Islam And Fascism - Similarities

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Re: Islam And Fascism - Similarities Feb 25, 2012
You really should stop guessing eh - just because your blogger version of Islam is what you want to believe in, does not make it reality.

But your fight is not actually with me, you should convince the right of centre experts such as Niall Fergusson who disagree with you and say your belief is a myth, and simplistic one at that.

Good luck with that.



Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Islam and fascism - similarities Feb 25, 2012
Your argument is not with me but your own "prophet" who said:

By Him in Whose Hands my life is! I would love to be martyred in Allah's Cause and then get resurrected and then get martyred, and then get resurrected again and then get martyred and then get resurrected again and then get martyred.

Pretty disturbing.

Which sounds like glorifying struggle (and death/violence) to me.

And is one of the key characteristics of fascism.
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Re: Islam And Fascism - Similarities Feb 25, 2012
Let me know when you have convinced a right-wing historian who says your belief is a myth, then you can try convincing Muslims you know best. Deal?

Let me know how you get on.

Which reminds me, you claimed that you would e-mail an expert to see if she agreed with your belief about honour killings being linked to Islamic teachings - was that just another hollow boast on your part? Or can we call that a lie?


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Re: Islam and fascism - similarities Feb 25, 2012

Does the historian have a special decoder ring to determine if the following passage glorifies struggle - a key characteristic of fascism?

By Him in Whose Hands my life is! I would love to be martyred in Allah's Cause and then get resurrected and then get martyred, and then get resurrected again and then get martyred and then get resurrected again and then get martyred.

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Re: Islam And Fascism - Similarities Feb 25, 2012

Because the right-wing historian is telling you that the myth that you desperately want to believe in is simplistic and just wrong. Your snippets aren't helping you address this fundamental issue.

When you convince him, then you can try convincing Muslims.

As I said, Good luck.


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Re: Islam And Fascism - Similarities Feb 26, 2012
But I thought fascism is right wing? So why would an "extreme" right-wing historian want to associate Islam with something that's on his side of the political spectrum?

A historian being "right-wing" and "admitting" there is no connection between Islam and fascism is not bias free as you seem to want others to believe.

Btw, where can I pick up the decoder rings to "correctly" read passages from the Koran and hadith that otherwise sound an awful lot like fascism to me?
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Re: Islam And Fascism - Similarities Feb 26, 2012
Well, we've seen how your logic has led you to believe in talking donkeys, the earth rotating, the crusades not being holy wars and a plethora of other 'interesting' beliefs.

However, on this one - your challenge is to convince a fellow right-winger who does know what he is talking about and states that the myth you believe in is just not true.

I happen to agree with him on this assessment. I'm sure he will also not agree with you about talking donkeys.. why don't you ask him that too?



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Re: Islam And Fascism - Similarities Feb 26, 2012
Why is being a "right winger" (does he share your 7th century worldview?) have any bearing on one's belief that Islam has in common key characteristics of fascism?

We can simply look at the texts and teachings of Islam to see if Islam shares anything in common with fascism.

No need to rely on a historian (who would probably agree with me on these particulars) or special decoder rings to interpret what my own lying eyes tell me the texts of Islam say.
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Re: Islam And Fascism - Similarities Feb 26, 2012
I guess that is 'no I can't persuade even a right-wing historian' that he's wrong to dismiss the myth as simplistic and wrong.

Again, quoting FD: 'I thought so'.


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Re: Islam And Fascism - Similarities Feb 26, 2012
You still haven't asnwered why being "right wing" is relevant.

I assume it's a complex question.

But don't let the similarities between Islam and fascism get you confused.

Does Islam glorify struggle?
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Re: Islam And Fascism - Similarities Feb 26, 2012
It really isn't that complicated - the myth you believe in is both simplistic and wrong. You are right wing and clearly anti-Muslim - to the point of being delusional about what Islam teaches.

If you can't persuade a right-wing historian that your myth is true - what hope do you have with any Muslim reader?

As I said, I wish you luck with this latest belief of yours.


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Re: Islam and fascism - similarities Feb 26, 2012
Sorry, but why is being labeled "right-wing" by a seventh century minded religious fanatic have any bearing on the discussion that Islam shares much in common with fascism, including the glorification of struggle?
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Re: Islam And Fascism - Similarities Feb 26, 2012
Let's just put that question down to yet another of your long list of confusions - such as the difference between a racist mob rioting against some criminals and a mob rioting in support of one.

In this thread, your simple task is to see whether you can persuade a fellow right wing (albeit one who is actually a historian) that your simplistic and just plain wrong belief is worth listening to, let alone agreeing with.

I suggest you tackle your other points of confusion first.


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