muslims. A lot more.

In 2001, there were twice as many anti-Jewish incidents as there were anti-Muslim, again according to the FBI. In 2002 and pretty much every year since, anti-Jewish incidents have outstripped anti-Muslim ones by at least 6 to 1. Why aren't we talking about the anti-Jewish climate in America?

Because there isn't one. And there isn't an anti-Muslim climate either. Yes, there's a lot of heated rhetoric on the Internet. Absolutely, some Americans don't like Muslims. But if you watch TV or movies or read, say, the op-ed page of the New York Times — never mind left-wing blogs — you'll hear much more open bigotry toward evangelical Christians (in blogspeak, the "Taliban wing of the Republican Party") than you will toward Muslims.

The author's points make sense to me.

It's the victim merchants who choose to walk around them rather than confront what the author is actually saying - there are more attacks against Jews in the US than Muslims, a lot more.

But the mainstream media and loon leftist fear mongers are never claiming that there is an anti-Jewish climate in America.

So why should we believe the loon leftists when I don't sense an atmosphere of hostility and any reasonable measure of 'Islamophobia' is dwarfed by anti-Jewish hate crimes ?

In other words, you can't have it both ways, or you'll be exposed just as the author exposed the mainstream media and leftist demagogues.

Seems simple enough to me.
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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 28, 2010
Why the running and hiding, eh?

The simple truth is that Spencer is an Islamophobe denier and tried to argue that the attack above was not Islamophobic.

Going back to Goldberg's article doesn't help Spencer in any way. In some ways it worsens your case - for Spencer has been exposed as trying to deny the Islamophobia that Goldberg does say exists (he's arguing that it is blown out of proportion and Americans hate Jews more than they hate Muslims).

Don't tell me you are distancing yourself from Spencer now that he's been exposed? Wow.

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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 28, 2010
[quote][/quote]White`s believe that there is no such thing as racism, that their dislike of blacks is a logical and totally rational. Hey, they’re just out to preserve the purity of the White race.

All us white people love blacks, I had one to use until I was about 10 yrs old when one day my par sold him :)
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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 28, 2010
chevaliers-de-sion wrote:
White`s believe that there is no such thing as racism, that their dislike of blacks is a logical and totally rational. Hey, they’re just out to preserve the purity of the White race.
All us white people love blacks, I had one to use until I was about 10 yrs old when one day my par sold him :)

Of course they are blacks,Red Indians,aborigines, muslims...etc..all thanks to crusade...

This is what it means...
Judaism and Christianity where people are divided into Jews and non-Jews, into Chosen and Gentile, and into Lilliputians and Brobdingnagians..
(Pure Racism)

colonial peoples were regarded as Gentiles or like Lilliputians who are only fit to be trampled underfoot. Those peoples were persecuted, despoiled, expelled or exterminated like the Red Indians or the Australian aborigines. This treatment was motivated by religion(corrupt religion). Now money is being accumulated by those who are under a religious influence for safety. Lust for money created poverty in the world, and the ensuing lust for power created weapons of mass destruction which have cowed everybody by terrorizing them. All this is being done in a world claiming to be democratic.


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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 28, 2010
Whites are subjected to more hate crimes than Muslims (in reality, whites experience far more hate crimes than what is reported).

If we take into consideration the reverse racism laws against whites, then it is fair to conclude that the United States is a nation racist against whites, not 'Islamophobic' against Muslims.

WASHINGTON — Hate crimes directed against Muslims remain relatively rare, notwithstanding the notoriety gained by incidents such as recent vandalism at the Madera Islamic Center.

Jews, lesbians, gay men and Caucasians, among others, are all more frequently the target of hate crimes, FBI records show. Reported anti-Muslim crimes have declined over recent years, though they still exceed what occurred prior to the 9-11 terrorist attacks.

"We see hate crimes generally go in spurts, and are often in relation to international or domestic events," Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said Friday.

In 2008, 105 hate crime incidents against Muslims were reported nationwide. There were 10 times as many incidents that were recorded as anti-Jewish during the same year, the most recent for which figures are available.

The number of anti-Muslim hate crimes leaped to a record 481 in 2001, apparently prompted by the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center. It hasn't been nearly that high since.

All told, 7,783 reported hate crime incidents occurred in 2008, including 1,381 in California. These incidents can take many forms.....

Read more: ... z0xuGQlI23
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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 28, 2010
United States is a nation racist against whites, not 'Islamophobic' against Muslims.

Come on Eh islamophobia exists..You too seem to be suffering from this fobia.....

The roots of Islamophobia in America date back to the 1960s and the 1970s, when Hollywood and television shows depicted offensive images of Arabs and Muslims. Pejorative language using terms like “camel jockey” reflected a progressive contempt towards that minority group. Come to the 1980s, the American worldview reflected the theory of “clash of civilization,” and when the political scientist Samuel Huntington promoted this post world war vision in 1993, it jumpstarted a mainstream fear in the American public. The terrorist attacks on American cities on September 11, 2001 confirmed this fear and sent it to sky-rocketing rates.

Robert Spencer is a man of his word - he supports free speech, Muslims and their leftist acolytes don't.

I think you're mixing free speach with defemation and libel...

If we take into consideration the reverse racism laws against whites, then it is fair to conclude that the United States is a nation racist against whites

I wonder why? Do you think you can explain?...
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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 28, 2010
Anyone notice how eh is not even acknowledging that his Guru, Bob Spencer, has been exposed as an Islamophobia denier when he tried to argue that the attack above was not Islamophobic.

The desperate argument is now that Americans attack more Jews etc than Muslims - which is a bizare attempt to divert attention from the fact Spencer tried to deny a specific Islamophobic attack, and has been exposed. None of these arguments/stats state that there aren't Islamophobic attacks, or that the above attack wasn't a sign of Islamophobia.

I'm starting to feel sorry for eh - I'm going to help him out and come up with some loon arguments to help him out.

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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 29, 2010
I think it goes without saying that I didn't really think Spencer's comments needed defending.

Beyond the hysteria, Spencer's comment was reasonable and left room for a new evaluation of the event as more facts came in, rather than jump to conclusions as Spencer has shown the media has often done in the past, only to wind up getting their stories wrong in the rush to condemnation. (it also looks like the media was wrong in claiming the alleged attacker, a numpty, had a journal containing anti-Muslim entries, we'll how this actually pans out)

What's rich is that the people who are making a big to-do about nothing are the ones who minimize Islamic terrorism in the West and falsely hype non-Islamic terrorists to draw some kind of moral equivalence.

Tree spikers=suicide bombers

Koran burners=Mullahs calling for the death of non-Muslims

It's almost unbelievable.
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Re: Islamophobia Deniers Aug 29, 2010
So, you are defending Spencer's weird and wacky theory that this attack was a 'faked' Islamophobic attack. :shock:


Well, I guess you shouldn't read this then: ... ack-faked/

You're also imagining things again - this thread is not excusing any violence or terrorism what so ever, in fact you're the only one who has refused to condemn terrorists. What it has done is expose an Islamophobia denier and you're defending him.

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