Indonesia: Tolerance And Diversity Turns To Shiite

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Indonesia: tolerance and diversity turns to Shiite Jan 10, 2012
More of the same from Indonesia. Except, this time, the people to pay are Shi'ites. Tomorrow it will be the Christians again. They haven't become subservient enough as they still want the right to worship in their churches.

Eventually Christians and Shi'ites will get the lesson after enough unruly mobs tighten the screws on their communities.

Jakarta (dpa) – About 300 Shiite Muslims fleeing an attack by local Sunnis on Indonesia’s Madura island have refused to return home, fearing further violence, activists said Thursday.

Hundreds of Shiite refugees fleeing religious violence in East Java were denied access to water and other basic necessities on Wednesday as the local government urged them to return home.

There was no food today, no water at all, but we have small children here as well as sick and old people,” said Iklil Al Milal, a religious leader in Nangkernang village, Sampang, where the violence occurred.

Last week, the village was reportedly attacked by a mob of 1,000 people, who burned down a Shia Islamic boarding school and three other houses. As many as 351 Shiites fled the area and were evacuated by local officials to the Sampang sports stadium.

Wahid Institute researcher Muhammad Subhi said that volunteers with supplies for the Shiite refugees had been denied entrance to the stadium... ... er-attack/

event horizon
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Re: Indonesia: Tolerance And Diversity Turns To Shiite Jan 10, 2012
I agree event horizon.

As we saw in Pakistan, once the authorities turn a blind eye to extremists who hate other communities, it is a slippery slope and the extremists get embolden over time. In Pakistan the Khatme-Nabuwat extremist groups carried out attacks against Ahmadi Muslims and these went largely unpunished and even in many cases with aid of police etc.

Khatme Nabuwat morphed into Sepahi-Sahaba (many of the same leaders) and they have now turned their attention to Shia Muslims - with calls that they should be declared non-Muslim and attacks against Shia. Similarly Pakistani Christians have been bearing the brunt of attacks too.

Same thing happening in Indonesia - and signs of similar extremist actions in Bangladesh too.

As in Israel with the Haredim, giving a vocal religious extremist groups official sanctions early on (in this case when they attacked Arab Palestinians and Arab Israelis) leads to escalation of violence and boldness (now attacks against IDF bases etc).

In all cases, it is a minority of extremists that are carrying out the violence - but their influence is greater than their numbers. In all cases, the Governments need to step in and uphold the laws of each of the countries.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Indonesia: Tolerance And Diversity Turns To Shiite Jan 10, 2012
Double post
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Indonesia: Tolerance And Diversity Turns To Shiite Jan 10, 2012
So you against the war with Iran?
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Re: Indonesia: Tolerance And Diversity Turns To Shiite Jan 10, 2012
I presume you're asking eh that question Nucleus. ;)


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Indonesia: Tolerance And Diversity Turns To Shiite Jan 10, 2012
Yup, he is posting articles taking shite side. I've nothing against it, but not sure what would be his opinion if US attacks Iran.
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Re: Indonesia: Tolerance And Diversity Turns To Shiite Jan 10, 2012
I dont think US has beef with Iran because they are Shia. Oranges and apples.
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