Irishman Wants To Kill For Islam

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Irishman wants to kill for Islam Nov 15, 2009
Another typical example of a convert to the Religion of Peace....

An Irish jihadist living in Pakistan's Swat valley says he is preparing to wage war against British and allied troops in Afghanistan.

Khalid Kelly, a former altar boy from the Liberties area of Dublin who used to be known as Terry, told The Sunday Times he is undergoing weapons training in Pakistan's mountainous tribal region in order to fight jihad against the enemies of Islam. His dream is to face a British soldier in combat, although he would "settle" for an American, he said.

"I'm already on the path to jihad. I've already picked up a gun and done target practice to make myself familiar with weapons. The other day I learnt how to use an M-16 [rifle] in five hours," he said. "Next week, inshallah, I could be in Afghanistan fighting a British soldier."

Asked how he would feel about his own three-year-old son becoming a suicide bomber he replied: "I hope he goes to jannah [heaven] before marriageable age." His son, named Osama after Kelly's role model, lives in Britain with his Pakistani mother and two younger brothers. His father reckons Osama will be efficient with weapons by the age of ten.

Kelly says he learnt map-reading in the Scottish mountains, terrain similar to Afghanistan, although he admits he is currently out of shape. He justifies his intentions because of the West's actions against Muslims.

"Why is it such a big deal that I want to do this? Have I not got the right to do the same thing as a guy going into an army recruitment centre?" he said. "As long as we have no security, you will have no security. We'll kill and bomb you as you have killed and bombed our lands."

Ireland is also a legitimate target, according to Kelly. "Ireland has a US embassy so it is open to attack," he stated.

Kelly, 42, is an unconventional jihadist. Having grown up a staunch Catholic and trained as a nurse, he moved to Saudi Arabia in 1996 to work at the King Faisal hospital on a tax-free salary. In 2000 he was introduced to radical Islam by an Afghan when he was serving time in the Al-Ha'ir prison in Riyadh for bootlegging....

He is also unapologetic about his desire to fund, encourage and take part in terrorism. "I always believe Islam is terrorism. We are told to terrorise the enemies of Islam," he said. "The world will become a dangerous place. Everybody had better start embracing Islam or people will start flying planes into buildings again." ... 917485.ece

Koran 3:151 - We will cast into the hearts of the unbelievers terror, for that they have associated with God that for which He sent down never authority; their lodging shall be the Fire; evil is the lodging of the evildoers.


event horizon
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Nov 16, 2009
Wow - the Quran must be an evil book then if it causes an Irishman to want to kill for religion.

But, wait a minute, if the Quran caused 7 converts to kill between 2001 and 2009 - then the Bible must be a much more evil book because 232 Christian converts killed people in the same period!!

Goes to show that the greater number of violent verses in the Bible (see sceptics annotated Bible and Quran) seems to have a proportionate effect on converts resorting to terrorism.

And to think we would not have known this fact if you hadn't looked into the statistics and come up with only 7 Muslim converts who resorted to terrorism, vs the 200+ Christian Converts!

That was the point you wanted to make, wasn't it? ;)

(Edit, you should have started your post with 'another typical example of my Islamophobic spin is' ... rather than imply that you really do believe the majority of Muslim converts want to kill, despite the articles about English Converts you posted a while back which said quite the opposite. You do have a knack of saying one thing and posting articles which say the opposite!

If we followed your logic, we'd think that all Jews are like your hero Baruch Goldstein who you refuse to condemn as a religious terrorist.)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Nov 16, 2009
Unlike the secular terrorists of the NLFT (who seek to establish a 'workers state', comrade) - which includes in its ranks members who are not even Christian, this Muslim convert extremist justifies his violent tendencies based on the texts and teachings of Islam.

In fact, this man's violent tendencies can be solely attributed to the teachings of Islam since this man had no prior history of violence and was only jailed for bootlegging. It goes to show that yet another perfectly normal person can be warped by the extremist teachings of a religion that mandates warfare against unbelievers, dehumanizes non-Muslims and promises immediate paradise for any follower who dies whilst killing unbelievers.

I can understand these facts are difficult for you to accept. Your first response is to lash out, then you will listen, then you will come to accept the violent texts and teachings of Islam and realize I am right. Don't worry, I won't say 'I told you so'.
event horizon
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Nov 16, 2009
Sense of humour failure, or just a refusal to face up to the stats?


(So now the 'National Holy Army' is a secular organisation :roll: ... pull the other one, it has bells on).

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Nov 16, 2009
Congratulations even horizon, western politics produced another terrorist, namely Irish against the British but this time with a difference...”in the name of holly terrorist religion” ....How faboulous…Enjoy!
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