Iowa Focus Group: Obama Is Muslim

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Iowa Focus Group: Obama is Muslim Feb 10, 2011
A recent piece on Fox News - an Iowan focus group of Republican caucaus voters (so not expected to be pro-Obama to begin with) discusses Obama. About half categorically state they believe he is Muslim - there's a show of hands and a few of them state their belief so there is no confusion.

For balance, the top comment on the youtube site is:
If you're from a different country, please don't think all Americans are this brain-dead. ... dded#at=19

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Iowa Focus Group: Obama Is Muslim Feb 10, 2011
I think this group sounds clueless. Obama doesn't know what a republic is!? Give me a break.

I like the quote from the last guy, "I think he (Obama) believes that America is at fault for the world's problems. I think he doesn't see the good that America does in the world."

He's partially right with correction - Obama does see that America has contributed to some of the world's problems and he looks to change US policy. Why is that a bad thing? Of course Obama sees the good that America does or he wouldn't have taken on the job of President. There is a lot to fix after George W. Bush ran the show, and it takes time.

This group would love to see Egyptians given the smack-down by the army and remain subjugated under Mubarak rather than let them have a free vote if it means they would vote for the Muslim Brotherhood. How would Americans feel if other countries wanted them oppressed rather than let them vote for a fundamental Christian party? Clearly they cannot identify with the Egyptian people at all. (I wonder if any of those people on the panel have even travelled outside the US!)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Iowa Focus Group: Obama Is Muslim Feb 10, 2011
I am have the same question whenever this Obama is a muslim thing is brought up, not saying he is but what if he was ? So what ? Also is it impossible to think that one day a muslim could be president. Obama, a black man became the president. Something unthinkiable just a few years back specially in a country that less than half a century back did not even give african americans full rights and practiced official and open segregation of black and white.

Even if Obama was a muslim does that make him any better or worse as a president ?
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Iowa Focus Group: Obama Is Muslim Feb 11, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:I am have the same question whenever this Obama is a muslim thing is brought up, not saying he is but what if he was ? So what ? Also is it impossible to think that one day a muslim could be president. Obama, a black man became the president. Something unthinkiable just a few years back specially in a country that less than half a century back did not even give african americans full rights and practiced official and open segregation of black and white.

Even if Obama was a muslim does that make him any better or worse as a president ?

Why don't you ask the relatives of the victims of 9/11?
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Re: Iowa Focus Group: Obama Is Muslim Feb 14, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:I am have the same question whenever this Obama is a muslim thing is brought up, not saying he is but what if he was ? So what ? Also is it impossible to think that one day a muslim could be president. Obama, a black man became the president. Something unthinkiable just a few years back specially in a country that less than half a century back did not even give african americans full rights and practiced official and open segregation of black and white.

Even if Obama was a muslim does that make him any better or worse as a president ?

Why don't you ask the relatives of the victims of 9/11?

There are millions of families in Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan, Serbia, Sudan, Iran, Palestine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and many others who would also like to raise plenty of questions.

I don't believe Obama is a muslim, and I couldn't care less about his personal belief.
He is a bad politician, full stop.
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Re: Iowa Focus Group: Obama is Muslim Feb 14, 2011
Worse than George W Bush and Tony Blair?
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Iowa Focus Group: Obama is Muslim Feb 14, 2011
After Reagan I didn't think it was possible to elect a dumber individual to the white house but they managed it with dubya.

I can't stand Tony Blair - the man never answers a question - I know most politicians swerve but he just goes on until you forget the question itself. Complete joke to have him as middle east peace envoy - what a prat!

Based on the competition Obama is a superstar but I dislike politicians generally......except Tony there is a man for the people.
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Re: Iowa Focus Group: Obama is Muslim Feb 15, 2011
Obama is a Moooslim!

Obama is an African!

Obama was not born in America!

Obama was an illegitimate child

Obama is a racist!

What’s next?? Obama is gay…!!??

I also heard today that he is now dying his hair black (to cover up the gray that’s been popping up lately all over his head!) :o :o

8) 8)
Tom Jones
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Re: Iowa Focus Group: Obama is Muslim Feb 15, 2011
All of the above :D

-- Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:38 am --

JoeTGF wrote:After Reagan I didn't think it was possible to elect a dumber individual to the white house but they managed it with dubya.

I can't stand Tony Blair - the man never answers a question - I know most politicians swerve but he just goes on until you forget the question itself. Complete joke to have him as middle east peace envoy - what a prat!

Based on the competition Obama is a superstar but I dislike politicians generally......except Tony there is a man for the people.

Agreed Joe, I can't stand Tony either, or his bloody wife! Or her sister either! He should be in the Hague being tried as a war criminal. Look what him and George has got us into? It will take years to make an escape from Afghanistan and what will we achieve? Sweet FA. We have set a date to pull out. Why don't we just pull out now and save a few of our lads lives? Let them get on with it I say. We should pull back and protect our borders and rid our counrty of those plotting against us. Bring our lads home and deploy them where it matters.

We have an inquest going on into the 7/7 bombers at the moment. What another total waste of money. What is the British obsession with inquests? It changes nothing! Home grown terrorists! Pakistanis with Leeds accents. Living amongst us and naffing of to Pakistan to train in bomb making. They had a video of Mohammed Sique Khan on the news tonight, with his baby daughter, saying how he wished he could spend time with her but had to further the cause and blow himself up. Sick f'er.
Anyway I digress, another politician I can't bare along with Tony is Gordon Brown. Thank God he was shown the door sharpish, I dunno what to make of Dave tho and his Big Society. There's one thing at least, he admits we have no dosh and you can't spend what you haven't got.
On that note, I work for the British Government. I have a new boss. He earns £770 a day. Nice work eh? Considering we don't have any money :roll:
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Re: Iowa Focus Group: Obama Is Muslim Feb 15, 2011
Come on, everyone knows Obama is gay! :lol:

Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Iowa Focus Group: Obama is Muslim Feb 15, 2011
Tom Jones wrote:Obama is a Moooslim!

Obama is an African!

Obama was not born in America!

Obama was an illegitimate child

Obama is a racist!

What’s next?? Obama is gay…!!??

How about 'Obama is a pimp' - according to the 'looniest blogger ever' Pamela Geller:


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Iowa Focus Group: Obama Is Muslim Feb 15, 2011
kanelli wrote:Come on, everyone knows Obama is gay! :lol:


A gay mooooslim, poor soul! he doesn't have much going for him, does he?
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