Iraqi Shoe-thrower Shot By U.S.

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Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 21, 2010
American soldiers have shot an Iraqi man who witnesses claim threw a shoe at a U.S. army vehicle in a suspected grenade attack.

During a joint patrol of U.S. Marines and Iraqi security forces in Fallujah, 40 miles (65 kilometres) west of Baghdad, the man 'threw an object, believed to be a grenade' at the passing troops on Wednesday afternoon, according to a U.S. military statement.

'U.S. forces fired in self-defence, wounding the attacker,' the military said.

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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 21, 2010
And your point is?

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Dubai Knight
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 21, 2010
That American Soilders are dumb asses ;)
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 22, 2010
[quote="Dubai Knight"]And your point is?
U.S. forces fired 2 shots in self-defenceand only wounding the attacker :oops: :(
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 22, 2010
chevaliers-de-sion wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:And your point is?
U.S. forces fired 2 shots in self-defenceand only wounding the attacker :oops: :(

So would it have been better had they killed him?

Being the most obvious target on the block, if someone comes running at you and throws something black in your general direction, the natural response is to shoot first rather than risk being blown to bits. Its good that they only wounded him as it may also make him realise that his situation is in direct response to his actions.

:? :? :?

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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 22, 2010
The moral of the story: Use fuc k ing common sense! Don't throw objects at armed US soldiers in a war zone!
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 22, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:That American Soilders are dumb asses ;)

Hmmm. So how many wars were you in while in the military???
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 22, 2010
The same amount as you were in !

None the less, still dumbasses :D
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 22, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:The same amount as you were in !

None the less, still dumbasses :D

Then will you please contact the powers that be and tell them to stop asking the US to send their dumbass soldiers to do the fighting. :roll:

The fact is I respect ALL soldiers. They are willing to fight for their country and help other countries while people like you enjoy your freedom far away from being in the line of fire.
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 22, 2010
Deja Vu bores, We've had this spate before aswell. I know your all patriotic and sh!t and your official stance is " even though I don't agree with my countrys foriegn policy but I just love me souljas "

But they are still redneck dumbasses lookin to get some. Its a gamers dream come true for them. And for all those who died, they died in vain, trying to free a country that did not need any freeing in the first place.

Sorry, this much respect for the US troops ><
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 22, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Deja Vu bores, We've had this spate before aswell. I know your all patriotic and sh!t and your official stance is " even though I don't agree with my countrys foriegn policy but I just love me souljas "

But they are still redneck dumbasses lookin to get some. Its a gamers dream come true for them. And for all those who died, they died in vain, trying to free a country that did not need any freeing in the first place.

Sorry, this much respect for the US troops ><

You gave your opinion in the past, and repeated it. If you open a subject then I can respond as can anyone else without you getting all twisted, unless of course your are taking a page of a certain other individual who seems to think she has the exclusive on what can and cannot be said in response to a post.

Are you a military analyst?? If you noticed I said ALL soldiers - meaning any country that has a legitimate government military force.

Don't blame the soldiers asswipe. Blame the US government!! I'm not talking about recent events, I'm talking about soldiers in general - past and present. I guess it's easy for you to knock any military since you don't have "a country", obtain permission to live in the UAE and will never be subjected to joining the UAE military should sh!t ever happen. Oh wait, the UAE military will be on holiday in the UK and the dumbass US soldiers will be at the front line. Deja vu Kuwait.
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 22, 2010
Ahh yes the good old days 8)

Asswipe ! :shock: A bit too spicy on a thursday night, eh bores ! ;)

Lets see what else I've had my female admirers shower me with today and put it toghter.

An Asswipe tool ! Hmmmmmmmmm. I thing its called a toilet paper and a bum shower in these parts :D
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 23, 2010
Its easy to have a go at the ordinary soldiers on the ground, they are the 'visible' end of the problem and therefore the ones taking all the abuse. They are ordinary (if a little low in basic IQ which is why they are troopers and not officers) people doing a job.

If you have ever had any dealings with the UAE military, or Saudi or Qatari or Kuwaiti, you will find guys exactly like them. Ordinary people just trying to get by in life. Just because they put on a uniform should not single them out for any mistreatment or abuse from non uniform wearing people.

When there is a UN Peace keeping force, the soldiers come from every country in the world, so your comment about 'dumb US troops' doesn't really apply. Colombians, Poles, Indians, Australians, Canadians and Saudis have all been killed or wounded in various different areas of the world trying to keep the peace.

As for a country not needing to be sorted out. Have you ever been to Iraq? Or Somalia? Or Cambodia? or Laos?

I suppose you would allow the warlords in eastern Africa free rein to terrorise and rape their own countries? The fact that every country around has to pick up the pieces and try to handle the refugees and displaced persons means nothing to you? As long as the situation does not affect your life or stop you from driving to the desert and having a bbq with your friends, you simply don't care. Bury your head in the sand whilst you are out there, you may find more enlightenment than you have now!

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Dubai Knight
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Re: Iraqi Shoe-thrower Shot By U.S. Apr 23, 2010
1. Yes I have/had family and friends in the military
2. Where and why did the UN come into this ????
3. Iraq was nothing like any of these African banana republics or the situation was in anyway similar.
4 Yes, still the American Soilders are dumb asses

Lets not even go into what the Iraqis themselves have to say about their country being occupied by the biggest bully on the planet right now Image
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 23, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote:Its easy to have a go at the ordinary soldiers on the ground, they are the 'visible' end of the problem and therefore the ones taking all the abuse. They are ordinary (if a little low in basic IQ which is why they are troopers and not officers) people doing a job.

If you have ever had any dealings with the UAE military, or Saudi or Qatari or Kuwaiti, you will find guys exactly like them. Ordinary people just trying to get by in life. Just because they put on a uniform should not single them out for any mistreatment or abuse from non uniform wearing people.

When there is a UN Peace keeping force, the soldiers come from every country in the world, so your comment about 'dumb US troops' doesn't really apply. Colombians, Poles, Indians, Australians, Canadians and Saudis have all been killed or wounded in various different areas of the world trying to keep the peace.

As for a country not needing to be sorted out. Have you ever been to Iraq? Or Somalia? Or Cambodia? or Laos?

I suppose you would allow the warlords in eastern Africa free rein to terrorise and rape their own countries? The fact that every country around has to pick up the pieces and try to handle the refugees and displaced persons means nothing to you? As long as the situation does not affect your life or stop you from driving to the desert and having a bbq with your friends, you simply don't care. Bury your head in the sand whilst you are out there, you may find more enlightenment than you have now!

:roll: :roll: :roll:



-- Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:08 pm --

desertdudeshj wrote:Image
1. Yes I have/had family and friends in the military
2. Where and why did the UN come into this ????
3. Iraq was nothing like any of these African banana republics or the situation was in anyway similar.
4 Yes, still the American Soilders are dumb asses

Lets not even go into what the Iraqis themselves have to say about their country being occupied by the biggest bully on the planet right now Image

Four people are responsible for the Iraq invasion: GW Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice. It was politics as well as being very personal to GW Bush. (I think he wanted his father's face removed from the entrance to Saddam's place because everyone kept walking on it!) Do you think that the US went into Iraq without the blessings of other countries, especially in the Middle East? Those countries were waiting for someone to invade Iraq!!!

Once someone is recruited or has enlisted into a military they become the property of the government. They don't chose where to go, they are told where to go.

-- Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:59 pm --

desertdudeshj wrote:Image
1. Yes I have/had family and friends in the military
2. Where and why did the UN come into this ????
3. Iraq was nothing like any of these African banana republics or the situation was in anyway similar.
4 Yes, still the American Soilders are dumb asses

Lets not even go into what the Iraqis themselves have to say about their country being occupied by the biggest bully on the planet right now Image

Here's another side to those US "dumbass" soldiers as you refer to them:

(This one is an example of what Iraqi's are doing in their own country to their own people!)
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Re: Iraqi Shoe-thrower Shot By U.S. Apr 24, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Image
1. Yes I have/had family and friends in the military
2. Where and why did the UN come into this ????
3. Iraq was nothing like any of these African banana republics or the situation was in anyway similar.
4 Yes, still the American Soilders are dumb asses

Lets not even go into what the Iraqis themselves have to say about their country being occupied by the biggest bully on the planet right now Image

1. Then if you have friends/family in the military then you are aware they live their lives under orders and if the government of the UAE for example says 'Go to Outer Mongolia and keep the peace' then they have to go, like it or not.
2. The UN sanctioned both the Gulf Wars and the invasion of Iraq and also initially had a large peace keeping force in Iraq alongside the 'dumbass' US troops. There were many nationalities involved and many countries lost soldiers to insurgency. The locals on the ground didn't look at the badges on their arms to see where they came from before they blew them up or shot at them.
3. Iraq was TOTALLY the same as the African banana republics! You want me to cite Angola, Congo, Rwanda, Biafra, Uganda? Essentially internecine tribal warfare under the control of an aggressive despot who was raping his own country for his own monetary and power mad benefit.
4. You want Sheikh Issa to run the UAE?

:roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: Iraqi Shoe-thrower Shot By U.S. Apr 24, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote:
3. Iraq was TOTALLY the same as the African banana republics! You want me to cite Angola, Congo, Rwanda, Biafra, Uganda? Essentially internecine tribal warfare under the control of an aggressive despot who was raping his own country for his own monetary and power mad benefit.
4. You want Sheikh Issa to run the UAE?

:roll: :roll: :roll:


Good words that cover agression. What did really GI and Tommies bring instead? Aerial/UAV bombing and puppet government. People live harder than in time of "bloody" dictator.

Knight, don't mix up. There was neither UN sanction for the agression to Iraq nor WMD as well. No even lame excuse.
Red Chief
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 24, 2010
The decision to invade Iraq was made by the UN Security Council, after the US (as we all now know!!) falsely convinced the Council to go forward with the war.

How the UN Security Council works:
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 24, 2010
It doesn't follow from that document though. There was no pole about invasion and nobody vote "yes" or "no". US was not able to reach it.

Well Bora. If you told us that we have to blame only three people for the bogus proof about WMD and the agression why don't we see at least some of them in Hague for war crimes?
Red Chief
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 24, 2010
Red Chief wrote:It doesn't follow from that document though. There was no pole about invasion and nobody vote "yes" or "no". US was not able to reach it.

Well Bora. If you told us that we have to blame only three people for the bogus proof about WMD and the agression why don't we see at least some of them in Hague for war crimes?

It was those four who conspired to pull it off. I agree, they should be in front of the Hague commission, or at the very least - face a firing squad!!! I would also like to see Bubba Net sitting in front of the commission with them.

As for not no poll, how does it explain the support of the other countries that sent military to Iraq?? The US could only cut so many slices from what was left of the pie, after taking half of it.
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Re: Iraqi shoe-thrower shot by U.S. Apr 24, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:That American Soilders are dumb asses ;)

You are obviously very naïve and know nothing about warfare or what it’s like for a soldier to be constantly the target of deadly attacks. Having a relative or two in some army (that probably never fought a war) clearly does not qualify you to acquire that knowledge.

The American soldier is perhaps the most disciplined soldier in the world. He is commanded by highly trained, professional officers under strict rules of engagement.

However, the rules of engagement are a lot different when dealing with guerrilla warfare, where you can’t tell friend from foe -- as the current situation in Iraq.

Sure, there are always errors of judgment. Soldiers are humans too, who also don’t want to die. The soldier has to make an instantaneous decision when faced with a perceived deadly threat, so there is always room for errors. Admittedly, there are also other cases where some soldiers may go overboard and overreact with unnecessary lethal force. But these are exceptional cases although they get a lot of publicity.

But in this case, and according to your twisted logic, these soldiers should’ve not reacted when an object is thrown at them. They should’ve waited first to see if that object did not contain a hand grenade, or explosives, before reacting. Right???

But if did, and they died, or were seriously injured, they would not be dumb a*ses!!!!

What a load of BS!!!!

Give me a break, man!!!!!

8) 8)
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Re: Iraqi Shoe-thrower Shot By U.S. Apr 24, 2010
Dumb Asses none the less :D

I totally agree and know that.

But I do disagree about the American GI being disciplined as there is more than plenty of evidence against it. My point is that there are way too many " violations " and more come out on a regular basis. And we all saw the loose rules of engagement in the Wikileaks videos and the gunners just dying to get a peice of action to shred a civillian van helping the wounded carrying very visible children. Disciplined, I think not. :roll:
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Re: Iraqi Shoe-thrower Shot By U.S. Apr 24, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Dumb Asses none the less :D

I totally agree and know that.

But I do disagree about the American GI being disciplined as there is more than plenty of evidence against it. My point is that there are way too many " violations " and more come out on a regular basis. And we all saw the loose rules of engagement in the Wikileaks videos and the gunners just dying to get a peice of action to shred a civillian van helping the wounded carrying very visible children. Disciplined, I think not. :roll:

As disciplined as the UAE armed forces?

Trust me, many of them are more of a danger to themselves than any enemy! When are the UAE army going to re-occupy the Tunb Islands then? There is only a small Iranian force there, they could do it easily after all the moaning and gritting of teeth in the media about the 'illegal' occupation. If only they were able.

Or are they an army of non aggression? What are you going to do, throw shoes at the opposition?

Well we know what happens to dumbasses who do that!

8) 8) 8)

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Re: Iraqi Shoe-thrower Shot By U.S. Apr 24, 2010
LOL UAE armed forces, thats not really a fighting force or any force for that matter. Just a big employement agency for the Emaratis and to feed the American arms suppliers.
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Re: Iraqi Shoe-thrower Shot By U.S. Apr 25, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:LOL UAE armed forces, thats not really a fighting force or any force for that matter. Just a big employement agency for the Emaratis and to feed the American arms suppliers.

And the French arms suppliers, and the British, and the South African and Italian...

Here's a little factoid: The UAE currently has 260 operational attack fighter jets. And 80 qualified pilots!

I assume its like their cars? There is a nice line-up outside the villa of the different models, all with blacked out fur lined cockpit windows, nicely polished by the maid and a chrome plated shovel strapped to the back!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Iraqi Shoe-thrower Shot By U.S. Apr 25, 2010
Another factoid is that is the 4th largest arms buyer in the world currently.
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Re: Iraqi Shoe-thrower Shot By U.S. Apr 25, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote:
I assume its like their cars? There is a nice line-up outside the villa of the different models, all with blacked out fur lined cockpit windows, nicely polished by the maid and a chrome plated shovel strapped to the back!

are the seats still covered in plastic though? :blackeye:
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Re: Iraqi Shoe-thrower Shot By U.S. Apr 25, 2010
Well there use to be Non-emarati pilots before, as in the 80's our neighbour was a pilot and trainer on loan from the PAF ( Pakistan Air Force )
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Re: Iraqi Shoe-thrower Shot By U.S. Apr 26, 2010
shafique wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:
I assume its like their cars? There is a nice line-up outside the villa of the different models, all with blacked out fur lined cockpit windows, nicely polished by the maid and a chrome plated shovel strapped to the back!

are the seats still covered in plastic though? :blackeye:

Of course! And a CD hanging from the gun sight!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


-- Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:09 am --

desertdudeshj wrote:Well there use to be Non-emarati pilots before, as in the 80's our neighbour was a pilot and trainer on loan from the PAF ( Pakistan Air Force )

Which would be fine unless the UAE declared war on Pakistan?

PAF? Is that like big grown up fly spray? You spray it in the air to bring down the nasty buzzy aircraft?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Iraqi Shoe-thrower Shot By U.S. Apr 26, 2010
( PIF ) PAF is just like ( Rif ) RAF ;)
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