Iranian said hell to oil money if it is going to hold us as a hostage to anyone regardless. And they are relatively doing well, its kind a of blessing for them, because they’ve focused on science and technology, and the fundamental foundation of solid development to their societies, which otherwise wouldn’t be possible. Because oil money or what I called easy money tends to lure people to be reliant on others, and often lead to an easy road which doesn’t help to nurture that precious zealous and hunger for success and ambition.
Despite all the blathering and brinkmanship by some Western leaders, they do certainly respect the Iranians, because they know that they can talks the talk and walks the walk. The Iranians forced those Western leaders to listen attentively, and sit and pay good attention to their demands.
This is not the same case with the Arab countries, even though these Arab countries' oil is the primary drive that has been keeping the world economy working. These Arab leaders get little respect from Western leaders, this is very evident when it comes to Israel and Palestine. How many times have the Arab leaders asked for those Western leaders’ cooperation, just to be turned down, or how many times have those Arab leaders have proposed peace solutions to the UN, just to be blocked by the only countries whom fully reliant on their oil.
Not to mention, some of those Western leaders have successfully managed to manipulate and made those Arab leaders believed that Iran is a major threat to them, thus, they need their protection and need to spend trillions of money to buy their weapon. However if you think about, Iran hasn’t attack no one, in fact it is the other way around, the US was the one who got Saddam Hussein into power and then supplied him with everything he needed to attack Iran and maintained 8 years war with them, in which millions from both side have lost their lives. But when the war was over, Saddam turned to the American and said, Kuwait is a province of Iraq, the American said, no son, that wasn’t what we trained you to do, as Saddam repelled, the Amarican worked tirelessly to get him out in which they eventually succeeded. It’s the same scenario with Bin Laden and the Mujahideens during their fight against the Russia, which they now causing major dilemma to the American and have no idea on how to eliminate them or at least to get them to stop their activities.
Two reasons why some Western leaders especially the US are edgy about Iran’s advancement:
1: They scare for Israel as it’s their launch pad in the Middle East.
2: Worry that Iran might successfully works with those Arab oil producing countries, and therefore affect theirs interests and relationship with them.
The images we have been bombarded with by the Media about Iran are: Iran is a belligerent sate, gives no right to women etc. Well, guess what, Iran is a democratic country, women are allowed to hold any government positions as they wish to, in fact large number of women are MP. Jewish people constitute only just over 200000 people but yet they have two representatives in the Parliament.