Intermarriage Worries Gulf States

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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
symmetric wrote:
melika969 wrote:Symmetric, I don’t contradict myslef, you know yourself as a MODERATE religious, So you are not supposed to disrespect others. I don’t know myself moderate! I dont like Islam very much! and I m not afraid to announce it!

So yes moral lessons are for you, not for me, I try to avoid Islamic debates, but when I enter them, I will give my own opinions, which may come out insults to you! :D

1) You're not moderate but rather an undefined extremist, I can see that already. I was just pushing you to choke it out :D

2) Yet, you're still contradicting yourself agian & again, which will only lead you to immaturity :albino:

1) Where did Mel showed extremism? I have no idea where you get that logic. Must be religiously orientated.

2) Immaturity is always better than full blown ignorance.

You have limited vision mate. Don't read too deep into that bible of yours, or you will arrive at the fundamentalist nature of it. You know, the 72 virgins et all. Not recommended. Only for extremists. You're getting closer though. 8) :mrgreen:

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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010

Its not avoiding, I deal with people as per their mentality.

You may also want to define "Immaturity" during your good day 8)

Since you arrived on this forum I actually thought you had sensible thoughts. I was cheering for the Persians that day. 8) But when it comes to the books of faith, you are the same as all those pious believers out there. Your pride transcends your level of critical thinking.

At that point you become a victim of your own faith. Great minds become serfs. Minds that follow and ignore reality. Mo liked little immature children for wifes and you want to talk immaturity?

You know you can't win this one. :wink:
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
Robby, symettric (or Mel) aren't the one with most extreme views on this forum - so far only one person has seriously condoned war crimes that were committed in the name of God, namely the slaughter of women and children and the enslavement of the virgins (for the 'use' of the murderers). That person excused the war crimes because the religous book they believe said God sanctioned the murders. That person is not a Muslim.

As for your jibe at the end that the Holy Prophet, pbuh, liked 'children' for 'wifes' (sic) - that is empirically and historically not true. But I'm guessing you knew that and were just looking for a response. ;)

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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
Allright, forget the plural state of my jibe. Lets talk A'isha, 9 years old and hardly able to think nor judge what morality and/or maturity stands for. And Mo, 53 years old, mature and divined by its creator and potentially engaged in activities that would make even the pioust of pious turn in their graves of the 21st century.

Sorry Shaf. I stand corrected. :D
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
RobbyG wrote:

Its not avoiding, I deal with people as per their mentality.

You may also want to define "Immaturity" during your good day 8)

Since you arrived on this forum I actually thought you had sensible thoughts. I was cheering for the Persians that day. 8) But when it comes to the books of faith, you are the same as all those pious believers out there. Your pride transcends your level of critical thinking.

At that point you become a victim of your own faith. Great minds become serfs. Minds that follow and ignore reality. Mo liked little immature children for wifes and you want to talk immaturity?

You know you can't win this one. :wink:

I couldn't careless what you thought about me be it on my first day or any other day. You just want everything the way you want, and you think everyone else is wrong just because they don't share your opinion.

Do you measure people's ethinic or national pride based on how far their thoughts are from yours?
You're way too far from my Persian Islamic pride. You're ignorant after all, what do you know about pride!

What makes you think you're all correct and others are wrong? I never cared to judge the way you think. Everyone is free to think the way he or she wants. But it's totally immature to just randomly throw direct & indirect insults towards others beliefs. If you fail to understand this, then you should never go blame those dumb terrorists for what they're doing, because both of you are equally stupid.

So for the past thousands of years, its just you and your likes who finally came up with the perfect solution for all this chaos in this world, ha? And the rest are all wrong? Or perhaps just the Muslims or Christians are?

You keep on insulting my prophet, and you think by that you have achieved something great, but you just prove how disrespectfull you are. I can surely win the debate of prophet Mohammad's marriage to Ayesha, but it's a waste of time to do so with a person who isn't aiming to this subject properly, and rather act like an immature child and GOD knows how old are you, yet keep it for yourself, its just a number. You're an ignorant person with no principles in life, and that explains it all.

If you hate our religion, and our life style, then why do you waste your time here? Are you dying to come to Dubai or Abu Dhabi? There are plenty of other sites of your own kind and with plenty of worthless people like you to chat with and have fun. You ain't gonna fix anything here, we're happy with what we got, and extremely proud of ourselves. Not in a million years you'd be able to change anything. It's you who's moraly wrecked, and you need to repair your manners.

It's really pathetic seeing people who dislike this part of the world, yet dying to come over for a better life.
I'm thankful to my country's laws and kind leadership for all their efforts to keep things safe & secure for us. We as national Emaratis respect those who respect us, we're kind, friendly, & warm hearted its part of our culture and religion. We did not force our thoughts on you, infact we created a good understanding life style for everyone to be happy. It's impossible to please everyone, but we comprimize! So to see people who still aren't happy enough, and rather just come and insult us in such an ugly way, this only shows how worthless they are.
We're not perfect, but if we were too bad, then why do people still enjoy living here?

Enough said, and save your crap for yourself.
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
Judgements based on your thoughts, fortunately reality is different. Your emotion speaks limitless for you.

Keep dreaming fella, or join the discussion! Ignorance won't help you.
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
RobbyG wrote:Judgements based on your thoughts, fortunately reality is different. Your emotion speaks limitless for you.

Keep dreaming fella, or join the discussion! Ignorance won't help you.

What reality and what discussion?
One that is full of disrespect and street slang of yours?

I don't go through discussions with cheap low class people.
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
symmetric wrote:I don't go through discussions with cheap low class people.

Cheap low class people. hmmm. Makes one think about social classes.

You are showing some real pious core now aren't you? You must have had divine intervention. Allah doesn't teach you that 'wisdom'. :blackeye:
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
His silence speaks for a thousand words... praying for forgiveness as we speak. Kneel my pious friend. :D
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010

man someone please feed this sheep seriously getting a headache!!
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
RobbyG wrote:His silence speaks for a thousand words... praying for forgiveness as we speak. Kneel my pious friend. :D

Surely my silence speaks for thousands of words ..
Its what mature wise people do to worthless stray dogs like you. Keep on barking =)
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
Mate, I'm sweeping your tail around like you're a misfortunate ragdoll.

Lets take a breather here. ;)
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
You are showing some real pious core now aren't you?

That s true! and that s why i m ignoring him, u may do the same Robbyg...

When I started the thread about some good locals, one DFer told me I trust peope easily and I should wait for this one to show his true colors... now I see the reason!
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
melika969 wrote:
You are showing some real pious core now aren't you?

That s true! and that s why i m ignoring him, u may do the same Robbyg...

When I started the thread about some good locals, one DFer told me I trust peope easily and I should wait for this one to show his true colors... now I see the reason!

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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
symmetric wrote:
RobbyG wrote:His silence speaks for a thousand words... praying for forgiveness as we speak. Kneel my pious friend. :D

Surely my silence speaks for thousands of words ..
Its what mature wise people do to worthless stray dogs like you. Keep on barking =)

barking!!!! did he become sheep dog overnight??? talk about intermarriage between a sheep and a dog and what do you get ;)
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
RobbyG wrote:Allright, forget the plural state of my jibe. Lets talk A'isha, 9 years old and hardly able to think nor judge what morality and/or maturity stands for. And Mo, 53 years old, mature and divined by its creator and potentially engaged in activities that would make even the pioust of pious turn in their graves of the 21st century.

Sorry Shaf. I stand corrected. :D

Robby, I hope you realise that calling the Holy Prophet, pbuh, by 'Mo' is quite insulting to Muslims. It's tolerated when speaking about others with the same name, but it is on a par with taking the Lord's name in vain say 50 years ago in England or the States, before people stopped really caring about these things. Its partly cultural - many people think it 'cool' to address their parents by their first names, but most of the world still view elders with respect and address them by titles.

Most secular organisations treat those in power with respect - 'Your Honour', 'Your Majesty', 'Your excellency' etc etc. Muslims hold the Prophet, pbuh, in greater respect than secular title holders and therefore you would understand why they would take offence at flippant remarks.

I support free speech, but I would never dream of insulting someone you hold dear - eg your Mother or Sister or Father. I'd even balk at laughing at jokes that compared you to a monkey or chimp. Now bear in mind that a Muslim may view the Prophet, pbuh, as dearer to him than close relatives. Whether you agree with this value judgement or not, it is how they feel - and therefore it is worth thinking about when in future you decide to make statements that could be viewed as insulting. You don't have the excuse of 'I didn't know' now - so if you do decide to insult, then do it knowingly and understand you may be viewed as a person that doesn't care how others receive the message he's giving.

As for whether the Prophet, pbuh, was attracted to pre-pubescent girls or was in any other way a pervert, I suggest you read both sides of the issue - the rhetoric from those with eh's views and those non-Muslims (and Muslim) scholars who point out that the Prophet's marriages were anything but purile or self-serving.

You could start here - but I also suggest you read wider than this:
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
Shafique, your preaching to the choir. The problem is that they feel offended. If they opened up a little in their cornered world of hurt, they'd understand different views that cross the internet.

You know I hate ignorance. I'm experiencing such individual again. "You respect me, but we are divine souls and won't respect you as much, you non-believer"... :lol:

Old dogma.
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 11, 2010
RobbyG wrote:Shafique, your preaching to the choir. The problem is that they feel offended. If they opened up a little in their cornered world of hurt, they'd understand different views that cross the internet.

I don't see it as a problem to be offended when a person you hold dear is maligned unfairly.

You know I take on all questions and don't have any issue with examining any aspect of history or religions - but there is a difference between asking questions, or stating facts/beliefs and casting aspersions.

Now, I will defend your right to be critical, and will certainly defend you where this criticism is seen as offensive. I see a difference though between criticism and rudeness.

RobbyG wrote:You know I hate ignorance. I'm experiencing such individual again. "You respect me, but we are divine souls and won't respect you as much, you non-believer"... :lol:

Old dogma.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

In any case, I don't see a link between holding those in authority in respect - especially respecting Prophets of God - and disrespecting those of other faiths. Being insulted by someones words is a reflection of their words, not their religion.

Nudists see nothing wrong in parading their wobbly bits - but many atheists are offended at this site. Does this mean that all atheists hate Nudists - or just that some are offended when it is in their sight-line? ;)
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 12, 2010
You should make a remark about my effort not to step into the same emotional reactions like Symmetric did. He got rude, I remained courteous and grabbed him by the balls he threw at me.

Nudists, they have different convictions than me. Let them be, in their own corner of privacy. ;)
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 12, 2010
melika969 wrote:
You are showing some real pious core now aren't you?

That s true! and that s why i m ignoring him, u may do the same Robbyg...

When I started the thread about some good locals, one DFer told me I trust peope easily and I should wait for this one to show his true colors... now I see the reason!

Wow !!
I seriously can't believe it .. Extremely disappointed!

So you want me to accept any insult towards my religious beliefs, or else I will loose your respect?
Is that what defines a good local to you?

You know in my country, we have freedom of religious beliefs and all religions are highly respected.
Hindus, Buddist Christians, Bahai's, etc. No one can ever insult Buddha or Jesus or any other religious symbol, its part of our local laws and culture as well. We don't force our religious beliefs on others, and we try to comprimize to maintain a happy atmosphere for everybody. But if that was not good enough for you, and you want us to accept any insult towards our religious beliefs, then you're being toomuch with your demands, and comparing the situation in Iran, perhaps Dubai is more like a HEAVEN for you. Yet this heaven isn't good enough for a person like you.

You kept on contradicting yourself out of negative ego, yet not even sharing nor knowing where you're standing and just feeling free to judge whomever and whatever you want so easily by insulting others & ignoring the least meanings of respect towards others.

What true colours have you seen from me? I'm taking this comment personally.
Having an argument regarding a topic shouldn't turn into a personal issue between us, but if you're that immature to simply dislike me in person for disagreeing with you in a topic, then you really need to grow up.

I hosted you for two days with a great warm welcome, and yet I still feel bad for not doing more of hospitality due to my work and some duties, and then you simply come here & accuse me of showing my true colours as if I was an ugly evil person? And for what? Just because we had an argument regarding a topic!
Also saying "some good locals"? Can't you see it's you who is disrespecting my own people with this ugly stereotype.

If you hate us Emiratis that much, then why bother coming to our country seeking a better life?
Again contradicting yourself, arent you? How come you want to live among us if you hate us that much?

Out of all my guests from N.America to W.Europe, and even China, despite all the different thoughts and beliefs, and through out all the nice cultural discussions we all had, not a single person of them said such an ugly thing to me. We still contact/meet each other by the way, and we have high respect towards each other.

Perhaps it's you who is now showing your true colours of hatred and disrespect.
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 12, 2010
Apparently, the topic of religion weighs heavy for Mel. You weren't exactly courteous to a non-believer like me. Mel doesn't like Holland, but she doesn't like hypocrites either. A warm host might be a good host, unless his intentions are fake or his convictions not genuine? Who knows...

You, Symmetric, have to show some tolerance in order to earn my respect. Hence I won't visit you yet. :lol:
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 12, 2010
RobbyG wrote:You, Symmetric, have to show some tolerance in order to earn my respect. Hence I won't visit you yet. :lol:

Be my guest anytime, I'm a good host!
I will not assasinate you :mrgreen:
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 12, 2010
symmetric wrote:
RobbyG wrote:You, Symmetric, have to show some tolerance in order to earn my respect. Hence I won't visit you yet. :lol:

Be my guest anytime, I'm a good host!
I will not assasinate you :mrgreen:

Haha, are you pulling my dishdashy? :lol:

edit: Or should that be: Are you pulling me a dishdashy? :wink: :mrgreen:
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 12, 2010
RobbyG wrote:
symmetric wrote:
RobbyG wrote:You, Symmetric, have to show some tolerance in order to earn my respect. Hence I won't visit you yet. :lol:

Be my guest anytime, I'm a good host!
I will not assasinate you :mrgreen:

Haha, are you pulling my dishdashy? :lol:

By dishdashy you mean the local dress which we call Kandora right?
I'll make you wear one, and take a foto of you next to a camel in the desert.. then you can say I was in Arabia 8)

I will need to expose you to some Persian culture too if u dont mind :twisted:
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 12, 2010
Also saying "some good locals"? Can't you see it's you who is disrespecting my own people with this ugly stereotype.

You have some comprehension problems, by "some good locals", I referred to other threads in this forums which always attacked locals. I meant I have met some good locals so it could not be true that locals are bad!

So you want me to accept any insult towards my religious beliefs, or else I will loose your respect?

You attacked event horizon and me for one word! If u felt insulted you could just bring reasons and prove us wrong. From the moment you became aggressive I ignored you because of the so called friendship!

Stop insulting me. I like my country and Duabi is not HEAVEN to me! I m not like people who run away from their country years ago and have nothing as Persian and still categorize themselves as Persians! I protest where this is real danger for me, not like insulting the regime and leaders of it in a forums and when you stay somewhere quite safe! Pathetic!

What true colours have you seen from me? I'm taking this comment personally.
Having an argument regarding a topic shouldn't turn into a personal issue between us, but if you're that immature to simply dislike me in person for disagreeing with you in a topic, then you really need to grow up.

Ture colors here means you are aggressive, rude and ignorant. What real argument? You can not follow a discussion; otherwise as I said before you could bring some reasons and prove your prophet was not interested in kids! Or you could answer Robbyg about secularism. But you just kept insulting. You did not understand my silence was because I was gratefull to your hospitality.

If you were active enough on this forum you would know I will get bored easily! I am really bored of your childish behaviour And I was gonna ignore you but it seems like you are so full of yourself and you need to learn something. If you are going to answer please pm me, I don’t think others are interested in this fight!
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 12, 2010
RobbyG wrote:Shafique, your preaching to the choir. The problem is that they feel offended. If they opened up a little in their cornered world of hurt, they'd understand different views that cross the internet.

You know I hate ignorance. I'm experiencing such individual again. "You respect me, but we are divine souls and won't respect you as much, you non-believer"... :lol:

Old dogma.

Why do you find someone feeling offended as a "problem"? Is it their problem, or is it yours?

I have seen many insults made to Islam and to Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) over the time I have been on this forum and I write it off to ignorance or hate. For someone who claims to be intellectually superior to just about everyone on this forum, why do you find it necessary to stoop so low as to attack so harshly? Where are you coming from - ignorance or do you suffer from Islamicphobia - which stems from ignorance and hatred.

There are times you do go out of your way to rub someone the wrong way. To say that Sym, or anyone else who reacts to offensive comments made to his/their religion as being ignorant is just wrong. In essence you are saying, if they had any intelligence they would accept what is said by - of all people a nonbeliever - with a smile. I think you saying that they are ignorant is actually showing your ignorance and insensitivity.

There are Muslims who embrace their religion more so than others. I take the offense silently, whereas some are more verbal, such as Sym. He has every right to react when he feels that something that is very personal to him is being attacked. When you saw his reaction you should have, out of respect - not necessarily for him, but to the subject matter and other Muslims on the forum, backed off.

If you discussed this the way you do economics then it probably wouldn't have dipped to the level it did.

That's my 2 fils in the matter.
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 12, 2010
melika969 wrote:
You are showing some real pious core now aren't you?

That s true! and that s why i m ignoring him, u may do the same Robbyg...

When I started the thread about some good locals, one DFer told me I trust peope easily and I should wait for this one to show his true colors... now I see the reason!

Mel, a bit disappointed in you. You and Sym may share the same religion but not the same religious views, it seems that you are judging him on his passion for his religion. If we all judged people because of our differences where would we be??

Two things that never mix well in opinions, views and friendships and they are politics and religion. These are two subjects that if being discussed must be debated with respect, not insult, if you want to get a point across.

If you think that Sym has shown his "true colors" by reacting to what he felt as insults to Islam, then you need to come to terms with the fact that we all hold something near and dear to us that if attacked it would bring out our "true colors". The fact that you are on opposite sides of an issue isn't reason to discount a person who you know as having other qualities. I'm sure that if you shared the same views then you wouldn't have a problem with him, but because he's "local" and has a different view, well it just proves that you can't trust locals. :roll:

Your suppression by your government brings out your "true colors". If someone "attacked" you by mouthing off about your mother who you love dearly, by saying harsh things, be they true or not, that would bring out your "true colors". IMHO, Sym just happens to embrace his religion stronger and deeper than most and if he takes it personally and reacts, the person who stepped over the line should back off.

Do you discard friends who don't share the depth of your passion to see change in your country? More than likely you debate it with them rather than toss insults to get your point across.

Have I shown my "true colors" yet? You trusted me easily. Or is it just because I'm not a local? The fact that you and Sym don't share the same thinking on Islam isn't enough reason to totally change your opinion of him. Whoever told you that Sym (being a local) would show his "true colors" must be one dimensional and without any color.
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 12, 2010
Bora, I did not change my view on him because we share different opinions, We already knew we have different opinions and we actually had some fights about religions before! So we decided not to talk abt religion anymore as friends!

What made me to change my view is his attitude. Everybody hold something dear, but the prophet whose life should be the idol and pattern for the whole world in all ages, is not someone’s dear and near property. They should be ready to hear some views and if it is necessary defend their own views.

If you follow this debate from the first, he entered very aggressive and rude which is totally in contradiction with what he has shown before. That s why I said “you are showing true colors”.

Besides in my culture, we like our guests a lot, we appreciate them and we are gonna make sure they have the best time. I hope someday you can come to Iran and I can show you around. I don’t like it when somebody tells me “I hosted you for two days with a great warm welcome, and yet I still feel bad for not doing more of hospitality due to my work and some duties” . this is another true color! I have been your guest many times but u have never said something like this to me!
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 12, 2010
By dishdashy you mean the local dress which we call Kandora right?
I'll make you wear one, and take a foto of you next to a camel in the desert.. then you can say I was in Arabia

I will need to expose you to some Persian culture too if u dont mind

Haha, yes I meant Kandora. I'm always interested to learn and respect so I dont shun such dishdashy.

For all you 'non-believers' out there, we settled this matter in private. You won't see us starting a tug of war over some prophetic words anylonger. 8) :mrgreen:

ps: Bora, get a life with your assumptions. I never said I was superior to anyone. You picked that up from another topic, where you missed the essence of free speech. Which was the use of an intellectual tool, instead of daggers and guns.
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Re: Intermarriage worries Gulf states Apr 12, 2010
RobbyG wrote:
By dishdashy you mean the local dress which we call Kandora right?
I'll make you wear one, and take a foto of you next to a camel in the desert.. then you can say I was in Arabia

I will need to expose you to some Persian culture too if u dont mind

Haha, yes I meant Kandora. I'm always interested to learn and respect so I dont shun such dishdashy.

For all you 'non-believers' out there, we settled this matter in private. You won't see us starting a tug of war over some prophetic words anylonger. 8) :mrgreen:

ps: Bora, get a life with your assumptions. I never said I was superior to anyone. You picked that up from another topic, where you missed the essence of free speech. Which was the use of an intellectual tool, instead of daggers and guns.

Where did I say you said you were superior? I didn't pick anything up from another topic. Your actions speak louder than words. When you use your "free speech" at times it seems to slide off a tongue shaped like a dagger. :alien: Even your explanation above "prophetic words" - was that addition really necessary?? or just you getting in the last word?

Talk about getting a life................................... :lol: :lol:
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