Islamic Scholar Threatens Kurds With Warfare From Muslims

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Islamic Scholar Threatens Kurds With Warfare From Muslims Oct 02, 2010
M. Cherif Bassiouni wrote:The Jews in Israel and elsewhere must first fight the Palestinians, remove them from the “Promised Land,” remove any Muslim traces on the Mount in Jerusalem, rebuild the Second Temple and then Jesus can come back, urge humankind to follow him and those who refused will be killed. If anyone disbelieves this Biblical scenario, please rest assured that millions of Christians and Jews believe it, though with a different outcome for Jews. It is estimated that at least one hundred million Christians in the U.S. believe in this outcome while almost all orthodox Jews have a belief in their repossession of the “Promised Land” and the rebuilding of the Second Temple before the arrival of the Messiah (who is, of course, not Jesus). But until then, the extremists in these groups have a common enemy, mainly Muslims.

Oh yeah.

ERBIL, Iraqi Kurdistan: An extremist Islamic scholar threatens Kurds that they no longer be tolerated in the Arab and Muslim world, accusing them of being “infidels who encourage hostility against Islam and its followers.”

“There is no life for you to live here with and among us. You should not expect anything from Muslims but war and hostility,” said Abu Basir Al-Tartusi, who has been described as "primary Salafi opinion-makers guiding the jihadi movement”

Al-Tartusi’s letter comes at a time when the US has reduced the size of its troops into almost 50,000 and is preparing for a full withdrawal scheduled to happen by the end of 2011.

The Kurds, who have always seen the Americans and West as their friends and allies, have been subjected to genocide and ethnic cleansing by the Arab, Turkish and Persian regimes of the Middle East.

Al-Tartusi, whose real name Abd-al Mun'em Mustafa Halima Abu Basir, is originally from Syria. His wife is a Palestinian. He now lives in London.

“You have fought against Arabs and other nationals. For the ascendency of your ignorant cause of nationalism, you have fought against Islam and its followers,” said Al-Tartusi, in a recent open letter in reference to the Kurds of Iraq and Syria.

“You have become allies with crusades and relied on them against Islam and the Muslims,” said Al-Tartusi adding that the Kurds had helped the US and Western powers to occupy Iraq.

Dr. Arafat Karim, an Iraqi expert in Islamism, said that Tartusi “is a person psychologically extremist. He has no knowledge about the religion and Kurds.”

“There are a number of extremist Muslims here in Kurdistan who misinform Tartusi about the situation of the Kurdistan Region,” said Karim.

“He issues bad fatwas [verdicts] attacking Kurds based on disinformation. This man has no knowledge about the history of the Kurds.”

Tartusi has considered Saddam Hussein a Muslim and prayed for him to be in the heaven.

“Without Islam, you will never enjoy your life,” said Al-Tartusi.

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