Hysteria In The UK: Forged Passport...

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Hysteria in the UK: forged passport... Jul 01, 2010
...except of course when no jews are involved. No jew, no view also applies to the UK. :(


Can a Brit maybe help and try to find outcries in the Biritsh press that Russia is now a "country which believes it can act with impunity" or that "faking of UK passports is the mark of an arrogant nation that has overreached itself."

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Hysteria in the UK: forged passport... Jul 02, 2010
Nice lame attempt, FD.

But how many people are killed by Russian spies?

That's why there is no outrage. No chorus of condemnation. No leftist loons shrieking bloody murder and 'Won't someone pleeeze think of the children!'. No UN council meeting. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

How dare you imply that Israel is subjected to a disproportionate amount of criticism. I mean, it's not like Yemen is blockading its own people of essential supplies, like food, medicine and water.

No sirree bob.

What are you, some kind of Russ-phobe?
event horizon
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Re: Hysteria In The UK: Forged Passport... Jul 02, 2010
What's the argument now - Israel is just as criminal as the Ruskies when it comes to faking passports and killing people?

We knew that already.

You may want to look up how the British government and public reacted with the Ruskies killed Litvinyenko in London. They didn't remain silent and didn't do to the Ruskies what they later did to the Israelis when they were exposed in the Dubai murder.

Fanboi Fail. Again.

Do you guys enjoy failure? Next you'll be comparing yourselves with Ghadaffi and wondering why he get's good press these days (it could be that he just kisses behinds now and doesn't go around killing Europeans on ships)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hysteria in the UK: forged passport... Jul 02, 2010
This is a comment on the Economist website on the spying affair. I have to say, the guys speaks sense! Very amusing:

"Russian Spies Evade Detection By Not Spying !"

If this is what it's like to be a Russian spy in America, can I be one, too ?

I would like to go under "deep cover" and have the Kremlin buy me a house and a laptop (can I have an Apple, please ?) in exchange for weekly transmissions of encrypted intelligence concerning... well, whatever I learn over the course of the week while pretending to be an ordinary American citizen. Like the accused Russian spies, it may be true that I am far removed from the cloisters of American foreign policy or the vaults where state secrets are kept. But my lack of access to privileged information is really an asset because no one would ever suspect me of being a spy ! And I am well placed to report on many interesting things I learn while surfing the web at Starbucks. Plus, my next door neighbors both work for the U.S. Postal Service. There may be only 5 or 6 degrees of separation between me and the Obamas !

It is hard not to make light of a story that reads word for word like something straight from the pages of The Onion (a hilarious parody newspaper). I have read the Washington Post and NYT articles, wading through detailed descriptions of how astonishingly ordinary these people appear to be, looking for the skeleton in the closet, the smoking gun, the "beef". I even read the Justice Department complaint against "Sexy Russian Spy" Anna Chapman. Nada.

Oh, there is plenty of suspicious stuff, all right. These people quite possibly are or were Russian "spies". They apparently took money from Moscow and used it to buy houses and clothes. And they did not report the source of the money, which probably constitutes some form of money laundering. They also communicated clandestinely, like teenagers sharing pirated songs over peer-to-peer networks. Who knows what they were talking about ?

I am not claiming they are innocent victims of a Kafka-esque bureaucracy run amok. But in what way were they an immediate and serious threat to our national security ? And why did the FBI choose to pounce on them now ? Why not just string them along and feed them false information ? They have been under close observation for years. How did this suddenly become an episode of "24" ?

There must be another story behind this story. But so far, most of the news media seems to be just playing along, perfectly happy to publish "hottie" pictures from Facebook under headings like "Didn't Rake Leaves" and expressing outrage at those dastardly Russians for sending money in secret to buy distressed American real estate without reporting it to the proper authorities.

At least the Economist has noted the absurdity: "Read After Burning". I eagerly await the next installment: "Russian Spy Under Deep Cover now has 6 Million Followers on Twitter !"

http://www.economist.com/blogs/easterna ... extfeature
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hysteria in the UK: forged passport... Jul 02, 2010
He-he FBI fishes in troubled waters again. The time just after Medvedev's visit to US is the key point.

As far as I read there has been no accusation in espionage itself but only money laundry, fake passports and blah blah blah...

The spies look like a bunch of hungry Ukrainian crooks (according to their sirnames) , the kind, who had flooded Moscow for last 20 years and gradually reached London, NYC and DC.

Their first of fake documents and money, regardless of their origine, doesn't prove that they are spies at all. Nevetheless It will not stop FBI to make this story bigger.

I wish FBI to continue sucking from the thumb. :thumbup:
Red Chief
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Re: Hysteria In The UK: Forged Passport... Jul 02, 2010
RC - there does seem something fishy going. As the guy I quoted said:

And why did the FBI choose to pounce on them now ? Why not just string them along and feed them false information ? They have been under close observation for years. How did this suddenly become an episode of "24" ?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hysteria In The UK: Forged Passport... Jul 02, 2010
It looks like provocation is one and the only weapon of CIA/FBI but it works only inside US borders. Nobody else buys it.

Another victim of similar provocation is Viktor Bout, whom US calls as a prototype of the main character of "Lord of War" movie. He has spent 2 years in jail in Thailand even though local court denied extradition to US due to lack of evidence. But as Thailand is afraid of US they waited for another evidence, which is not connected to illegal trade of weapon. So far (1 year) CIA has not cooked anything.
Red Chief
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Re: Hysteria In The UK: Forged Passport... Jul 02, 2010
shafique wrote:What's the argument now - Israel is just as criminal as the Ruskies when it comes to faking passports and killing people?

We knew that already.

You may want to look up how the British government and public reacted with the Ruskies killed Litvinyenko in London. They didn't remain silent and didn't do to the Ruskies what they later did to the Israelis when they were exposed in the Dubai murder.

Fanboi Fail. Again.

Do you guys enjoy failure? Next you'll be comparing yourselves with Ghadaffi and wondering why he get's good press these days (it could be that he just kisses behinds now and doesn't go around killing Europeans on ships)


Err, no. Snowball. Please try and keep up:

...there is no outrage. No chorus of condemnation. No leftist loons shrieking bloody murder and 'Won't someone pleeeze think of the children!'. No UN council meeting. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

How dare you imply that Israel is subjected to a disproportionate amount of criticism. I mean, it's not like Yemen is blockading its own people of essential supplies; like food, medicine and water.
event horizon
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Re: Hysteria In The UK: Forged Passport... Jul 02, 2010
Fanboi fail x2.

Just because the Foreign Office has said it would look into the matter doesn't mean that there's been no reaction.

It's probably wise given the track record of your 'intelligence' services. ;)

When the Ruskies do behave like the Israelis, there is indeed a strong reaction - just look at the Brit outrage when Litvenyenko was assassinated.

Fanbois really like to seek out failure from the jaws of victory - don't they! ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hysteria in the UK: forged passport... Jul 02, 2010
You mean like this reaction:


Somehow, I don't think there was a comparable reaction - either in the West or in the Muslim world.

As for Russian/Soviet assassinations, to compare those to how the Muslim world and leftist loons react to Israeli assassinations is beyond ridiculous.
event horizon
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Re: Hysteria in the UK: forged passport... Jul 02, 2010
event horizon wrote:You mean like this reaction:


Somehow, I don't think there was a comparable reaction - either in the West or in the Muslim world.

As for Russian/Soviet assassinations, to compare those to how the Muslim world and leftist loons react to Israeli assassinations is beyond ridiculous.

He-he, Reds are under all beds. If two thugs from different nomud tribes had killed each other there should have been a strong reaction against KGB.

There was the reaction. Sheikh Mo made a complaint personaly to Mr. Putin on inappropriate behavior of his "citizens".

Brits should critisize attitude of own government when they deny any requiest on extradition of thieves with money like Berezovsky or notorious dictators like Pinochet, who killed thousands.
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