Hitler Was A Great Man And The Gestapo Were Fabulous Police

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Hitler was a great man and the Gestapo were fabulous police Sep 28, 2010
Hey don't look at me I didn't say it, he did
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... tours.html

Just someone for uaekid to look up to !

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Re: Hitler Was A Great Man And The Gestapo Were Fabulous Pol Sep 28, 2010

Perhaps Khomeini from Iran is a great man also...

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Re: Hitler was a great man and the Gestapo were fabulous pol Sep 28, 2010

I'm waiting for eh to announce his research has uncovered the 'fact' that Irving is really a Muslim! :P

The Khomeni allegations are really shocking too.. I'll leave that to Shia/Iranians to defend or correct.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hitler Was A Great Man And The Gestapo Were Fabulous Pol Sep 29, 2010
RobbyG wrote:UNbelievable.

Perhaps Khomeini from Iran is a great man also...


:shock: I wouldn't be surprised as temp marriages are allowed and legal in Iran and I read some of Khomeni's crap and its exactly that Crap !
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Re: Hitler was a great man and the Gestapo were fabulous pol Sep 29, 2010
It's all a matter of perception,

Bethsmum wrote:The British Army are not 'freedom fighters'. They are a well trained, disciplined force, not some bunch of ragheads firing guns into the air indiscriminately. Do grow up and talk sensibly.

BTW during the Iranian revolution the BBC introduced the Ayatollah to the world as a great man. They called him a "A Gandhi like figure"
Misery Called Life
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Re: Hitler Was A Great Man And The Gestapo Were Fabulous Pol Sep 29, 2010
^MCL, you've got to remember that the regime the revolution overthrew was pretty brutal and corrupt in the eyes of those who weren't in the chosen circles.

One of the worst accusations against the revolutionaries is that they used the torture chambers and techniques that the Shah's secret police (the notorious Savak) against Iranians. (i.e. an Animal Farm scenario).

DD - I've debated temporary marriages with Shia, and they do present it as a 'recommended' practice. Logic doesn't really come into this - the argument is that 'Here's a pronouncement from one of the Imams saying it is ok - so it is ok.'

However the allegations against Khomeni are heinous and bad enough that I'll park it in a 'to be confirmed category'.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hitler Was A Great Man And The Gestapo Were Fabulous Pol Sep 29, 2010
When ideology takes over logic, I get irritated. Fiercely. ;)
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Re: Hitler Was A Great Man And The Gestapo Were Fabulous Pol Sep 29, 2010
^A word of caution then: don't 'debate' with loons! :)

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Re: Hitler Was A Great Man And The Gestapo Were Fabulous Pol Sep 29, 2010
shafique wrote:^A word of caution then: don't 'debate' with loons! :)


Uh...hate to say it shaf, but maybe its time you took your own advice and stopped.
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Re: Hitler Was A Great Man And The Gestapo Were Fabulous Pol Sep 29, 2010
Wise words.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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