Iranian Woman Who Faced Death By Stoning To Hang Today!!!

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Iranian woman who faced death by stoning to hang today!!! Nov 03, 2010
The Muslims have got to modernize their religion and stop such medieval and cruel punishment.

Muslim women get stoned or hanged for committing one instance of adultery, yet Muslim men commit adultery many times over, with prostitutes, maids, mistresses... etc, and they always seem to get away with it.

Sad, indeed!!! ... orrow.html

:evil: :evil:

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Re: Iranian Woman Who Faced Death By Stoning To Hang Today!! Nov 03, 2010
This is so disappointing. I wrote to the Iranian Embassy in Ottawa about Ashtiani. It is sad that international pressure has only been enough to prevent death by stoning, but not the execution order.

My thoughts go to her family if this is carried out. :(
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Re: Iranian woman who faced death by stoning to hang today!! Nov 03, 2010
Death penalty for adulterers is not mainstream Islam imo. I wonder though whether this is widely condemned and protested against in the Muslim world. Support for lashes for adulteres is mainstream however. And thats still extreme, not moderate.
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Re: Iranian Woman Who Faced Death By Stoning To Hang Today!! Nov 03, 2010
FD is right - 100 lashes and done without mercy is indeed the punishment for adultery in Islam (it is also the punishment for fornication).

The punishment is harsh, but so also is the burden of proof - you need 4 witnesses to the deed. Many argue that in practice this is so high that it is practically impossible to find someone guilty of adultery.

I'm not aware of the sentence to hanging being widely condemned in the Muslim world and frankly would be surprised if there are many who voiciferously protest against it. There are too many who do believe that stoning is a valid punishment for adultery etc.

I believe there should indeed be more widespread protest than there is. (But I haven't checked to see what Islamic authorities are saying about this)

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Re: Iranian woman who faced death by stoning to hang today!! Nov 03, 2010
Its my understanding that four witnesses are not necessary in case of a confession, like with Ashtiani.
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Re: Iranian Woman Who Faced Death By Stoning To Hang Today!! Nov 03, 2010
Well if it was proven without a doubt in a legitimate court that she murdered her husband then I would have no qualms about it. But this is Iran.

As for FD's question many debate that the confession is also a catch 22 situation. If someone is going to willingy confess knowing very well the outcome then their mental state needs to be looked into, and an insane or mentally ill person cannot be held accountable for his/her actions or ateast needs to be looked into wheter he is capable of rational thought.
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Re: Iranian Woman Who Faced Death By Stoning To Hang Today!! Nov 03, 2010
I don't know about confession - but I guess it makes sense. It begs the question why one would admit and then both man and woman should be punished.

I was also thinking that perhaps if there is a pregnancy that could also be taken as proof of adultery (if the husband is away etc).

BBC News is reporting that the death sentence is for her admission to murder - which puts a different complexion on the sentence. I am in favour of capital punishment for capital crimes - within a justice system with checks and balances. What's not clear here is whether all the checks were in place (first the sentence was for adultery, now it is for murder...)

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Re: Iranian Woman Who Faced Death By Stoning To Hang Today!! Nov 03, 2010
I doubt it, many have been hanged in Iran for much less thanks to the crazy mullahcracy. Like poor Atefah Sahaaleh :(
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Re: Iranian Woman Who Faced Death By Stoning To Hang Today!! Nov 03, 2010
^I agree! :(

There's something seriously wrong with a society that executes children (at 16 I consider her a child).

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Re: Iranian Woman Who Faced Death By Stoning To Hang Today!! Nov 03, 2010
shafique wrote:FD is right - 100 lashes and done without mercy is indeed the punishment for adultery in Islam (it is also the punishment for fornication).

The punishment is harsh, but so also is the burden of proof - you need 4 witnesses to the deed. Many argue that in practice this is so high that it is practically impossible to find someone guilty of adultery.

I'm not aware of the sentence to hanging being widely condemned in the Muslim world and frankly would be surprised if there are many who voiciferously protest against it. There are too many who do believe that stoning is a valid punishment for adultery etc.

I believe there should indeed be more widespread protest than there is. (But I haven't checked to see what Islamic authorities are saying about this)


Stoning is an Islamic punishment for married persons who commit adultery. Lashing is only given to those who are unmarried in an adulterous relationship or for fornication.

Volume 8, Book 82, Number 819:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle judged that the unmarried person who was guilty of illegal sexual intercourse be exiled for one year and receive the legal punishment (i.e., be flogged with one-hundred stripes) .
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Re: Iranian Woman Who Faced Death By Stoning To Hang Today!! Nov 03, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:If someone is going to willingy confess knowing very well the outcome then their mental state needs to be looked into, and an insane or mentally ill person cannot be held accountable for his/her actions or ateast needs to be looked into wheter he is capable of rational thought.

There are enough criminals who turn themselves in because of their concience, while they are fully aware of the consequences.
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Re: Iranian Woman Who Faced Death By Stoning To Hang Today!! Nov 03, 2010
Well then thats there choice, once examined that they are mentally fit.

I can't think of anyone whose turned himself in willingly in a state or country where the person knew his confession would mean certian execution.

On a side note I was watching a documentry of an English man trying to find the perfect and humane way to execute prisoners and when he came up with one and talked to a few people in the US who were there at an execution and revealed his findings to a family member/pro death activist ( can't remember which ) The person totally disregarded it. Saying they don't want the execution to be humane. The condemened suffer for a while ( talking about lethal injection here ) so what ? The people they brutaly murdered suffered much more and their suffering was nothing when compared to their victims.

So I dunno, capital punishment is supposed to be a deterant and the worse the punish I guess bigger the deterent.
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Re: Iranian woman who faced death by stoning to hang today!! Nov 03, 2010
Lethal injections are supposed to be far more humane than any other form of execution.

If you can think of a better one - perhaps head chopping? - then I'd like to hear it.

It seems that lethal injections are thought to cause pain is because the people who administer lethal injections are not doctors or nurses.

Execution by lethal injection may not be the painless procedure most Americans assume, say researchers from Florida and Virginia.

They examined post-mortem blood levels of anaesthetic and believe that prisoners may have been capable of feeling pain in almost 90% of cases and may have actually been conscious when they were put to death in over 40% of cases.

Since 1976, when the death penalty was reinstated in the US, 788 people have been killed by lethal injection. The procedure typically involves the injection of three substances: first, sodium thiopental to induce anaesthesia, followed by pancuronium bromide to relax muscles, and finally potassium chloride to stop the heart.

But doctors and nurses are prohibited by healthcare professionals' ethical guidelines from participating in or assisting with executions, and the technicians involved have no specific training in administering anaesthetics.

"My impression is that lethal injection as practiced in the US now is no more humane than the gas chamber or electrocution, which have both been deemed inhumane," says Leonidas Koniaris, a surgeon in Miami and one of the authors on the paper. He is not, he told New Scientist, against the death penalty per se.

But Kyle Janek, a Texas senator and anaesthesiologist, and a vocal advocate of the death penalty, insists that levels of anaesthetic are more than adequate. He says that an inmate will typically receive up to 3 grams - about 10 times the amount given before surgery. "I can attest with all medical certainty that anyone receiving that massive dose will be under anaesthesia," he said in a recent editorial. ... nless.html

Ideally, the person is supposed to be passed out.

Perhaps you should petition the states where the death penalty is still practiced to decapitate instead?

For some reason, the West ended that practice well before any Western states abolished the death penalty altogether.

Why do you suppose that is?
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Re: Iranian Woman Who Faced Death By Stoning To Hang Today!! Nov 04, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:On a side note I was watching a documentry of an English man trying to find the perfect and humane way to execute prisoners and when he came up with one and talked to a few people in the US who were there at an execution and revealed his findings to a family member/pro death activist ( can't remember which ) The person totally disregarded it. Saying they don't want the execution to be humane. The condemened suffer for a while ( talking about lethal injection here ) so what ? The people they brutaly murdered suffered much more and their suffering was nothing when compared to their victims.

So I dunno, capital punishment is supposed to be a deterant and the worse the punish I guess bigger the deterent.

I think you are referring to a documentary - Horizon: How to Kill a Human Being- made by Michael Portillo a former Parliamentarian and a member of Margaret Thatcher (and John Major) government.

The point he brought out what the the lethal injection was indeed agonising for the prisoner - the first injection just paralysed the body - and that this was really more for the on-looker's benefit. The person couldn't move but could feel pain if the second injection failed or didn't work properly. And you're right the pro-death penalty person said he wanted the guy to suffer and didn't want a humane punishment.

As capital punishments go - beheading induces almost instant unconsciousness and hence minimal pain - spinal cord is severed and blood to brain stopped, instant blackout, no pain.

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Re: Iranian woman who faced death by stoning to hang today!! Nov 04, 2010
France is reporting that the lady hasn't been executed and that Iran says she hasn't been sentenced:

The French Foreign Minister:
Manouchehr Mottaki assured me that Iranian legal authorities had not yet reached a verdict in the affair relating to [Ms Ashtiani] and that the information regarding her alleged execution did not correspond to reality," Mr Kouchner said in a statement.

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