Inside Mark Regev's Head

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Inside Mark Regev's head Jun 25, 2010

:pale: :crybaby:

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Inside Mark Regev's head Jun 25, 2010

I like this video better.
event horizon
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Inside Mark Regev's Head Jun 25, 2010
Ah, Bob 'the huckster' Spencer speaks. Thanks.

Regev is funnier though.

Huckster is a comedian, but not as funny. But you're completely right - Spencer and JihadWatch do indeed belong in a thread about comedy interpretations of what people say and think! ... -a-debate/

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Inside Mark Regev's Head Jun 25, 2010
Mark is really something, its like watching a sketch from SNL and your just waiting for mark to break character and shout " Live from New york, this is saturday night ! "

Here is another golden oldie ... re=related

This one reminds of G, keeps repeating the same crap over and over, 15 pages, we are investigating 15 pages we are investigating ... re=related

And Mark is not the only one who gets his @ss handed to him on platter by Snow ... re=related

May the spin be with you.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Inside Mark Regev's head Jun 25, 2010
Excellent examples. Cheers.

Came across this news story as well:
David Foster : Let's just say you have resigned for 'pay disputes' with the IFM for a minute - but why would you desire to join Hamas , an organization your country ,foreign ministry and the IDF clearly label as 'terrorist'??!!?!?

Mark Regev : I didn't say I am joining Hamas - don't try to put words in my mouth . I said I am willing to join Hamas public relations department . Did I say I am going to fire rockets from Gaza ? it's the IDF who has been dropping phosphorus bombs on innocent , unarmed , defenseless children of Gaza .

Let me be clear , Hamas is an elected , legitimate government of Gaza - and it has the right to defend itself - let make no mistake in that !

Regarding IFM's pay dispute excuses - Well , As your reporter said in his report , Hamas will never be able remunerate me the amount I earned from my service as a public relations advisor to IFM. So IFM's efforts to label the situation as 'simply a pay dispute' is fabricated and shameful . if I wanted more pay , why would I join a poorly funded organization as HAMAS ?

David Foster: Now that you have formally resigned from the Gov, can you explain to our viewers regarding the propaganda/lies you managed to spew on airwaves over the years? And will you employ the same techniques while working for Hamas ?

Mark Regev : You don't want me to reveal all my valuable PR techniques on airwaves, Sir ? (devilish smile ) and I respectfully disagree, all these years I have devotedly worked for my ministry and I didn't propagate any propaganda or lies - my job is to twist the truth, conjure up facts, and that's what I did . For me , all facts are subjective . I only tried to provide a subjective Israeli angle to every single fact, law and resolutions . And hopefully , I will be able to do the same for Hamas PR dept.

David Foster : Do you think IDF will be able to revive its reputation after the fallout from flotilla attack ?

Mark Regev : As long as IDF is able to retain effective PR officers like me , they should be fine. Let's not forget , the World Cup has commenced, eventually people will be glued to their sports channel and the story will subside . At least , that's what we are expecting.
David Foster : Given your rather peculiar past , Do you think Hamas will employ you ?

Mark Regev : Hamas is in a 'delicate PR situation' and past doesn't matter - it's performance . If I have the PR skills to shamelessly,un-apologetically defend Israel's every deplorable action on int'l broadcast channels , diplomatic meetings and at the UN - I believe , I will be able to defend Hamas's rocket fire - it's nothing, if you compare it to IDF's military operation, blockades and incursions

I don't think it's lucrative or sustainble for any diplomat to serve Israel in the long run . But I like to take up challenging task - that's why joined IFM in the first place . Once you know the PR skill you can handle any 'incoming bombs' (question).

For example , We never denied our soldiers opened fire on the flotilla ship , instead we said the activists 'bought death upon themselves ' - In four minute interview on air always mention Hamas 20 times, Iranian regime threats 25 times - say things for the sake of saying , say how Anti-Semitic the whole world/UN has become, say every humanitarian convoy is linked to Al qaeda ( if we can't find any credible evidence, retract the claim and instead say , 'Hardcore extremists') and of course, always attempt to translate Persian sentences into 'customized Hebrew' like if Mr. President Ahmadinajed says he wants Israel to 'wipe Iranian floor mat ( carpet)' the Hebrew translation would be 'Iran wants to wipe Israel out of the global map! "

David foster wrapped up the interview wishing him 'good luck'! ... t_6639.htm

(eh, calm down - it's from 'the' ;) )

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Inside Mark Regev's Head Jun 25, 2010
Had me going for a while, until I saw the link ! I bet rattyboy would have a heart attack halfway through ! LOOL
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